Mass Arrests and Containment – Part 1/2

2012 JULY 6 2:01 PM
Posted by Steve Beckow

The sketch of a native of a higher plane: SaLuSa

I’ve made a factual error which I need to set right and then I need to re-examine the material related to the “mass arrests” and “containment” in light of that error.

In the article “Perhaps Let’s Think for a Moment,” I said:

“The celestials saw [the problem with the term 'mass arrests'] and never intended to act on that new direction that we – not the galactics and not the celestials – had created. Yes, SaLuSa used the word ‘arrests’ but he didn’t use the word ‘mass arrests.’ I expect that he was trying to use our word as far as he could. But the celestials have overruled that course of action. And I’m glad they did. …

“So I do hear that people are frustrated, angry, disbelieving, and all manner of states hearing that an idea that we humans hatched (namely, “mass arrests”), not an idea that our heavenly protectors came up with, will not be the way things are going to be handled.” (1)

In fact, having searched the First Contact database after repeated requests by various readers, I found that four sources – SaLuSa, the galactics through Greg Giles, Sananda through James McConnel, and Matthew Ward use the word “arrests” in their messages. Moreover, SaLuSa and Greg Giles’s sources use the term “mass arrests.”

My assertion, therefore, that SaLuSa did not use the words “mass arrests” was wrong and my further assumption that mass arrests were a terrestrial and not a galactic notion, was also mistaken.

Let me look at the discussion of this subject.

On March 5, 2012, SaLuSa said that “after months and years of preparation, a sudden push has started a whole series of arrests and resignations, that is sending fear through the ranks of the dark Ones. … There will be no let up until the Illuminati are removed from their positions of power, and that is proceeding with all speed. ” (2)

So in fact, according to SaLuSa, who is one of my most respected sources, a whole series of arrests had already started in March.

On May 4, 2012, he said that “the immense work put in to rid you of the Illuminati and their minions, is about to pay off and result in large scale arrests. This requires our allies to be at the ready, and for us to back them up to ensure it all runs smoothly. We do not wish to see panic result from the purges taking place, or violence resulting from the news of such events becoming public.” (3)

So SaLuSa here says that the Earth allies will make the arrests with the galactics backing them up. He acknowledges the possibility of panic and violence resulting.

On May 11, he uses the term “mass arrests”:

“So much is happening, but we are not always at liberty to give you the details. … In short time we will also play our part in bringing out the facts directly to the public. You are looking at weeks, rather than months, for the mass arrests to take place. However it is a big operation that cannot start until everything is in place. Having come this far we want it to run smoothly, with as little trouble as possible. …

“They shall answer for their involvement in the wars, as will any member of the Forces who have engaged in crimes against the people. Many atrocities have taken place that you are unaware of, but the truth cannot be concealed.” (4)

On May 25, he calls this effort “the final thrust from our allies that will put an end to the delays and see us all celebrating the end of the dark Ones.” (5) On June 29, SaLuSa says:

“The hot topic that occupies most of you is the commencement of the arrests so that you are in no doubt that the final days of the Cabal have arrived. Needless to say, it will cause a sensation across the world and the media will have to respond.

“They will be inundated with calls asking for an explanation, and eventually even those that are conservative will be forced to give the true reasons for what is happening.

“There will be official announcements in the US, and careful steps taken to ensure that people have the correct understanding of why the arrests are taking place. Doubt will exist until it becomes clear that the actions are in the interests of all people, by providing a scenario whereby they can be released from the hold of the dark Ones.

“There will be deliberate disinformation circulated by those still under the control of the Illuminati, but we will make it clear that the Military are involved as a back up for those making the arrests. They are not execution squads and will only use weapons if they or the Marshalls are attacked in the course of their legitimate pursuits.” (6)

And on July 2, he acknowledges: “The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place.” (7)

And finally he cautions us against taking matters into our own hands:

“There is no need for you to try and take justice into your on hands, but simply allow for matters to take their own course. Your time will be far better spent helping to bring stability to your locality, and spreading calmness where it is needed. You do not however have to do everything yourselves, as our allies will take prominent roles and eventually we shall also be with you.” (8)

The messages from the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command through Greg Giles also discuss mass arrests and perhaps in the footnote appended, I can simply list some dates for you to look at rather than run through those as well. (9)

In the next article I’d like to look again at what Archangel Michael has said in light of the alteration to the picture provided by correcting my mistake and knowing that the galactics have discussed “mass arrests.”


