The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
January 15, 2015
Blossom: Hello my friends. Straight to it, if I may? A video has been put out, of a
Lightship and 5 orbs descending from it. First of all, are you there?
Lightship and 5 orbs descending from it. First of all, are you there?
The Federation of Light: Welcome in Loving arms to you and your dilemma.
Indeed, it is a dilemma … for as you know, secondly I am going to ask … is this for
real or is this a hoax?
real or is this a hoax?
The Federation of Light: We would say to you in all OUR TRUTH that this Light show
is not one from which we would take our name upon.
is not one from which we would take our name upon.
Blossom: In other words it is a hoax?