The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
October 25, 2014
October 25, 2014
Blossom: Here we are once more … Hello! I am keen to carry on with the current topic of ‘nothing matters’. Trusting that is ok?
The Federation of Light (FoL): Benevolent greetings to Each One. Indeed, we are also keen to assure you of reasoning’s behind ‘matters’ that ‘don’t matter!
Blossom: My word, you’re in fine fettle this morning! So … onwards. Many have written in, asking me to address the issue of karma, and how that all ties in with this subject … Off you go!
FoL: We have spoken to you before, regarding issues of this nature. In that … One does not ‘get away’ with anything. For that which One gives out … be it of LOVING kindness … or be it of abuse to the soul in its many forms … One receives back a thousand fold.
Blossom: So then … surely that would matter? If one was full of hatred and spent their life time ‘offering’ hate … when they passed over … how miserable it would be to receive all that they had given out … a thousand fold! That WOULD matter to that soul wouldn’t it? It would matter to them THEN, that they had not chosen to offer LOVE.
FoL: Yet, they CHOSE hate for that life time. To learn lessons … to experience ‘that side’ of things … from that vantage point. Having learned that lesson … they may well go on to another life time and offer only LOVE of the Highest frequency. KNOWING what they KNOW from a deeper soul perspective.
Let us look at ‘CHOOSING’ shall we? One can CHOOSE to BE anything/anyone that suits them at that time. In general One follows their heart … and the pathway in which that takes them … determines how much, or how little they benefit.