Mass Arrests and Containment – Part 2/2

2012 JULY 6 2:00 PM
Posted by Steve Beckow

Now let’s look at some of the operative statements from Archangel Michael on the same subject.

In An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael has said some things which now need interpretation because they themselves may be confusing in light of what SaLuSa has said.

In that radio program he said “the intergalactics, the Galactic Federation, are not responsible for what you think of as mass arrests, of herding those that you hold responsible for the pain and injury and the duality polarity, the false paradigms of Earth.”

The galactics are responsible for their notion of mass arrests but not for our notion of mass arrests. Our notion is to hang ‘em high, or, as Micah said, “bring the sons-a-bitches down.” No, the galactics are not responsible for that.

He explained that:

“You did not come to participate solely in destruction, solely in things like mass arrests — for really what does this mean? What I would suggest to you is that the idea or the term of mass arrests, whether it is with the Intergalactic Council or the [Galactic] Federation, or your star brothers and sisters scattered far and wide, for lightworkers and lightholders, has a very different meaning.” (1)

So the galactics are not responsible for any ideas of “herding those that [we] hold responsible for the pain and injury and the the duality polarity, the false paradigms of Earth.”


It was this comment by Archangel Michael that I misinterpreted as saying that the galactics were not responsible for the notion of mass arrests at all.

But, in actuality, Archangel Michael is making a distinction here between mass arrests as the galactics would handle them and mass arrests as we would handle them.

I returned to questioning him during my personal reading on July 4 and the next relevant statement he made was: “Can the human beings, the collective, choose to appoint themselves and go and start arresting people? Yes.” (2) If the mass arrests that SaLuSa talks turned people into a self-appointed mob, by the law of freewill, the Company of Heaven would not interfere. That is in fact what happened with Atlantis. We were allowed to fail. We were allowed to turn our backs on Ascension.

He then went on to describe what would occur if we became a mob in the process of making mass arrests ourselves:

“There is no evidence that we see that those who would be on the delivery line of making such mass arrests would not simply be generating more of the same. … Who, who do you think will be in charge of making and coordinating such a massive undertaking? Well, it will be one who seeks control. And that is what you are breaking away from.”

“If you are looking for storm troopers, dear one, if you are looking for the activation of forces, then you are looking in the wrong place”


We can see that no mass arrests happened on July 4, which is the date that Drake predicted in his discussion of the green flag. AAM refers to this:

“So, as you observe whether there are or there are not mass arrests, you will know. … Are there changes in the leadership that has been abhorrent to us? Do they seem to be shifting in their understanding of what is love? These are your litmus tests.”

So how many will ultimately be arrested? Archangel Michael says: “There are some that will simply be arrested because that is what the human collective wants to have happen.” Does he give us any idea of the number. Yes, he states: “We would say that that would be less than 100 people on your planet.”

AAM and I then had the following conversation:

Archangel Michael: We have been very busy with our containment-undertaking project. …

Steve Beckow: Why then does SaLuSa talk about arrests? Why does he not talk about containment?

AAM: Because that has not been information that has been readily available to him .


SB: So the galactics — well, I don’t know if I should say the galactics — but at least SaLuSa does not know about containment…

AAM: No, it is not their purview to speak of it. It is not their purview to undertake it. This is an action undertaken — and let us say exceptionally rarely — by us.

SB: And who is “us”, Lord?

AAM: By the archangels. By the Company of Heaven. Particularly by the archangels, by the Mighty Ones. …

SB: When can we expect to see the galactics speaking in the same way that you’re speaking? How long do we have to wait before this difference in speaking is reconciled?

 AAM: We will have this discussion with them right now.

SB: And so we could expect to see in the channeled messages that come up very soon some alteration in manner of speaking?

AAM: Some alteration in the explanation of what is anticipated.


So we are now waiting to see an alteration in the way the galactics discuss what has been called the mass arrests, one that takes into account what Archangel Michael chooses to call the containment.

