The Galactic Gateway Opened!
I am overjoyed to inform you that the recently opened Galactic gateway is causing significant changes in your DNA, which will enable you to ascend from the third to the fifth dimension.
What does it mean to ascend from the third dimension to the fifth dimension?
The third dimension is the lower vibration of duality, separation, and limitation. The fifth dimension is a higher vibration of unity, oneness, and unlimited potential.
The following are major changes you will notice as your DNA changes during the ascension process:
1. You will feel much lighter as if a great burden has been lifted from your shoulders.
2. You will begin to feel more energized and less tired.
3. You will feel more confident and sure of yourself.
4. You will be able to connect with your higher self, guides, angels, and archangels much more easily than before.
5. Your intuition (inner knowing) and psychic abilities will become stronger and clearer as you learn to listen to them better.
The Galactic gateway will help you to release any remaining fear-based thoughts and emotions. Fear includes anger, jealousy, resentment, victimhood, self-doubt, shame, and guilt. The gateway will accelerate your process of releasing fear-based patterns so that you can move forward with ease and grace.
This cleansing process may cause your third chakra (solar plexus) to feel like it's on fire. This fire is purifying your body and helping you transmute dense energy into higher vibrational frequencies. If you feel like you're being pulled apart at the seams, if you feel like a pretzel, or if you feel like a rubber band being snapped over and over again, then know that these are all wonderful experiences because they are assisting you in letting go of old energy that no longer serves a purpose in your life.
You will notice upheavals in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. The gateway is ushering in a huge wave of cosmic energy that will continue coming in throughout this year and well into the next.
You are being pushed out of your comfort zone because you need to adapt to the massive changes taking place on Earth. The changes are a direct result of the increasing light that is permeating our planet. You can feel the light in your body, mind, and spirit.
You are being bombarded with high-frequency energies that are causing you to forget who you are. As these energies continue to enter, you will realize that the truths you have been living by are no longer serving your soul. They will become obsolete as your old self dies and your true self is revealed.
You will begin to understand that you are truly a spiritual being having a human experience. You will guide others on their journey back home as they, too, realize their true nature.
You will discover that everything is energy and that all of life is interconnected, even though it appears different on the surface. You will seek out people, places, and things that vibrate at a higher frequency so you can raise your vibration and ascend into the fifth dimension along with them.
You will begin to hear, see, feel, and know things beyond your five senses. You will start receiving downloads of information from the higher realms as a way of remembering who you are and why you came here during this amazing time of ascension.
You will also be opening your heart chakra more fully, which will allow you to experience the world in a whole new way. All of your ego-based fears will start to fall away as you realize that all is well. Your awareness will expand further and further with each passing day.
Your dreams and visions may get more vivid and intense. You may even start having out-of-body experiences (OBEs) or lucid dreams.
You may hear clairaudient messages from angels, spirit guides, archangels, ancestors, deceased loved ones, or other heavenly beings. Clairaudience means "clear hearing," and it's one of the most common ways your spirit guides try to get your attention.
You may see visions or images through the third eye in your mind's eye. This is called clairvoyance, which means "clear seeing" and can be very helpful when you're trying to make important life decisions or need help solving problems in your waking.
You will find it difficult to continue living in negative circumstances. You may find yourself moving or changing jobs if your current situation isn't aligned with your new spiritual state of being.
You will feel an intense urge to be alone or spend more time in nature. You may also experience a strong desire to meditate and connect with God/Source/the Divine/Spirit/the Universe (whatever you prefer) every day.
The more you open up to your intuitive abilities, the more important it becomes for you to take care of your physical body's needs. You will begin to notice that if your energy is depleted or weak from not getting enough sleep, eating properly, drinking enough water, or exercising, your intuition will be very weak. As a result of this, it will be difficult for you to discern what comes from within versus what doesn't.
As an intuitive empath, I often get drained when my energy gets weak due to lack of sleep, poor nutrition, or exercise habits. Therefore, I've learned over the years that if I want my guidance and gifts to be at their strongest level, then I must listen to what my physical body needs.
It is time to change your life into a happy and meaningful one by taking all the powerful energy that is being sent out to you and using it so that you can live in harmony with the universe. You are not alone. You are loved and guided by all beings from the higher dimensions.
The ascension process is a benefit to all humanity and Gaia. It will release you from these dense and toxic frequencies of the third dimension and bring you into the love, peace, abundance, empowerment, and wisdom of the fifth dimension.
Your multidimensional consciousness will be activated, and you will experience the unfolding of your divine blueprint for this incarnation. You will remember who you truly are. You will connect with your specific soul mission on Earth at this time.
