Take in a couple of deep breaths and allow your mind to relax:
Let us take a moment to speak about the ways in which you vibrate at a higher frequency. You already know that when you are caught up in thoughts, beliefs, experiences that has to do with say fear, pain, sorrow, aggression you can just feel yourself lowering your vibration. We have spoken for a number of years about how the flow of your divinity is the flow of unconditional love.
Okay, I’m going to give you a moment to experience some of these changes. Here in the All That Is, have a sense of seeing yourself as if you are in suspended animation. You are just lying there, floating on the energies. I see some of you just thinking that again your belief is that ‘I don’t know how to levitate, I can’t do that’. In the All That Is everyone can do everything. There you go, I saw some of you kind of floating up.
Your thoughts can affect your energy. Breathe deeply and allow your perception to open to any reaction you may have.
Consider something within your life that is not working for you. Consider whatever that may be that seems to always pull you down and all you have to do is think about it for a minute and feel your energy; what is happening? I see some just sinking, I see others sinking down and coming back up, I see others going up and down and up and down. I wished for you to experience this space of pure energy. How you can literally adjust your vibration by your thoughts and your experiences.