

LOVE-MAKING - The term “love-making” (also includes the term “making-love”), as used in the Golden Creation, refers to:- the sexual aspects of: you and your Life partner, being sexually expressed through a: intimate, loving, sensual, tender, affectionate, delightful, special, precious and sacred: connection, closeness and bond, that you have with each other. Love-making is: an expression, a sharing and a celebration, of:- the: love, sensuousness, amorousness, enamorment, excitement, passion, softness, tenderness, affectionateness, gentleness and warmth, that: you and your Life partner, have for each other; and the: intimacy, romance, chemistry, connection, closeness and bond, that: you and your Life partner, have with each other.

Love-making includes all the beneficial expressions of love-making, including: libido, lust, sexual energy, sexual drive, sexual interest, sexual impulses, sexual urges, sexual anticipation, sexual allurement, sexual seductiveness, sexual attractiveness, sexual attraction, sexual appeal, sexual wooing, sexual initiation, sexual transmutation, sexual chemistry, sexual alchemy, sexual responses, sexual language, sexual communication, sexual messages, sexual signals, sexual vibes, sexual expression, sexual arousal, sexual incitement, sexual passion, sexual intensity, sexual “tension”, sexual “charges”, sexual loving, sexual desire, sexual intimacy, sexual stamina, sexual satisfaction, sexual gratification, sexual healing, sexual cycles, sexual variety, sexual activity, sexual synchronicity, sexual intuition, sexual attunement, sexual union, sexual connection, sexual relationship, sexual behaviour, sexual pleasure, sexual enjoyment, sexual ecstasy, sexual orgasms and sexual fulfillment; beneficially “stirring” beneficial sexual: love, romance, intimacy, desire, passion and ecstasy, within each other; being beneficially erotic with and beneficially “stirring” erotic feelings within, each other; being beneficially erogenous with and beneficially “stirring” erogenous feelings within, each other; beneficially “stirring” an ongoing desire (arousal-in-waiting) within each other, beneficially “stirring” the high-desire sexual-response cycle (ongoing desire (arousal-in-waiting), stimulation, feeling erogenous, feeling erotic, feeling amorous, arousal, heightened arousal, ecstasy, orgasm, bonding and relaxation) within each other; beneficially “stirring” heightened arousal within each other; lots of: touching, cuddling, hugging, holding each other, holding hands and kissing; foreplay, duringplay, afterplay, oral sex, sexual intercourse, erogenous zone activation, g zone activation, g zone tissue activation, stimulation, lubrication, love-making, tantric love, tantric union, sacred union, “valley orgasm”, the Great Life Renewing Union, orgasm, ecstasy, bonding and relaxation.

The Golden Creation enables the love-making between: you and your Life partner, to be: fun, playful and exciting. The Golden Creation enables the love-making between: you and your Life partner, to be: erotic, “intense” and passionate. The Golden Creation enables the love-making between: you and your Life partner, to be totally: nourishing, pleasurable, satisfying and fulfilling.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be totally sexually: open and expressive, with each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: relish in, take pleasure in and enjoy, your sexual union. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: relish in, take pleasure in and enjoy, each other’s company during love-making.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: physically and emotionally: please and fulfill, each other. The Golden Creation enables that all love-making between: you and your Life partner, be: mature, responsible, dignified, honourable, honest, genuine, fun, playful, exciting, considerate, kind, respectful, mindful, thoughtful, compassionate, valuing, loving, sensual, soft, tender, affectionate, gentle and warm.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly enter into one circle of energy during love-making. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be totally: balanced, harmonised, synchronised and aligned, within this one circle of energy.

The Golden Creation enables love-making to be a meditation. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to enter into a meditation during love-making, being totally “in tune”: with each other and with each other’s energy: waves and cycles.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to enter into a meditation during love-making, being totally in rhythm: with each other and with each other’s energy: waves and cycles. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to enter into a meditation during love-making, being totally “in tune”: with each other and with each other’s states of arousal.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to enter into a meditation during love-making, being totally in rhythm: with each other and with each other’s states of arousal. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: create a perfect: ebb and flow, of sexual energy between you during love-making; and be totally “in tune” with this: ebb and flow, of sexual energy.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: create a perfect: ebb and flow, of sexual energy between you during love-making; and be totally in rhythm with this: ebb and flow, of sexual energy. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be totally “in tune” with each other’s pleasure centers. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be totally in rhythm with each other’s pleasure centers.