Let me add that the containment is a general name. The very top Illuminati, as I understand things, are being removed to other locations, I would imagine to be tried in intergalactic courts of law. I don’t know that for a fact. It’s something I’ve heard from confidential sources.

As to the legal process in those courts, SaLuSa tells us:

“We have Courts that are unlike yours and presided over by many High Beings of Light. Lies and subterfuge have no place in them, because there is no point in trying to deny that which is irrevocable and recorded in the ethers of life.” (3)

The next rung of the Illuminati may also be removed but their bodies may remain with walked-in inhabitants to provide the continuity that we demand. They also may be tried. I don’t know. Again I’m going on what I’ve heard.

The people who will be contained are people who are not being removed from the planet. AAM discusses who they are here:


“You may look to those, and what we have begun with is those who are what you would think of as heads of state or military coup leaders on the negative side….

“So you can look to the removal of effective power by many who have been in positions of leadership. And we don’t just mean the heads of state, we also mean those in positions of social leadership, financial leadership, because that is very connected to the equalization of resources.

“Similarly, those who have positions of power in the military, all militaries, who have been fully aware of your star brothers and sisters but who only wish to engage in warring scenarios — well, that is never going to happen. So they are also on our list of containment.”

It’s beneficial with some of them who have a change of heart to allow them to continue in their positions, contained so that they can do no harm, like Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, for instance.

“They are penetrated deeply, profoundly — more than you can imagine — by the light and the love. And you already know how intense that is. Until then, all that remains within that individual is the return to light and love.

“So, do we want to have people removed from their positions? Not necessarily. Because if they remain — and this is a call on our side, not yours — but if they remain in that position and become the true light of love, then they are uniquely positioned to create massive change. And that can be beneficial for the whole.”


Looking past the containments and arrests, Matthew Ward has said that many Illuminati figures will succumb as light levels rise on the planet:

 “The infusion of light that enabled Earth to survive death throes some seventy years ago is restoring the ‘stolen’ DNA in light-receptive individuals, and not everyone is. A body without any light except the spark that is its life force cannot live in the vibrations prevailing on Earth—it will die from any one of the reasons that death has long come to Earth’s residents, and some influential individuals you see in TV film clips are clones of the persons who have died. Bodies with a small degree of light beyond the spark can last a bit longer, but they too will give out as vibrations become increasingly more powerful the closer Earth approaches fourth density’s doorstep.” (4)

So the galactics do refer to “mass arrests.” I was mistaken to say otherwise. Those people who worry that the Illuminati are being allowed to remain on the planet and fear that they’ll work mayhem and murder need to realize that the chief troublemakers will be removed from the planet and no such outcome is possible for those who are placed in containment. In a sense they’re in a light prison, a more humane prison that the ones we build. They are there by archangelic order and will remain until they’re purified of all evil intent.


Proceeding in this manner ensures that the populace won’t descend into mob justice and stain its hands with blood while still removing the cabal from power and influence. Meanwhile the worst of the worst Illuminati are escorted from the planet and tried in halls of justice elsewhere, while a few are tried in courts here to educate the public on their crimes.






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  • FW, Oh so your an american living in Austria, I understand, I have lived all over the world and the first thing I had to do was to become non american, they are not liked much around the world, especially for there War mongering. I am doing the same living here in Belize, Keeping Far away from that police state society as possible. But close enough that if I have to return to collect on my inheritance, its a family fraud. They have signed me off my part saying I was dead and my little half brother took the land and property, so I am going to sue and or prosecute. AS you can see I don't like the USA but I don't like Belize either . I want to go to the inner earth or to the new earth if they are still going to do that thing as plans keep changing, blessings,Adonai

  • WOW, FW, your mother voted for bush, what a mistake. The only time I ever voted when I was there was to vote against both of them. Did you read the article I posted about  bush sr. actually being the son of Hitler. At the end of the war parro  bush adopted him and changed his name from shaffer to Bush. So George Bush Sr. was not only ill-legit son but he was not born in america so he was the first Illigal president and the Hitler legecy continued on. obama is the 2nd illegal president and also a follower of Hitler which of course is of the DC. Boy you have a job on your hands to convince her other-wise, but you know what, its probly better to let her find out for herself as all of this corruption comes out, then you can explain things to her about bush and obama.Adonai

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