This Galactic gateway opening is bringing many changes, but if we all work together and accept this new level of consciousness, a new golden age will start for everyone!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
The Event Of A Lifetime
We are members of the Galactic Federation. It is our mission to establish peace and harmony throughout the entire universe. Peace and Serene Harmony is what we stand for, and it is our mission to spread this.
They also call us the Galactic Federation of Worlds because all worlds who wish to live in peaceful coexistence with all galactic societies are members of this divine organization.
This also includes your world, dear ones. You all are members of the Galactic Federation.
You might think that 'wait a minute, not all beings in our world are benevolent.' and you are right to think that. It is similar for our worlds. And yet, the majority of beings in our worlds prefer light over darkness.
This situation made it even more important to come together and form a union that watches over the evolution of consciousness throughout our galaxy and ensure peace and freedom for those who choose love.
We are pleased to announce that the global acceptance of The Galactic Federation message has reached monumental levels. As a result of this constant sharing, the New Era of Peace has begun for humanity.
All is well. Everyone is doing their part for the collective. You are moving to a new dimension with your spiritual awakening. You are awakening to your true self, and you are shifting consciousness on Earth.
Planet Earth sits on the brink of a wonderful new era. It will be an era of love, unity, and of abundance. One that we have been working towards for a very long time and one that is absolutely assured, for this era is merely the next step in your evolution.
This is a great statement. We assure you that you will live in a future where you don't have to fear for your lives and can focus on things that matter most to you, like love and unity.
In the remains of the third dimension, you still see and feel much of this inorganic world and its signs and symptoms in your physical reality. This inorganic way of life is part of what you are now removing from your being. By removing this old matrix, you are returning to your original state of living, thinking, perceiving, feeling, existing. You are returning to being more organic.
The beautiful thing about the change that is taking place is that it has not been placed upon you. The change was initiated by you. You are here to be co-creators of the new matrix. You are here to express your mastery of power, love, and wisdom. You were once told you were powerless over your life and decisions. This was a lie designed to oppress you and keep you stuck in the old frequency.
The old matrix is collapsing. It is collapsing around you faster than ever before. The old 3D world is fading into obsolescence, right before your own eyes. This process has started with the awakening of sufficient human beings to start this planetary ascension towards the higher dimensions of reality where all is organic and divine.
The higher realms are populated by pure divine energy, omnipresent consciousness, unconditional love, infinite intelligence, and no separation but real unity and oneness.
The old is over, and a new reality is unfolding in the hearts of all beings aligning with truth and love. In this unfolding, your world will continue to transform, bringing forth a variety of changes already underway, designed to move humanity forward without further delays.
There are many like you who are ready, willing, and anxious to embrace this new time in your world. They see the changes that are coming with open arms and hearts. These are the brave ones, the healers, the teachers, the ones who wish to prepare others for this new way of life.
Those of you who are ready to truly move forward will stay on this planet.
There are thousands upon thousands of humans ready for this change. Many like you have volunteered to be the lightworkers for this new time on the planet. You are here to help others awaken to their new reality. You are here to guide them along their journey of enlightenment.
All of mankind is not meant to stay on Earth at this time. This world is being "cleaned out," so to speak, so that only those souls who have come to purify themselves will stay to experience the changes here on the earth plane.
Beings come and go on this planet for different reasons. Their souls choose certain experiences for their incarnations. Sometimes they choose to stay longer and sometimes they may not even be birthed and yet, none passes by the opportunity of incarnating to planet Earth. It is all good and to be honored.
And then there are those who are not certain about their own abilities avoid the challenges—those who are unable to integrate new experiences into their lives trying to preserve the status quo.
But you are not one of them. You are interested in something bigger, in something more fulfilling.
If you have been preparing for the event of a lifetime, you are one of those that have been chosen to help create the new. By whom were you chosen? You. You were chosen by you. You chose to come here and become the builders of new Earth. You chose this way because you have already been practicing on some level of being of service to others and assisting in conscious evolutionary processes of some kind. These two things make you a prime candidate to be a creator on the new Earth.
Some of you have been waiting for this time for very long, and the wait is nearly over. Within a few months, a number of changes will begin to take place for those who are prepared to step into their new roles as guardians and caretakers of this planet.
The energy will be so much greater than anyone can even imagine. No human has ever experienced this level of energy on the planet before. It is now possible for Lightworkers to experience this now—if they can hold it.
It is more than just experiencing life in paradise. You are not just moving into an era of abundance, joy, harmony, and friendship. You are literally being moved into the original creation that God intended for you to live in.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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