The First Trimester by Denise Le Fay


FIRST TRIMESTER: Winter Solstice 12-21-12 until Spring/Vernal Equinox 3-20-13 (in the northern hemisphere - opposite in the southern hemisphere)
Cosmic Awareness (see link to Rainbow at the end of my article) has called the period from 12-21-12 to 9-22-13 the “Nine Month” period. From the Expiration Date and Shift Point of December 21, 2012, these nine months fall into three seasonal trimesters of gestation for humanity:



12-21-12 Winter Solstice winter months is the First Trimester
3-20-13 Spring Equinox spring months is the Second Trimester
6-20-13 Summer Solstice summer months is the Third Trimester

Many years ago I discovered a couple of online Ascension Teachers’ writings talking about how everyone on Earth was going to ascend to 5D in December 2012 come hell or high-water. Everyone will ascend, eventually, just not all of them will do so at the same exact time that some wrote about many years ago.

We Forerunners/Pathpavers/Starseeds/Lightworkers have attended many higher dimensional (‘Inner Planes’) Council Meetings to discuss Ascension-related updates, difficulties, potential problems and so on. We’ve met like this repeatedly over the years, some of us for decades, to exchange information about potential Ascension problems, minor changes, seeming setbacks, repeated delays, necessary time extensions in the physical dimension, and the wonderful accelerated periods and large progressions increasing numbers of people were making with the Ascension Process as well.

But many of us, myself included, have always known that no matter how much more time we Forerunners waited for and how hard we continued working to help the stragglers decide to get on-board this current Ascension train, that everyone would not fully ascend at the same time or in one grand leap from dense Dark 3D physical Duality into full Light nonphysical 5D Triality.

It would have been extraordinarily wonderful of course if every soul incarnate on Earth could have done this together during the “Three Days of Darkness” - December 21, 22, 23, 2012 - but that is one major leap for anyone to make no matter how developed and aware they are, let alone billions of people doing so en masse at the same moment on Earth! Difficult yes, but not utterly impossible.

But what’s happened is that an extension period has been given by Source (for different reasons) to all of us in an attempt to, yet again, give more people more time to finally realize a couple of very important things; things such as finally deciding to individually and internally empower themselves which instantly aligns them vibrationally with a matching frequency near-future Earth world and timeline, such as “Planet A/B”. It’s that simple, yet for so many its still terribly difficult.

Because of how big this rare and grand Universal evolutionary shift/leap actually was/is, there’s needed to be many tweaks and more waiting time added to the Ascension Process over the years leading up to the Expiration Date and Shift Point of 12-21-12. However, there’s also been a need for even more time to be added to the Ascension Process after 12-21-12 for those billions of souls still not ready to make such an extreme and colossal evolutionary shift from what’s been strictly negative 3D Dense Duality, directly into full positive 5D Light integrated Triality!

That is one immense - and for most people - impossibly extensive evolutionary shift to make in one single move from such extreme 3D negativity, dense Duality and Duality Consciousness, directly into 5D Triality High Heart Consciousness and Light.
As much as we Forerunners/Starseeds/Lightworkers/Pathpavers want this freedom for all souls incarnate on Earth now, it is not and never was the only two (duality consciousness) options available to humanity and Earth.

We Forerunners volunteered to incarnate into negative controlled 3D Dense Duality to Build the Bridge; to Pave the Pathway; to Bring in and Embody the Light so that humanity could even remember that Light existed and realize that other choices do exist for them. Source/God/Divinity is far more creative and complex than only two polarized, dualized extremes such as this, and because of this far more than just those two probable Earth worlds and timelines are and will be available for all of humanity to choose from.

These multiple choices are what’s been called by some “Planet A/B”, “Planet A”, “Planet B” or I was calling them Earth #1, Earth #2, Earth #3, Earth #4 and so on.
In-between these two radically extreme Earth worlds, dimensions, levels of consciousness and realities exists a transmuted Earth world that I call a transitional Stair Step Earth world; a temporary stepping-stone sort of Earth world that’s not strictly the old negative controlled dense Duality 3D world we all incarnated into in these current lives - nor is it a fully polarity resolved, integrated, unified and ascended nonphysical 5D Triality Earth world of Light either.

