The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
January 23, 2015
Blossom: Good morning! Within me, there seems to be an inner excitement about this year, and yet, I don’t really know why? A sort of expectancy … or maybe, because it’s a new year once again … I am simply full of hope! Anyone home?
The Federation of Light: We are always home. We are always who we are in our TRUTH … which of course is home to us. The same way for you, is it not? When you are full of Love and all is running smoothly in your life … you FEEL you are home.
Today shall be a little different once again.
Blossom: In what way?
The Federation of Light: In the ways of bringing about a change of direct contact through these words … and allowing, through you … a more meticulous vantage point in which to get our message across.
Blossom: No idea what you’re on about … to be honest.
The Federation of Light: We would ask Blossom if you would agree to letting go of this way of communicating … to a certain degree and allowing a new scheme to present itself.