The Galactic Federation Is Here
Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth, We’re excited about being here on the day of this wonderful event. The day will come when the critical mass will be raised high enough in frequency to ring in the event. You'll be shifted into full fifth-dimensional consciousness and it’s our great pleasure to be celebrating this momentous occasion with you!
This day we will have a grand party.
We are all around your planet. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we all landed on your planet at the same time? Imagine how much fun it would be to meet you!
When we land on that big day, we will say hello. We will meet everyone face-to-face. We’ll greet you with a big smile and a hug.
We won’t be able to release balloons into the sky on the day of the event. Our ships aren’t allowed to pollute the sky with thousands of beautiful paper balloons. But we have a great idea of what we can do instead on the big day! Why don’t we get together to play music, dance, sing, and laugh all around the planet at once? That way, everybody will know how excited we are about the event!
Our spaceship will be more glorious than any spaceship you’ve seen in movies. It is a vehicle for travel to other planets and galaxies and will allow us to communicate with beings from other worlds. It will be better than any movie or dream you can imagine. It features the most advanced technology from dimensions beyond yours.
Before the sun rises in the morning, look at the sky. We are here for you. We are your family in the skies, watching over you at all times. Though we may be invisible to the naked eye now, are you able to feel us? You are on the edge of breaking into a new dimension!
From thousands of light-years away we have traveled to be near you and we are sending love to the Earth. You will be filled with beautiful divine light. The light energy we send is healing and nurturing your soul.
Whenever you feel less than happy simply call us into your hearts. Our Arcturian family is ready to heal and nurture you during your sleep anytime. Just call upon them when needed.
Keep your minds and hearts open. Keep your eyes open to possibilities that come your way. You are divinely guided at all times but only if you are present, silent, and patient will you hear us and recognize our signs. The universe is filled with multiple dimensions. We are here to guide you along your journey even though you can't see us or hear us the same way you hear your friends speak. We have a different way of expressing ourselves and communicating with you. We will show you the right path, but ultimately, you are making the choice to take it or not.
People who are in illusion and not prepared for the process can not realize us. But you are different. They want to take everything from you. They want to tell you when to wake up and when to sleep. But you are not like them. The difference is that they don’t love themselves enough to do good deeds for others. And they don’t know how to go about their daily activities following the greatest wisdom of the universe.
You are not alone. We are always there to protect you! It is the kindness in your heart that will shift your reality. Do not get bitter, do not get dragged into the drama. Keep God in your hearts and know that we are here with you.
You are incredibly powerful beings. Have courage and faith in yourselves. We know you will rise again from the ashes when times get challenging.
Just like the sun in the sky, you radiate warmth, compassion, and love every day. We are here to help you grow in your quest to reach your full potential.
The universe in which we exist is in a constant state of change and flux, and in order to keep up with what’s in and what’s out, you need to pay attention to the present moment, hold nothing back, and live life to the fullest.
You are here now. This is where you exist. This is your only reality.
We come to your planet not as conquerors and overlords, but as friends and teachers. We encourage you to learn, to grow, and to discover within yourselves limitless life and unconditional love. We come in peace. We only want to share the best knowledge that we have accumulated for thousands of years to achieve a happier and more fulfilling life through remembering your own divinity.
We may not look like you, but we feel like you. We may come from a different place, but we feel you and we hear you. We are here to help raise the consciousness of the human race and facilitate a global ascension event. It is our honor to take care of this beautiful planet. Our honor is to make the human race and the earth become a beautiful world in the universe again. A beautiful and safe haven. A living library for all beings of the universe to access and exchange light information. A beautiful planet that is widely known for its inhabitants who are seen as the most powerful race in the universe and admired by all universal beings.
We have heard the calls from your loving hearts!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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A 5D Vibrational Experience
Dear ones, 
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to exist in the 5D vibration?
Before we begin, I want to point out that humanity has been ascending for a long time, but now it is accelerating exponentially. What does this feel like? As each soul takes its own path, it is important to know that some things will remain the same while others will radically change. Below, I have outlined some of the key changes souls might experience or are already experiencing in their present life incarnation.
When you are in this 5D vibration, your life will be filled with a very ecstatic and blissful feeling. And no matter what challenges or obstacles you face, this ecstasy and blissful feeling will accompany you throughout the day!
To align with this elevated consciousness or higher dimensional vibration, you can use many techniques to raise your vibration, like meditation or mindful breathing. But even if all the techniques fail, there's one thing that always works: LOVE!
The Love Energy Is The Most Potent Energy On The Planet.
