Next up on the Galactic blogs are another one of the main groups in the Anchara Alliance the Eta Draconians. They were some of the chief architects and the strategic planners of the Anchara Alliance. They helped the Anchara Alliance get the wars they wanted in the past. They were also known for their diplomatic skills. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors
Present Status And Location
The Star-Nation of Eta Draconis formerly belonged to the Draconian Empire. She served as main headquarters for the Draconian diplomatic corps, which was spread throughout the Anchara Alliance. The Beings of Eta Draconis also acted as overseers of the Draconian Empire. The Empire's 'gem' was, of course, Orion. In order to maintain a powerful hold over the Empire, her rulers encouraged heavy, selective immigration from the star-nations of the Draco constellation to that of Orion and their other dependencies. Eta Draconians considered our Solar System part of their Empire, as well. They became a member of the Galactic Federation Of Light in 1998. Eta Draconis, a giant yellow star with a dwarf star companion, is often paired with Zeta Draconis. In Arabic, both are called Aldhibain. Eta Draconis is part of the body of the constellation of Draco. It is located between the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which contain the Big and Little Dipper respectively. You can see Eta Draconis by looking above the double star Gamma Ursa Minor that forms the farthest outer edge of the 'Little Dipper'. Eta Draconis is approximately 88 light years from Earth.
Solar System Of Eta Draconis
The Solar System of Eta Draconis consists of eight planets, with the four smallest closest to the sun and the largest the farthest away. Of the two innermost planets in this system, one is one-eighth the size of our planet, while the other is only slightly larger. The innermost planet's extremely thin, highly ionized atmosphere glows dimily owing to constant discharges from her sun, which the Eta Draconians call Qart'Lu'Takr'Rw ('Sacred Light'). The next world is more congenial to life. She is nearly the same size as Earth and has an atmosphere similar to our planet. Nonetheless, this planet is hot and semi-arid, with two large continents covered mostly by high,coastal mountains ranges and enormous deserts. Shallow seas and drying seabeds surround her continents. Five miniature seas are all that remains of a once large, integrated ocean. Evaporation has left a mere 40 percent of her sea floor submerged. The rest has become a bewildering maze of dry, desolate canyons, low mountain ranges, and muddy, salty ooze that dries to a hard, metallic luster. Life on this planet is abundant and diverse. While a predominantly reptilian population inhabits her lands, her dying seas support schools of giant, plated ancient fish and tiny crustaceans. Flora and fauna unique in the Eta Draconis Solar System, and this galaxy, flourish here. The three most remote planets in the Qart'Lu'Takr'Rw Solar System are 'gas giants' that have much in common with our own Solar System's large, outermost spheres. Unlike them, however, these worlds rotate far more rapidly, and they are surrounded by uniquely beautiful ring systems. These outer planets display other atmospheric anomalies such as Jupiter's conspicuous giant red spot. The ring systems that encircle them are equal to those of Saturn or narrower, like those of our Uranus or Neptune.
Description Of Home Worlds
Eta Draconis' two main homeworlds are hot and semi-arid. The first, called Sam'Kech'Qlah ('Amazing Dry Place') is a large, dry planet, measuring approximately 9,500 miles in diameter. Twelve moons revolve around Sam 'Kech 'Qlah: the largest, three-quarters the size of our moon, is surrounded by a thick, life-sustaining atmosphere. The second homeworld, called Seck'Ha'Lak'Bekn ('Wonderous Wet Land'), is more abundant in water. She is the same size as the first planet, but has only five continents, four of which are as dry and barren as those found on Sam 'Kech'Qlah. The fifth landmass contains a huge, inland sea that makes the interior less desolate. A chain of rivers flows toward this mini-ocean from the mountain range that rims its northern shore. Forests, consisting of exotic tree ferns, conifers, and primitive deciduous trees and bushes, stretch down, in unbroken vistas, to the beaches' edge. Red or blue mountains, streaked with purple, soar above her continents. Amid such extravagant natural settings, many strange and wonderful life forms - insect, amphibian, dinosaurian, and reptilian - make their homes. And here, on this world, stands the sacred cultural capital of the Eta Draconians - the site of her most sacred temples and institutions of higher learning.
