Is the earth Flat. If you can suspend disbelief and sit through a five minute video maybe you can tell me. Many people think a flat earth is nonsense, but is it?
Relative to the escalating discussion that earth is flat, I am getting a knot in my stomach. Actually, my whole energy system starts to ache and contract. Increasingly my natural breathing is being interrupted and I am starting to feel really sick, because the healthy currents of energy flow in my body are being interrupted. How about you!
Our physical and energy bodies are having without doubt a symbiotic relationship with our present home Earth and her Divine Spirit Gaia. Of course, otherwise we would not be able to live on Her and to evolve with Her.
We are energetically directly connected with her Sacred Being and we are sharing with her the same energetic shape.
The truth is, I feel happy when united with Earth Mother, tacitly knowing She is a sphere. This inner feeling happens in undivided unity consciousness, and I feel it holistically, without engaging the gross thinking mind, while I myself feel whole.
The highest form of a human being is indeed spherical, spherical light, spherical energy. Human beings are spherical beings. And the expression of Ultimate Consciousness is spherical, concerning form.
When I allow myself to feel this sphere, this sphere of light around my physical body, then I feel united with the consciousness of Mother Earth, tacitly knowing She is a sphere.
We could not evolve on Earth Mother if She was not able to support that spherical shape. Which means She Herself has a spherical energy field around her. This spherical field of consciousness carries information. Including the information about Her physical shape. And this is what is communicated to me when I feel Her with my total Being.
Now when I go into the conceptional gross mind of the left brain, disregarding my inner feeling and unity consciousness, separating from the consciousness of Earth Mother, and THINK, this Earth is flat, I start to feel immediately sick, my energy field suffers. All my life currents stop flowing somehow, everything falters and breaks off. This tells me, something is very wrong about that thought!
Therefore I trust the information of my body, gross and subtle, that Earth is spherical!
Try it yourself!!
Earth Mother does not have to be by all means perfectly spherical. In the worst case She also could look like a wrinkled potato, when we forget the oceans, as some scientist claim.
The simple fact, that we have to disregard our holistic Feeling of Being and inner knowingness, to limit ourselves, to use the left brain thinking, to follow the up to 200 arguments, measurements and other materials, found on the internet, that allegedly proof that the Earth is flat, is just debilitating. It hurts our energy field.
And my question is here, whether the dark forces want exactly that. They want our confusion, our weakening, they want to disturb and upset our deepest knowing, that is experienced in this whole body feeling energetically.
My own sphere of light is immediately disturbed, when I imagine, Earth is flat. I observe myself even stopping breathing. It is painful.
So because of this experience I cannot agree that Mother Earth is flat! I trust rather my own organism that has a symbiotic relationship to Her, be it the physical body, the plasma body or the light body. Light carries information. And the theory of a flat Earth does not coincide with the information I get in my light body!
So why has this flat earth theory become such a strong idea recently? I feel this is because of the wicked-minded ones, who slowly have been brainwashing us with twisted arguments, introducing this idea of a flat earth.
So to me it is ultimately about the question: with what state of consciousness are we looking. The answer is directly related to this question!
So many beings from different realities are manifesting here, and many want to find the answer by using their left brain only. And if they do this, for them the earth might appear to be flat. Because they followed the path of the left brain that uses piecemeal to prove the whole. Flat Earth exists in this case as an image in the brain only, but Earth Mother is not felt whole-bodily! How can truth be discovered that way.
Left brain thinking is there to help us navigate through the details of daily life. But this level of thinking does not serve to answer the great questions of life.
We must approach this consideration holistically, engaging our entire Being, which is Feeling-Awareness, then we KNOW tacitly, that Earth Mother is a sphere!
Using a similar model, approximately 95% of our consciousness is unconscious. But we have access to the 95% subconscious content if we start to unite with our spherical shape that embraces 100% consciousness. It is like entering the Akasha Chronicle in which everything that exists about our planet and its history, is contained. And this knowledge cannot be accessed by the means of the left brain. But with the inner faculty of Knowing we tacitly know that Earth Mother has a spherical shape.
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I understand what you are saying. . . . . .
This explanation about flat earth makes the most sense to me....
Relative to the escalating discussion that earth is flat, I am getting a knot in my stomach. Actually, my whole energy system starts to ache and contract. Increasingly my natural breathing is being interrupted and I am starting to feel really sick, because the healthy currents of energy flow in my body are being interrupted. How about you!
We could not evolve on Earth Mother if She was not able to support that spherical shape. Which means She Herself has a spherical energy field around her. This spherical field of consciousness carries information. Including the information about Her physical shape. And this is what is communicated to me when I feel Her with my total Being.
Therefore I trust the information of my body, gross and subtle, that Earth is spherical!
It goes against everything I've learned in school... but am I crazy for thinking it's a possibility?