This in-between Stair Step Earth world is what Cosmic Awareness, and now myself (I had been calling them Earth #1, #2,, #3, #4 etc.), is calling “Planet A/B”. Planet A/B is an Earth world that’s not in 3D, and not in 5D, but exists in the upper levels of 4D and is a gracious transitional gift from Source for those humans/souls who need a bit more time with far less of an evolutionary leap to make between the profound extremes of the old 3D Earth and full ascension into nonphysical 5D!

There’s always the many different Stair Steps for the many different humans/souls/beings who need them.
Planet A/B is a 4D Astral Earth world where Duality still exists, but - and this is the really important and wonderful part - absolutely NO Team Dark beings and/or humans (such as the old global patriarchal elite etc.) can or will ever run Planet A/B and humanity as they did prior to the Expiration Date of 12-21-12. This is why I’ve always referred to 12-21-12 as the Expiration Date because it was the expiration of Team Dark in all its forms controlling humanity, humanity’s consciousness, suppressing humanity’s spiritual growth, Earth and all systems on Earth.

12-21-12 was the end of that cycle and those negative beings and humans being allowed to control humanity and Earth and other surrounding dimensions as well. End, done, expired. This is why the old global elite patriarchy that are still alive today are not able to get their ways anymore and their “powers” seem to have suddenly dried up and disappeared; the unseen Team Dark Beings are no longer constantly supplying them, their lives and lifestyles any longer with life-force energies pilfered from the rest of humanity!

Now it’s just these empty greedy patriarchal jerks whining and pointing fingers of blame at others and raging and crying over not getting their ways any longer.
But I digress… Planet A/B already exists and we’re living on it during the final “Nine Months” period before the full Separation of Worlds beings around the Equinox in September 2013. Planet A/B will have Duality on it but it will be a balanced, sane, fair and honest world of Duality which will seem like heaven on Earth compared to the hell on Earth we all incarnated into before the Expiration Date!

Planet A/B exists within upper Astral 4D and is that much-needed transitional Stair Step Earth world between the old 3D Dense Duality and nonphysical 5D Light Triality. Many people need the greater ease that this transitional Stair Step Earth world and added time period (about 3,000-3,600 years from the point of full Separation of Multiple Worlds later this year) provides them before they will, en masse ascend fully into nonphysical 5D or Planet A around the end of that timeline.

We’ve actually been inching our way into this 4D Planet A/B for the past couple of years, but by the end of the Third Trimester and start of the Separation of Worlds, this Earth world we’re living on today will fully become “Planet A/B” and the majority of humanity will find themselves on it. The other people who still want or need other systems of learning will end up elsewhere; they will simply perceive themselves existing on an Earth world such as “Planet B” or elsewhere that’s a frequency match for them and what they desire to continue experiencing.

They won’t be consciously aware that anything has changed at all or that there even was a 12-21-12 Expiration Date and Shift Point, the “Nine Months” period after it, or the subsequent Separation of multiple Worlds and timelines in late 2013. Please don’t worry about where people go or don’t go because it’s not your concern when these multiple timelines and multiple realities and Earth-like worlds all separate from each other.

It’s a blessing that the majority of people won’t consciously remember or realize that any of these dramatic evolutionary separations and changes have even happened. This is no different from the majority of people currently unable to remember their “past” lives, or for that matter, most of their nightly dreams.

