The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
January 10, 2015
Blossom: Hello there, and welcome to the year of 2015.I was wondering if it would be appropriate for you to give us a message, as towhat YOU see this coming year holding for us?
The Federation of Light: In greatest of Loving EnergyDearest Souls, we join in communion with you all once again. In the passing ofthe old year into the new, there has been an exchange of Energy between thatwhich no longer served … and bringing through that of a New Energy. A HigherEnergy that you shall discover … to your delight … assists you greatly in thelifting of your spirit-self into a place that brings much joy.
Along with the festivities of your Christmas time …which can create a tiredness, due to possible indulgence of many things … thisexchange of Energy has also brought a tiredness as it makes its ‘swop’. In theletting go of the old … it is allowing the body to release toxins and certainbiological deformities that must be rid from your immediate inner functionings.
Blossom: When you say ‘swop’ … what exactly do youmean?
The Federation of Light: We mean that you are‘swopping’ this Energy for that which serves you … to a much Higher benefit.
Blossom: Yet, who/what/where/when are we swopping thisEnergy with?
The Federation of Light: You are sending it back intoa ‘place’ where it can once again be renewed into a finer source. Therefore, itis not discarded … simply recycled, if you like … and re-energized, so that itis once again of use.