Today, February 28th and the day of the full moon, Carolyn (Evers) asked me to come and work with her, because she was “holding the space” for a dark energy. She said that Jeshua wanted to speak to me about it and that he wanted me to record it.
What transpired was that this energy had been present in the Earth undetected and was greatly influencing the unfolding of events upon the planet and had been flushed out by the powerful full moon energies sent forth for just such a purpose.
This recording shows how we cleared the energy and how Carolyn saw it leave the Earth. Jeshua wanted it recorded because he wanted those interested to witness an example of the kind of work Carolyn and I do virtually daily if not more; work that almost no-one knows about. What you will hear is completely extemporaneous – it is just as it unfolded.
He asked me to post it to the 2012 Timeline page, so I have. You can listen to it at the bottom of If the link doesn’t work, copy it into your browser and press Enter. I trust you find it of interest.
Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.
Richard Presser