The End Of The Age .... the ascended masters
Sourced from the pain and the hope of the journey within through physical spheres,,
there arises in many, based on physical world conditioning, function, and experience,...
the desire to condemn and punish those one feels are condemning and punishing.
Really, behind denial, it is simply the subtle attachment and belief to those systems still.
Accompanied by 'irateness' when that system of 'crime and punishment' is not respected,
honored, and secured.
'And the 'righteous' shall always find 'unrighteousness',... why?
Because that is what they believe in.... 'righteousness and 'unrighteousness' .
'Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth.'
Seems holy on the surface,...
yet it is near the core of the failure of consciousness in the physical world,
along with a number of other primary misunderstandings.
The control system of taught thought and belief does not conceive of or honor the realities where
oneness does not waver, where reward and unreward are irrelevant as they are not guiding
neither diminish, neither increase.
Where qualities neither diminish nor waver.
And within that oneness is everything.
Everything ,including love, including joy, including everything.....
As nice or not nice any particular beings from, for example, off earth, may be,...
they are irrelevant in this way...
Unless the key of imagined increase and imagined decrease, and the support control systems,
internal and external, is unlocked...
The inner consciousness cannot 'morph in to', that which can experience the unwavering fullness
which interpenetrates all duality nature and movement,
and man will, each man will, remain a self imagined 'victim' still.
None of this implies that one should reject the worlds of duality....
Rather, it implies that one may safely embrace fully all that lies within the worlds defined by
dualistic nature and perception....
all experiences, all feelings.... with ease......
One finds them self freely able to immerse themselves in the play called gain and loss, fullness
and not fullness, love and less love....
without their experience of the fullness of love, peace, beauty, well being, rest in source.....etc....
diminishing or wavering.
One who is established in these understandings no longer has the need to reject anything...
nor to hold to 'one thing vs another' order to 'maintain' certain preferred states of
consciousness, understanding, or beingness.
They no longer find themselves 'locked in' to experiencing the 'play', the 'movie' , in a way as if
the play, movie comprise all of reality ...which is....
This of course feels quite safe,in a way, although at the same time you can experience all the
feelings, etc, that are part of 'the movie you are being in'
by yourself, and also with other souls.
One of the keys to being in experience of the state of unwavering existence within....
is to accept both having and not having,
and to allow that to be okay.
That if you feel only 'some' love.... that you let that be okay.
That if you only feel mediocre, that you allow your self to be okay with that.
That if you feel some negativity or limitation, that you allow that, and allow it to be....
With these simple practical motions,
eons of diffusion can begin to clear, and the mind can then experience with less distortion,
less destructive sheer forces against it....
it will have had opened within itself the 'more' that always has been , always is, and always will
This is the friend and partner of life.
And from there you can share, you can join, you can do anything.... everything.
Be at one , but don't reject not being at one....
and you will have come closer.
We are...
the ascended masters
hilarion 7 July 2013