The Golden Creation enables love-making to be an intrinsic part of the: chemistry, union, relationship, partnership, connection, closeness and bond, between: you and your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables love-making to be a: intimate, loving, sensual, delightful, special, precious and sacred, part of the: chemistry, union, relationship, partnership, connection, closeness and bond, between: you and your Life partner.

The Golden Creation enables your: pheromones, exohormones, estradiol hormones, love: biochemicals, hormones and scents; sex: biochemicals, hormones and scents; intimate: biochemicals, hormones and scents; Life partner: identification, attraction, recognition, detection, acknowledgement, connection, closeness, bond, rapport, affinity, “homeliness”, attunement, chemistry, harmony, synchronicity, alignment, oneness, wholeness, completeness, fulfillment, satisfaction, contentment, unity, purpose, reason and meaning: biochemicals, hormones and scents; sensuousness, intimacy, romance, amorousness, enamorment, attraction, arousal, lust, flirtatiousness, desirableness, attractiveness, beautifulness, sexiness, sex appeal, alluringness, etherealness, charmingness, charisma, magicalness, “magnetic”, captivation, enchantment, becoming, handsomeness, gracefulness, elegance, loveliness, excitement, passion, sensualness, softness, tenderness, affectionateness, gentleness, warmth, chemistry, connection, closeness, bonding and love-making: biochemicals, hormones and scents; immune system: biochemicals, hormones and scents; Unique Essence: biochemicals, hormones and scents; and perfect self: biochemicals, hormones and scents, to be in total: balance, harmony, synchronicity and alignment, with your Life partner.

The Golden Creation enables your: sensuousness, intimacy, romance, amorousness, enamorment, attraction and arousal: vibes, emissions, expressions, presentations, projections, broadcastings, transmissions, messages, sensations, impressions, language, communication, Chakra system, Energy Cords, energies, vibrations, frequencies and vibrational energetic frequencies, to be in total: balance, harmony, synchronicity and alignment, with your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables your: attractiveness, beautifulness, sexiness, sex appeal, alluringness, etherealness, charmingness, charisma, magicalness, “magnetic”, captivation, enchantment, becoming, handsomeness, gracefulness, elegance and loveliness: vibes, emissions, expressions, presentations, projections, broadcastings, transmissions, messages, sensations, impressions, language, communication, Chakra system, Energy Cords, energies, vibrations, frequencies and vibrational energetic frequencies, to be in total: balance, harmony, synchronicity and alignment, with your Life partner.

The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to perfectly: recognise, identify, interpret, comprehend, perceive, receive, respond to, reciprocate, feedback, feedfoward, be attracted to, be appealed by, be compatible with, be attuned to, be stimulated by, react to, acknowledge, witness, experience, connect to and accept, your: attractiveness, beautifulness, sexiness, sex appeal, alluringness, etherealness, charmingness, charisma, magicalness, “magnetic”, captivation, enchantment, becoming, handsomeness, gracefulness, elegance and loveliness: vibes, emissions, expressions, presentations, projections, broadcastings, transmissions, messages, sensations, impressions, language, communication, Chakra system, Energy Cords, energies, vibrations, frequencies and vibrational energetic frequencies.

