In my experience I have come to discover that everything happens for us, not to us. What we resist persists and what we fight gets stronger and we usually don't notice how much allegiance we have to this tiresome cycle. Sweeping our fears and uninvestigated thoughts under "feel good" rugs may work for a little while, but if you are lucky ~ this little while doesn't do it anymore. There is a moment in ones life stream where the essence of "enough" is heard loud and clear. Disillusionment arises because once love has tasted itself, it settles for nothing less but itself, and love doesn't judge, postpone or separate. Love simply is. Love is this moment as it is.
I am honored to have the opportunity to effortlessly look into your eyes and tell you as clearly as language allows, that you are this love. You are what you've been looking for. You are the "Home" that you seek. You are the awareness that is effortlessly the only presence there is. You are the space which holds all stories including the one of who you think you are. Your willingness to be your infinitely open hearted self is your gift to all that appears in you. You are the gift of Presence. And it doesn't stop there, cause only you have the choice to take a sincere look and see for yourself if it's true.
When light beings come together as presence I wouldn't be surprised if toning, dancing, energy work, chanting, laughter, and joy arise to celebrate the ever deepening realization of this One that is, with effortless ease. For this is the moment to celebrate.