The Goddess of Creation's
Channeled Meditation
Man, this is something we can all use!!
Consider your environment. Do you have a place where you can walk in nature? It might be a small park or a massive backpacking trail. Every time that you have an opportunity to connect with nature; not only for grounding you, but it is also helping you to clear your energies assisting you as you make choices in your life.
The trees communicate with you. The grass is soothing to your feet. The flow of the water is a way of cleansing your emotions. Each time that you connect with Gaia in these parts of the earth, it helps you to ground and clear, it is also helping Gaia to clear the energy.
The Goddess of Creation's Dailly Message May 31, 2018
Channeled Message
In your everyday reality there are many ways in which you can find support. Do you have crystals that you keep around you? They might be something small that easily transports. It might be something larger that is always in a space assisting you with shifting energies. The crystals that you have around you especially as you shift your vibration into that higher level of consciousness will become even more critical in assisting you in your life.
Allow yourself to become aware of what you keep and perhaps new crystals may come into your life and you realize oh, that will help me to open up. Or that will help me to ground. Or that will help me to clean negative energies. Or perhaps it will be one of those crystals that will help to deflect other people’s energies.
The Goddess of Creation's Daily Message May 30, 2018
Channeled Message
Consider that rut that you sometimes find yourself within. What can you do to move out of that rut, filling it in and transitioning it completely ~whew~. I know that you are tired of the pain, you’re tired of the frustration’s, so anything else that all associated with your everyday reality that is no longer working for you bring it up, bring it up, bring it up ~whew~