The Golden Creation enables your “mating call” to be in total: balance, harmony, synchronicity and alignment, with your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables your: tone and note, from your Unique Essence Seat to be in total attunement with your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables your: sound and resonance, to be in total attunement with your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables your scent to be in total attunement with your Life partner.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect emotional attachment to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect deep emotional attachment to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect love attachment to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect romantic love attachment to each other.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect romance attachment to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect: safe, secure, inspiring, exciting, delightful, fun, playful, blissful, elated, ecstatic, euphoric, jubilant, exultant, exuberant, rapturous, joyful, jovial, mirthful, zestful and happy, attachment to each other.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect: soft, tender, affectionate, gentle and warm, attachment to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect: intimate, loving, sensual, delightful, special, precious and sacred, attachment to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly sustain a perfect “intensity” between you.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly sustain a perfect sexual “intensity” between you. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be in a continual circuit of love for each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be in a continual circuit of love with each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be in a continual circuit of sexual love for each other.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be in a continual circuit of sexual love with each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner’s, love energy pathways to be totally open to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner’s, sexual energy pathways to be totally open to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be in loving harmony with each other.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be in sexual harmony with each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect love energy connection. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect sexual energy connection. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be perfectly sexually connected. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be sexually open to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be sexually compatible with each other.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to totally trust each other sexually. The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly “gift” your sexuality to your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to sexually “gift” each other. The Golden Creation enables it to be a pleasure to be able to totally “give” yourself sexually to your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables you to feel totally satisfied to be able to totally “give” yourself sexually to your Life partner.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly “receive” each other’s sexual pleasuring. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly accept each other’s sexually. The Golden Creation enables it to be a pleasure to be able to totally “give” yourself to your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables you to feel totally satisfied to be able to totally “give” yourself to your Life partner.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly sustain a perfect: love, love-making, adoration, intimacy, ecstasy, passion, sensuousness and romance, “intensity” between you. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a perfect: safe, secure, inspiring, exciting, delightful, fun, playful, blissful, elated, ecstatic, euphoric, jubilant, exultant, exuberant, rapturous, joyful, jovial, mirthful, zestful and happy, sexual relationship with each other.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a “magical” sexual connection with each other, thus enabling you to have a “magical” sexual relationship with each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner’s, beneficial “show of love” for each other to be heart-warming. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner’s, beneficial “show of affection” to be heart-warming.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner’s, affection for each other to be heart-warming. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially make each other feel: sexy, beautiful, attractive, loved, cherished, adored, respected, appreciated, needed, belonged, important, special, relaxed, inspired, satisfied, “upbeat”, content, pleased, intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, affectionate, gentle, warm, sensuous and romantic.

The Golden Creation enables you to beneficially: show, display and express, that your Life partner is: beautiful, attractive, loved, cherished, adored, respected, appreciated, needed, belonged and important. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially anticipate: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, affectionate, gentle, warm, sensuous and romantic: interactions and moments, between each other.

The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to: see, witness, experience and feel, you as being: “delicious”, desirable, adorable, enchanting, mesmerising, captivating, enthralling, intriguing, fascinating, infatuating, alluring and irresistible. The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to: know, see, witness, experience, feel, be drawn to, be attracted to, be attracted by, be enchanted by, be mesmerised by, be captivated by, be enthralled by, be intrigued by, be fascinated by, be infatuated by, be allured to, find an irresistibleness in, bask in and be connected to, you being: “delicious”, desirable, adorable, enchanting, mesmerising, captivating, enthralling, intriguing, fascinating, infatuating, alluring and irresistible.

The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to: see, witness, experience and feel, you as being: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, affectionate, gentle, warm, sensuous and romantic. The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to: know, see, witness, experience, feel, be drawn to, be attracted to, be attracted by, be enchanted by, be mesmerised by, be captivated by, be enthralled by, be intrigued by, be fascinated by, be infatuated by, be allured to, find an irresistibleness in, bask in and be connected to, you being: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, affectionate, gentle, warm, sensuous and romantic.

The Golden Creation enables your sex life with your Life partner to be: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, gentle, warm, sensuousness, romantic, wonderful, exciting, fulfilling, beautiful and perfect. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to have a: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, gentle, warm, sensuousness, romantic, wonderful, exciting, fulfilling, satisfying, beautiful and perfect, sexual relationship.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to experience all the beneficial aspects to having a: active, compassionate, empathic, valuing, loving, sensual, caring, soft, tender, gentle, warm, close and connecting, sex life. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner’s: sexual touch, sexual caressing, sexual hugs, sexual massages, erotic massages, erotic touch, erotic caress, erogenous caressing, erogenous pleasuring and other beneficial sexual contact, to be: compassionate, empathic, valuing, loving, sensual, soft, tender, affectionate, gentle, warm, close and connecting.

