This is an interesting quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, because it shows how the ego can control some people. They offer some very good insight for all of us in the last couple of lines.
Questioner: Council, what you are saying, if I understand correctly, the ego would much rather have a good time and indulge itself than to ever really set itself aside and enjoy the act of giving?
The Council: That is right. The ego allows an individual to feel sorry for themselves, to see what they do not have, what they want and they do not have. It blinds them to what they do have, the opportunities they have. It is a willful blindness, it is a willful blindness, and it is so sad because the irony of it is many times those people do things that could help them eliminate their karma but they are so self-indulgent that they cannot see that. So they do things as an obligation and not from the heart. There is a saying that goes this way: All things serve the Lord. How true, how true, how true. The last joke and the biggest is on those kinds of people. Our heart goes out to them because they are so blind. If they would only listen to what we have said. It is so sad. But if that type of individual, those kinds of people were to ever open their eyes and look at the reality of life, they can make tremendous strides ahead, where some of you and like many of us took small baby steps, those kinds of individuals can take giant steps forwards because they can be filled with a new enthusiasm, a new joy of self-discovery. We would like to say to each one of those individuals look beyond the present time and don't be satisfied with hand-me-downs and second-bests, they will never be as good as what you could have had.
One added comment to what we said. There is nothing more important in life than those you love and those that are family, even extended families, for therein lies the seed of your resurrections.
For more on William LePar and The Council visit