In other words, because there were not enough people awakened enough to active a planet-wide full ascension to nonphysical 5D at the 12-21-12 Expiration Date Shift Point, there needed to be another tweak to this unfolding Ascension Plan which was the addition of nine more months for, hopefully, many more people to open their minds and hearts to higher awareness within themselves.



severe inner head spinning or vertigo, occasional related nausea, this is connected to the changes in the Thymus (High Heart) gland/chakra

increased Thymus gland pains, pressures, soreness in the center of upper chest area out the front and back of your body

periods of physical heart pounding fast and hard while at complete rest, this is connected to the changes in the Thymus

severe exhaustion and fatigue

muscle and body weakness

ascension flu, chills, body aches, brief stabbing pains in certain areas and/or joints

inner cold flashes

inner hot flashes

after another few rounds of Kundalini Fire…purging diarrhea

unusually severe blurry vision, dry eyes, unusual pressure feeling against eyes

constant ‘ascension tinnitus’, inner ears ringing or humming, buzzing etc.

increased anomalies and phenomena, increased linear time distortions, expanding awareness of the nonphysical Beings and other dimensions etc.

weird and/or highly symbolic dreams, dream messages, continued expanding and evolving awareness/consciousness

increasing higher knowing as opposed to lower frequency linear thinking, intellectualizing etc., expanding functioning of the new High Heart heartmind or heartbrain

increased conscious knowing and inner feeling that nothing is remotely the same since 12-21-12 and that we’re definitely in a different type of transitional period now

severely amplified (and sometimes distorted) sense of smell, smelling scents that aren’t physically there, smelling scents that last for days or weeks, foods smelling differently to you


pets displaying more and/or slightly intensified ascension symptoms too, sickness, pains, difficulties etc.

Love them, tell them Thank You for journeying with you during these intense ascension times. The animals and all life are going through this too

During February 2013 I kept thinking about when I was pregnant with my son long, long ago and how the three trimesters felt to me. During that physical pregnancy the first trimester was, for me, horrible because I vomited everything 24/7 for the first four months straight. This Ascension related First Trimester has been for me, horrible too, in that it has been even more intense than the previous fourteen years of Ascension Processing and accompanying symptoms. Just when you think the Ascension Process cannot possibly get any more intense!

Because I’ve always been highly psychic in this life I knew immediately when I conceived my son - I mean before it had time to happen physically. But I suspect that most people who don’t have this type of higher awareness are instantly flung into all sorts of sudden and unexpected changes the moment they find out they are pregnant. I suspect this same emotional and physical intensity has been the case for all of us in varying degrees since 12-21-12; we all suddenly discovered on 12-24-12 that we had nine more months of being “pregnant” with ourselves and have been in some form of further adjustments and preparation mode ever since.

The ever-present exhaustion symptom has for many of us been amplified tremendously in 2013, making it even more difficult than it was before to carry out the simplest of daily tasks. I’ve dealt with the extreme ascension exhaustion symptom for many years already, but with the start of 1-1-13, it’s increased dramatically. (Your mileage will vary with all the different Ascension symptoms because we’re unique individuals each experiencing this Alchemical process in our own ways.)


With the start of 2-1-13 these energies increased even more dramatically, making the entire month of February 2013 a month like none other! The first day of February 2013, I woke up with the Inner Head Spinning ascension symptom which, when severe, usually causes nausea and forces me into bed. Throughout the first three weeks of February this inner head spinning symptom lessened incrementally day-by-day, until by week three it was to the point that I could finally function without tipping over, walking into walls or vomiting!

A lot of other Ascension symptoms hurt far worse than this one but this one certainly makes it impossible to do much of anything but clutch the bed or chair in an attempt to make the room stop spinning!
Within a day or two of the Inner Head Spinning symptom being almost gone by mid-February, that symptom was replaced with greatly increased Thymus area pains and pressures. I’ve had this Ascension symptom many times before too but never to this level of severity and intensity. In all honesty, the last ten days or so of February through March 2 I wondered if I was going to physically survive the intensity of what was transpiring in my Thymus area.

(The Thymus endocrine gland is located above the physical heart in the center of the upper chest area.) And due to the location of our physical Thymus gland - which is the 5D High Heart seat and center of awareness, ‘unity’ and/or ‘triality’ consciousness etc. - the physical esophagus, and often other nearby organs, experience increased restrictions from spasms, pressures, pain and/or difficulty swallowing foods/liquids and getting them to move down the esophagus into the stomach.