The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to sexually feel your “depth”. The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to sexually feel your beneficial sexual: thoughts, emotions and feelings. The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to sexually feel your sexual: intimacy, love, sensualness, softness, tenderness, gentleness, warmth, sensuousness and romance.

The Golden Creation enables you to be a: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, gentle, warm, sensuousness, romantic, wonderful, exciting, fulfilling, satisfying, beautiful and perfect, lover for your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables your Life partner to sexually feel your: “deepest gifts” and “full heart-presence”.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be totally: balanced, harmonised, synchronised and aligned, with each other’s ongoing desire (arousal-in-waiting). The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be totally: balanced, harmonised, synchronised and aligned, with each other’s high-desire sexual-response cycle (ongoing desire (arousal-in-waiting), stimulation, feeling erogenous, feeling erotic, feeling amorous, arousal, heightened arousal, ecstasy, orgasm, bonding and relaxation).

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially “stir” an ongoing desire (arousal-in-waiting) within each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially “stir” the high-desire sexual-response cycle (ongoing desire (arousal-in-waiting), stimulation, feeling erogenous, feeling erotic, feeling amorous, arousal, heightened arousal, ecstasy, orgasm, bonding and relaxation) within each other.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially “stir” heightened arousal within each other. The Golden Creation enables you to be an expert in arousing your Life partner intimately. The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly arouse your Life partner intimately.

The Golden Creation enables you to be an expert in arousing your Life partner sexually. The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly arouse your Life partner sexually. The Golden Creation enables you to be an expert in arousing your Life partner’s sexual: closeness, connection and bond, to you.

The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly arouse your Life partner’s: sexual: closeness, connection and bond, to you. The Golden Creation enables you to be an expert in arousing your Life partner’s sexual: thoughts, emotions and feelings. The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly arouse your Life partner’s sexual: thoughts, emotions and feelings. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially express your sexuality within your relationship.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially “give yourselves” sexually to each other. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to each be the guardian of each other’s sexuality. The Golden Creation totally: balances, harmonises, synchronises and aligns: you and your Life partner, with the: respect, responsibility, maturity, intelligence, authenticity, mindfulness, thoughtfulness, considerateness, gratitude, honour, loyalty, trust, trustworthiness, faithfulness, integrity, honesty, sincerity, preciousness and sacredness, that comes with being the guardian of each other’s sexuality.

The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly: recognise, identify, interpret, comprehend, see, read, perceive, receive, respond to, be responsive to, pick up on, be adaptive to, be spontaneous to, show initiative to, reciprocate, feedback, feedfoward, be attracted to, be appealed by, be compatible with, be attuned to, tune into, be intuitive to, be stimulated by, be in: balance, harmony, synchronicity and alignment, with; react to, be reactive to, acknowledge, witness, experience, connect to, accept, express, initiate, facilitate, act out and have the ability to fulfill, your Life partner’s sexual: messages, ideas, wishes, desires, wants, needs and expectations.

The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly: recognise, identify, interpret, comprehend, see, read, perceive, receive, respond to, be responsive to, pick up on, be adaptive to, be spontaneous to, show initiative to, reciprocate, feedback, feedfoward, be attracted to, be appealed by, be compatible with, be attuned to, tune into, be intuitive to, be stimulated by, be in: balance, harmony, synchronicity and alignment, with; react to, be reactive to, acknowledge, witness, experience, connect to, accept, express, initiate, facilitate, act out and have the ability to fulfill, your Life partner’s: messages, ideas, wishes, desires, wants, needs and expectations, during love-making.

The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly know how to: honour, act on, act out and fulfill, your Life partner’s beneficial sexual: expectations, wishes, desires, wants and needs. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly know how to: honour, act on, act out and fulfill, meet each other’s beneficial sexual: expectations, wishes, desires, wants and needs.

The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly know how to meet your Life partner’s beneficial sexual: expectations, wishes, desires, wants and needs. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly meet each other’s beneficial sexual: expectations, wishes, desires, wants and needs.

