Friday, June 01, 2012
The End
CM: Hello beloved; this is CM coming to you to inform you of a matter that requires your attention. There is going to be an event that will capture the attention of most of the inhabitants of the planet, otherwise it will be a global event.
Anonymous: Can you say when approximately?
CM: LOL. As usual beloved, I will not give any time due to the sensitivity of the matter and the surprise factor that ought to remain as is. Your government is going to issue a sort of propagandist news to divert your attention to something benign while another game is played. Like the magician, hiding the hand that will rob you of more of your liberties and actually cause you great harm. Yes, as annoying as it may sound, we must keep the information broad while indicating some of the actual data needed to catch the attention.
Anonymous: I still have no clue as to what you mean and I am guessing again that it is the point?
CM: Exactly. You are catching on pretty quickly. To you, our dear, malevolent ones, you have spent the time given to you to reflect and change your perspective, by plotting strange and truly venomous attacks on the population which has kept out of power under your hypnotic ways. I know that I have given numerous warnings to you, to the dismay of so many, but that is the way in which grace is given to you. To your discredit, you have not bulged one inch in your position to subdue and control your fellow humans; you have been irretrievably obstinate in your stance.
We have been enormously generous to you, although you have shown over and over again that you do not deserve it. We have exhausted all possibilities of redemption for you and that means absolutely nothing to you. Well! Dear ones it is over and I cannot emphasize anymore that I have. We do understand that our words are empty according to your understanding and we must insist, for the last time, that this is not a threat but, rather a promise to you that indeed TIME IS UP.
I will no longer waste anytime for your sake since you are done. All is in place and everything is marching against you and gaining momentum exponentially. With much love to you also, I bid farewell, my dear ones.
Affectionately yours, Christ Michael Aton, Sovereign Son of Nebadon
Anonymous: Thank you CM.
All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2012 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
When we have been deliberately confused for all of this time we have been here on our Mother can we be blamed for not trusting a word anyone says to us? Channelers here....channelers says one thing another says another...what a joke. If this message is for real...which i doubt....then I have lost all respect. We are getting hope and fear mongering from all sides and "they" say, "trust your gut", "just..go with your heart" yet, "use all discernment." If they really knew what "they" say "they" know......they would not judge or throw in the towel so-to-speak. Maybe "they" should fault themselves a little for the puffy fluff and skirtin the issue many times when questions are asked. Sorry...this message makes me mad. : /
Starone , this is a SERIOUS message from CMAton and you belittle it.
It´s sad