Even some of my ribs and spine/vertebra at and surrounding the High Heart Thymus gland area is sore and bruised feeling just like my skull/scalp gets when major energy changes are taking place inside my head and endocrine brain glands (Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus).

(I am familiar with the four colors - black, white, red, yellow - and stages of old-school Alchemy, but what I’m talking about next is different from those old 3D esoteric teachings due to the current Universal Ascension Process. What I’m going to share next is also not for everyone because everyone is not living this particular Alchemy of the Three Trimesters within the “Nine Months” extension period.)

After weeks of severe Inner Head Spinning followed immediately by about ten days of severe Thymus and physical heart poundings during freaking fabulous February 2013, I perceived a few large blocks of higher awareness information in the form of clairvoyant visuals and simultaneous claircognizant knowing. These blocks of visual information further explained that my physical body has been deep within the First Trimester stage of the Nine Month period and these amplified symptoms are “normal” for where we are now after the 12-21-12 Expiration Date Shift Point, and in the First Trimester, before full Separation of Worlds fully activates physically. section of the visual information I perceived contained three different colored spheres in triangular (Triality) formation. These three (Triality, not two of Duality) colored spheres represented the Three Alchemical Trimesters unfolding during the “Nine Months” period.

One sphere was yellow colored, one red, and one white. (Yes I am aware that old-school Alchemy has a fourth black color and stage/phase along with the other three colors and stages/phases. We’ve already done the black stage over the past fourteen years, and the others too for that matter, but we’re now individually focused on deeper-level, last-minute refinements, resolutions, realizations, further releasing etc. of whatever remaining issues we each have that were revealed to us during the “Three Days of Darkness” (12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12) Life Review.

And it doesn’t matter if you don’t consciously remember your Life Review and what was revealed and understood by you at higher levels of awareness during that time. You know it at deeper levels and those issues have been increasingly revealing themselves to you/me/many but unfortunately not all of us since the start of the First Trimester!

These Three Trimesters of the “Nine Months” really are a Divine gift for each of us to use to further our individual spiritual Ascension Process and ongoing learning. Really utilizing these Three Trimesters to honestly see, deal with, integrate and release into neutral Triality whatever it is that presents itself to you about yourself and your beliefs etc. will benefit you tremendously over the rest of this year and beyond. We’ve all been given this extension period for important reasons; I suggest we each take advantage of the available energies of these Three Alchemical Trimesters to make whatever further inner changes we each need to now.

The three colored spheres also revealed how different each Trimester and phase will be individually, and of course how important it will be when all three Trimesters/phases are completed within us in the physical by the end of the “Nine Month” period. What’s happening internally in our bodies, our consciousness, our lives, our individual little realities is also what’s happening external on the global world stage. Is it any wonder, especially now after the 12-21-12 Shift Point, that so many of us are soul-deep in whatever stuff we still have within us, our belief systems, our families etc.?

While seeing the image of the three colored spheres when my upper Thymus area and lower heart were pounding so hard I wondered if my physical body would survive, I recognized them from old-school Alchemy teachings about the four stages/phases of the Alchemical process. While I was going through this First Trimester phase of this in late February, I had a semi-humorous symbolic visual of myself being covered in dense layer upon layer of dried, brittle concrete that these Divine energies keep repeatedly hitting hard enough that they’re breaking the dense layers and causing them to fall away.

As tired and sick as I am now, I’m still very excited to experience what the Second and Third Trimesters will bring for me, for you, for all of us. Hammer away Divinity, please, hammer away…
I plan on writing a recap near the end of Trimesters Two and Three like this in the hopes that it will help us all better consciously see, realize and understanding the deeper-level individual soul purpose of the Three Trimesters before the Separation of multiple Worlds and timelines fully begins at the September 2013 Equinox.

I cannot impress upon you how really valuable this time from 12-21-12 to 9-22-13 is for each of us and how much more can be gained by simply being honest with ourselves about whatever comes up for us to see, feel and deal with internally now. Use this time wisely because it’s unfolding astonishingly fast.

March 8, 2013 © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link.

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