This channel takes place a week before our Thanksgiving in the US which prompted the Goddess to speak about being grateful or thankful in your life. She also spoke at length about how so often people will speak about awakening. This can mean different things depending on one’s perspective. Awakening as a general rule is about one’s consciousness waking up or becoming aware of why you made the choices that you did, understanding your potentials or even opening to compassion for the world. There have been waves upon waves or people experiencing this for themselves. Awakening is also an ongoing experience. No matter where are in your life, you can still grow into new, expanded awareness, which is another awakening.
During this journey there were a couple of very significant experiences. While in the All That Is, the Goddess first of all had us align with our inner knowledge. From there, she asked us to consider thankfulness or something for which we are thankful. It was interesting to see the contrast; some easily had a list of things while others had trouble considering that within their lives. She then removed the vibration of gratitude from within our energy. This turned out to be quite challenging for some people. For some, when gratitude was taken from their energy bodies, they felt bereft and torn because gratitude is associated with love, compassion and other supportive emotions. This allowed people to truly see themselves without a filter.
Once any old energies were cleared, this portion was then infused with golden, white energy. As people opened to gratitude, they began to transform their problem. This is a huge and powerful transformation. I invite you to find your own transformation through this change.