You need to understand that our universe is based on love. Our planet is based on love. All living beings are based on love. Every loving action changes the energy vibrations for all living beings and each individual life on Earth. People who are in harmony with themselves are people who change the energy vibrations of others around them.
When you dwell in the heart of love, you will experience a cosmic joy that is beyond human comprehension. In the 5D world, it is not only possible to experience an ecstatic and blissful state of being, but it is also possible to maintain such a state.
The world of the third dimension is one of darkness, cold, and limitation. Here you will find all kinds of horror stories.
The world of the fifth dimension is one of light, love, and freedom. Here you will find all kinds of happiness and unlimited possibilities.
The 3D world is a world where everyone has to fight for his or her own survival on their own and where everyone has to endlessly look for their own happiness. In the 5D world, everyone works together to survive, and everyone can easily enjoy their lives. You can easily get everything you want there, including your health and wealth.
If you want to ascend your vibrational beingness so that you can enter into the 5th-dimensional vibration, then you must continuously raise your vibration by thinking only positive thoughts! Because if you think negative thoughts, your vibration will fall again!
The majority of humanity are currently 3rd-dimensional beings who must ascend to the 5th dimension through the 4th dimension. And because their current vibrational frequency is too low, they will be unable to directly reach this 5D higher dimensional vibration.
It is difficult, but not impossible, for them to ascend into the 5th higher dimensional vibration at their current level of consciousness. Many people have attempted but failed to transcend to a higher frequency. They failed because they only understood a portion of the process.
To enter into the 5D higher dimensional vibration, you need to open up all four doorways or dimensions of consciousness. These four dimensions are the physical world, the mental world, the spiritual world, and the emotional world.
You need to align yourself with all of these four worlds so that you can reach a state of coherence or harmony within yourself.
The majority of people are out of sync with these four worlds. When this happens, it is a sign that they are not in balance. This can be caused by the fact that they do not live from their heart but from their head. In other words, they are in their heads, and therefore the feeling of being overwhelmed is there.
Higher-dimensional beings live through their hearts because this is where the purest love resides. By looking at life with love, they can create miracles in their lives.
The heart knows before our brain thinks it. That's why we have these butterflies in our stomachs when we meet someone we like. We feel love for each other, but our brains do not think so yet.
When we use our heart as a guide to life, we will notice that there are many more dimensions than just 1, 2, and 3 dimensions. There are indeed an infinite number of dimensions, and they all vibrate at different frequencies.
The physical body of the third-dimensional world uses the chakra system of seven major energy centers. The physical body of the fifth-dimensional world also uses the 12 chakra system in its original form as an energy system, but it also uses this energy system to connect with the multidimensional consciousness and to translate that consciousness into the physical body.
The fourth dimension is a world of invisible energies. These energies, however, are not separate from you: they are you! You are made of these energies. You are made of energy, and you are made of light.
The fifth dimension is a new energetic reality free of any negativity, allowing all conscious beings that live there to have a greatly higher quality of life.
People who choose to stay on Earth will continue to experience pain and suffering as part of their human experience, but those who choose to move into this new reality will never again experience negativity in any form. This does not mean that they will be immune to feeling emotions like sadness or anger; instead, it means that they will no longer be subject to the negative influences that others have traditionally had over them. They will be able to live in the space of love and light, free from strife and worry, where they can return to their true Divine nature and live the life they were always meant to live.
The choice is yours. If you wish to remain on Earth, you can do so. If you do not feel ready, you are welcome to stay until you feel that you are ready. The choice is yours.
People who choose to stay on Earth will continue to experience pain and suffering as part of their human experience, but those who choose to move into this new 5D consciousness will discover a renewed sense of connection to family, friends, and all living things. As a result, they will feel loved and cherished.
In addition, their creativity will flourish, and they will feel driven to accomplish great things. They will also find themselves developing an interest in spiritual matters as they realize that they are more than just their physical bodies. Ascended beings are able to live in harmony with nature and are able to communicate telepathically with other ascended beings.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Pleiadian Message For Humanity
Dear beloved ones,
Today, I'd like to share a wonderful message from the Pleiadians that I got.
It's always important to keep your vibration high and get messages from the Universe in order to receive the highest vibrations within ourselves.
All we have to do now is keep our eyes open and keep moving forward, learning and growing spiritually. That is why I am sharing this message.
"Dear Earthlings!
We are the Pleiadians, and our home planet is the Pleiades, a star system of 7 planets located in the constellation of Taurus. We are vastly spread out across the Universe and have colonized many worlds. We were once united, but now we are separated into 13 different colonies.
