The Goddess of Creation's Daily Message November 14, 2019
Channeled Message
This is talking about whatever may keep coming up in your life:
As you consider when you started noticing this trend that led to where you are right now, go back into that moment. With what you know now if there is anything that you can change, let us change it. Therefore, if you have made a different decision, made a different choice, had not gone somewhere or maybe get go somewhere then looked before you as if in a hologram what your life would be like with these alternatives. For some it is as if you become very frustrated, however, I ask you to take a breath in ~whew~ breathe out.
The Goddess of Creation's Daily Message November 12, 2019
Channeled Message
I invite you to take note of whatever it is that seems to be most prevalent in your consciousness and in your life in this now moment. For most people, it is something that they are working through and therefore it envelopes a great deal of your thoughts and your emotions.
Here within this expanded state, you have the ability to freeze frame any point within your life. You have the ability to receive perceptions that may be different than what you remembered as the human. We will begin with whatever it is that came first to your thoughts.
It is amazing how your perception can change over time when you think back to the past.
The Goddess of Creation's Daily Message November 11, 2019
Channeled Message
There is such a wide variety of experiences that people choose to have during their lifetime. Sometimes it’s a rocky road from the beginning to the end. Sometimes there are the hills and the valleys. Sometimes you may struggle for a while and then once you hit a particular place it just evens out from there. There is of course no correct way in which to live your life. There is only the way that fully supports you. This is why sometimes the distractions are there to teach you lessons. Sometimes the distractions are there to pull you out of something which no longer serves you.
The Goddess of Creation's Daily Message November 10, 2019
Channeled Message
These are somewhat the extremes and most likely the majority of you fall somewhere in the middle where you kind of have an idea that this was your purpose in life or you kind of have an idea that you want to be doing something different than what you are doing and what is happening right now is the distraction.
When you feel overwhelmed in life frequently it is a distraction. When you feel unsupported in life is a distraction. When you feel as if you have that understanding that just comes from somewhere within you, and even if you are very busy you know you have that alignment or that link within you, you are listening to your soul’s intention.
The Goddess of Creation's Daily Message November 09, 2019
Channeled Message
There is such a wide variety of experiences that people choose to have during their lifetime. Sometimes it’s a rocky road from the beginning to the end. Sometimes there are the hills and the valleys. Sometimes you may struggle for a while and then once you hit a particular place it just evens out from there. There is, of course, no correct way in which to live your life. There is only the way that fully supports you. This is why sometimes the distractions are there to teach you lessons. Sometimes the distractions are there to pull you out of something which no longer serves you.
In the end, in any situation, as you are seeking to understand who you are, what is it about your life, every time that you go back within, realigning within your heart, feeling that flow into source, you are once again adding to or building that foundation that always supports you.