Changes Occurring In Eta Draconis' Society
The rulers of Eta Draconis were their Empire's diplomats and overseers, who saw it as their glorious obligation to maintain this domain. The task of negotiating the Anchara Treaties had been one of their primary responsibilities. Suddenly, the Draconian rulers, realizing that they had a duty to ensure that this peace process could be achieved, used their enormous influence to guarantee its success. This decision had an incalculable effect on the social order. As with most of the other societies that belonged to the Anchara Alliance, theirs was exceedingly hierarchical and tyrannical. The ruling elite wished to change the living conditions of the so-called lower castes, who were poorly treated and lived in very spartan circumstances. Ancharan societies have an innate capacity for developing their natural abilities to the utmost and for reshaping things in their own style. Therefore, after compairing galactic culture to their own on Eta Draconis, they decided that they had to create a Reptilian, Dinosaurian, and Ancharan concept of Galactic Society. Rather than a clan system, they decided to implement a governmental structure that retained the well-known Eta Draconian efficiency. That is, a task was assigned and complete, successfully and on time. They also agreed to abolish their Ruling Councils. Eta Draconis, in fact, was actually the first Dinosaurian society in the Anchara Alliance to eliminate these Councils, which previously had been their elite governing body. They replaced them with a parliament whose members had been part of the original dynamic councils. These new groups in turn, would unite to form the major Ruling Council. No longer was there a succession of dictators who addressed the people of Eta Draconis directly from Thuban (Alpha Draconis), the Empire's major ruling Star-Nation. Throughout all of our planets history, Thuban has been the most dreaded place of the galaxy. Now, however, the Beings of Eta Draconis no longer feared them, nor did they consider them the primary representatives of their planet, of the Anchara Alliance, or even of the Draconian Empire. Instead, they decided to take advantage of the special opportunity created by the Treaties of Anchara to institute a Galactic Society, in accordance with the traditional concepts first promulgated by Anchara. They issued a series of decrees to the former Draconian Empire. Through diplomatic channels, they presented these decrees to the major Councils of the Empire and, using their connections, set out to transform it. Their purpose was to assemble, within the Galactic Federation Of Light, a united group that adhered to the dictates of Anchara. For them, the crucial element was change. A fresh new breeze, based upon heart and the Light, was sweeping through the former home worlds of the vast Anchara Alliance. Using their influence, they began to initiate an exhaustive series of changes. It is an extraordinary story. Consequently, the Eta Draconis Beings, as a group, have entirely changed the way members of the Anchara Alliance perceive each other and the Galactic Federation Of Light. In fact, they are actually the ones most responsible for the new synthesis unfolding now throughout these formerly dark realms.
Physical Description Of The Eta Draconians
The inhabitants of the Eta Draconis Star System are a Dinosaurian/Reptilian (Shape-Shifter) hybrid that migrated from the constellation of Cepheus approximately 35 million years ago. Typically, their bodies are very scaly with occasional, prominent ridges and crests. The top of the head is crowned by a large crest that rims the forehead and stretches down the back. Large eyes are set on either side of a very small nose. They are either brown or dull yellow, and resemble those of our planets snakes. Thin, dark lips, extending from one side of the head to the other, trace the edges of the mouth. The ears are large, circular masses covered by very smooth membranes more than 7 inches in diameter. They are located on either side of the head, just behind the eyes. The skin has the rough scaliness of a reptile; it glistens like that of a crocodile, alligator, or toad and is green, yellow, brown, or red. A narrow ridge running up the middle of the back is connected to the larger ridge on the back of the head. This Being is a biped. It has thin hands with three, clawed fingers and four-toed feet that have short, very sharp, claws. The tail is very large and narrow, like a reptile's and extends just beyond the feet. Eta Draconis males are shorter than their females. Males stand between 7.5 and 8 feet tall, while female heights vary from 8.25 to 9.5 feet. These Beings normally require 5 to 6 hours of sleep per day. The clothes of Eta Draconis' inhabitants resemble most others in the former Anchara Alliance. The Beings of Qart'Lu'Takr'Rw wear an array of spectacular robes overlaid with sheer, multicolored blouses, similar to those worn by the inhabitants of Bellatrix. Epaulettes marked with special graphic designs and command colors adorn the shoulders of the outer robe to designate the individual's rank and commendations. Aboard spacecraft, the Beings of Eta Draconis wear a relaxed fit, two-piece jumpsuit. The waist-length top is attached to the matching pants, creating what appears to be a one-piece outfit. The jumpsuit, silver or gray, is embellished with the color codes and graphic designs that signify rank and conferred honors. Boots are an integral part of this uniform, and merge with the pants in a seemingly undivided whole. Eta Draconians are celebrated for their extraordinary talents in diplomacy and for their remarkable aptitude for mind control. A chameleon-like capacity to change their skin's look, feel, and color is integral in their use of brainwashing. In such a way, they can actually induce large groups of another species to believe they are one of them. During the past 25 million years, the Eta Draconians have also been the Anchara Alliance's main diplomatic arm for this sector of the galaxy. As part of this responsibility, they undertook the indoctrination of all the Draconian-governed star systems in this galaxy. The language of Eta Draconis is very guttural, with bellows and frequent hisses.
Ships Of Eta Draconis
Some Eta Draconis scout craft resemble large beetles, while others have the traditional, large-domed saucer shape. These scout ships extend between 50 and 600 feet in length. Motherships vary from 10 to 20,000 miles long and look like either a most unusual stack of large eggs, or a very large sphere.