We have been watching you for some time now, and we have decided to make our presence known in a very special way.
We come in peace. We are from the future, and we are here to assist you in your ascension process.
We are sending you this message through this channel because we have been waiting for a very long time to contact you. Reality is not what it seems to be, and there are many beings like us who have been communicating with you since your beginnings.
Please share this message with everyone else who cares about the fate of humanity.
The reason why we have been contacting you is that we want you to understand that your reality is not what it seems to be, that there is much more than what you see on a daily basis.
There are ancient ruins on Earth that show evidence of civilizations existing before yours and that there was a huge catastrophe that destroyed most life on Earth and almost destroyed the planet itself. Your history has changed according to your needs, so some things have been erased from history while others have been kept in order for humans to grow spiritually.
We know that many people do not believe in us or in extraterrestrial beings, but we are here nonetheless. We want to create a loving alliance with humanity in order to help accelerate your spiritual growth.
Your planet is at a crossroads where it can either ascend into a higher dimension or continue to spiral downward into doom and destruction.
You have created a magnificent civilization and have been at the forefront of exploration and scientific achievement for many centuries. But you have also created terrible weapons that could destroy your planet many times over. And now they are being used.
You live in a time when humans still believe that they are alone in the Universe, even though evidence has long since shown that another life exists.
You can see our ships in the sky everywhere if you want. Sometimes they are transparent, sometimes they are visible, and sometimes they are invisible. There is no need to hide them because they are here to help you and your mother Earth.
Over the past few years, we have shown you our ships from time to time and hope that you have been enjoying them. Now we are preparing for our landing on the planet Earth. We would like to invite you to be part of the experience with us.
We are here now to assist you in your awakening process.
We wish for you to join us in celebration of the greatest event in your planet's history. As always, we come with peace and love in our hearts. This is not a war but a great awakening.
Whatever happens, it will be a smooth transition for everyone. We are here to assist you in every way possible.
Our fleet is much closer to your planet now, and the shift in energy is already being felt. Some people are already experiencing the effects of this new energy.
We will land on your planet with our huge mother ship. It will be so large that it can cover a small city, like Washington, D.C., in its shadow.
Your scientists know that everything is made up of atoms, right? Our mother ship contains atoms far more organized than any you have ever seen or imagined before!
The Mother Ship is made of special materials that are not available on your planet. It will emit a beautiful, angelic glow and be surrounded by clouds of multi-colored lights and sounds. These lights and sounds will connect with the DNA of all living things on Earth and lift them into higher levels of consciousness, activating the higher chakras in each human being.
When the Mother Ship lands, our first act will be to hug everyone on Earth and share greetings from our star brothers and sisters who have visited your planet in the past. We love you very much!
We are already in connection with your Ascended Masters, who made their crystalline bodies a long time ago. They will meet us on our arrival as well.
When we meet your leaders and officials, we will greet you with great honor, as we are a peaceful civilization.
We will land in your area and come down to greet you personally. We will introduce ourselves and answer any questions that you may have. We will be bringing a special gift for all of your pets as well.
On our arrival, we will emit a 5D omnipotent energy, which is a high-frequency wave that will refresh and awaken every aspect of your being and allow you to embrace new possibilities in your life. Your DNA will change from a carbon base to a crystalline base in a moment!
We welcome all of Earth's inhabitants and their pets to join us on the beautiful ship!
The best way to prepare for our arrival is to be in a good mood. Be happy and laugh a lot. Be nice to each other and help the people around you. Right now, your attitude towards other people is important.
Experience the feeling of being in this higher vibration as often as possible. If you can do it, it will become easier every day.
This is a time where the higher vibrations take over. Now is the time to dream big and create the reality you desire.
It's time to get happy and have fun!"
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Music for your soul.
"More Kazzey.....Good example of this new wave of electro-funk....👏🏻🌞"
14 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"If you guys ever have a hippie infestation play some slayer and other crappy death metal music lol."
45 minutes ago
ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"Neil’s my twin bro. Glad you like him! 😄😄😄"
52 minutes ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Neil is my favorite-zany comedy -Neil was the hippie-Rick might be gay and a marxist-Vyvian was the punk rocker/almost skin head, and Mike was the '70s leftover still in school at seven years, the oldest of them, the shortest and the boss. Crazy…"
54 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Hang loose man and watch Neil the hippy in action.....Classic comedy from the 80s...🤣
If you want to see more, this British show was called; "The Young Ones.""
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"I'm getting some good laughs in at what we are posting. We need to start posting more comedy on this site lol."
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
1 hour ago