The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly know how to satisfy your Life partner’s beneficial sexual: expectations, wishes, desires, wants and needs. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly satisfy each other’s beneficial sexual: expectations, wishes, desires, wants and needs. The Golden Creation enables you to know perfectly what to do, to sexually fulfill your Life partner.

The Golden Creation enables you to know perfectly what to do, to make your Life partner feel sexually content. The Golden Creation enables you to know perfectly how to sexually fulfill your Life partner. The Golden Creation enables you to know perfectly how to make your Life partner feel sexually content. The Golden Creation enables you to perfectly know how to perfectly pleasure your Life partner sexually.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to perfectly know how to perfectly pleasure each other sexually. The Golden Creation enables you to: relish in, take pleasure in and enjoy, fulfilling your Life partner through love-making. The Golden Creation enables you to have a sense of: excitingness, bliss, elation, ecstasy, euphoria, jubilance, exultance, exuberance, rapture, joyfulness, jovialness, mirthfulness, happiness, zestfulness, exhilaration, elatedness, delightedness, enjoyment, pleasure, contentment and fulfillment, in fulfilling your Life partner through love-making.

The Golden Creation enables you to feel totally fulfilled in fulfilling your Life partner through love-making. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to beneficially immerse yourselves in the intimate experience of: love-making and being able to share in the pleasure of: giving and receiving, this intimacy, thus enabling you to totally please each other, both: physically and emotionally; climaxing in a fulfilling orgasm at the perfect time.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: relish in, take pleasure in and enjoy, each moment before orgasm. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: relish in, take pleasure in and enjoy, each moment as you approach that precious moment before orgasm. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: relish in, take pleasure in and enjoy, each moment experiencing orgasm.

The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to be totally in: balance, harmony, synchronicity and alignment, with each other’s orgasms. The Golden Creation enables: you and your Life partner, to: relish in, take pleasure in and enjoy, the: sensual, soft, tender, affectionate, gentle and warm, moments after love-making, with: cuddling, hugging and holding each other.

The Golden Creation enables your first love-making experience between: you and your Life partner, to be: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, gentle, warm, sensuousness, romantic, wonderful, exciting, “intense”, passionate, compassionate, understanding, considerate, thoughtful, mindful, connecting, fulfilling, satisfying, beautiful, precious, sacred and perfect.

The Golden Creation enables all love-making experiences between: you and your Life partner, after your first love-making experience to be: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, gentle, warm, sensuousness, romantic, wonderful, exciting, “intense”, passionate, compassionate, understanding, considerate, thoughtful, mindful, connecting, fulfilling, satisfying, beautiful, precious, sacred and perfect.

The Golden Creation enables every time: you and your Life partner, make-love, you can beneficially: transform, transport and transmute, your: thoughts, emotions and feelings, back to your first love-making experience and beneficially re-experience these: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, gentle, warm, sensuousness, romantic, wonderful, exciting, “intense”, passionate, compassionate, understanding, considerate, thoughtful, mindful, connecting, fulfilling, satisfying, beautiful, precious, sacred and perfect: thoughts, emotions and feelings, every time you make-love; thus making love-making an experience as if it is for the first time, every time.

The Golden Creation enables every time: you and your Life partner, make-love, you can beneficially: transform, transport and transmute, your: thoughts, emotions and feelings, back to your first love-making experience and beneficially re-experience these: intimate, loving, sensual, soft, tender, gentle, warm, sensuousness, romantic, wonderful, exciting, “intense”, passionate, compassionate, understanding, considerate, thoughtful, mindful, connecting, fulfilling, satisfying, beautiful, precious, sacred and perfect: thoughts, emotions and feelings, every time you make-love; thus making love-making an experience that is: new, fresh, thrilling and “alive”, every time. ........continued in the Golden Creation

Website:- thegoldencreation.com http://thegoldencreation.com To all who: have helped and are helping in some way, to bring the Golden Creation to fruition, thus helping in its’ inception, thankyou. To all who: are here to witness, acknowledge and in some way: understand, relate to and feel connected to, the Golden Creation, thankyou. To all who accept the Golden Creation, thus helping in its’ inception, thankyou.



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  • WHEW!!!!!!!!! Takes my breath away!!!!!!!!!!

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