This is a insert in my E-Book ( 2012-18 New Earth Survival ) on the New World Order, Dark Cabal, Bio-Warfare. I thought it would be a approbate time to post it as the Ebola Fear is reaching new heights but old tactics, enjoy.
Insert -TRIBULATION - A/H1N1 (N.W.O.)10-09
This is a most dangerous time for mankind .We are soon to become endangered species if the Illuminati have there way with us. We must awake quickly to stop what is about to happen. This is the end times that all are talking about as the end times of the great REVELATIONS or Tribulation times as it is called by the Christians..
This year they have released yet another virus upon us. But this swine flu (A/H1N1) is a little different than the ones they normally release upon us each year with again a new name. In that it is a little bit stronger and its man made compound of bacteria has a count of 144 and it’s never been seen on earth before. So we now have a new faction of alien bacteria invading earth every year since the 911 conspiracy in 2001 that began against the people of the world.
I believe it is being sprayed upon us the same as all the other chemtrails starting in 2002, Along with the already existing H1N1 Chem.-trails and or bio warfare from the sky. These viruses are also being released in small dosages in targeted areas of the world by N.W.O. agents. Of course they are using fear tactics through the controlled media like they do every year. It is said by our space brothers that many people will die just from fear and many more from immune system failure. It is another form of Genocide.
I recently did some more remote viewing on this subject, and what I found is that this new swine virus is actually aimed at the children first and then pregnant women! They used to aim at both the elderly and the children. They presume the elderly are already dying off from the poisoned food, heavy dose of pharmaceutical drugs and the chem.-trails. But now they seem to be aiming at the children to eliminate the future population. What I saw was that many children would die from the same virus released again in September 2009 and similar ones in the next three years 2010, 2011 and 2012.
This is part of their diabolical plan to terminate 85% of the world’s population. This is Genocide in the highest since. Genocide means to mass murder or enslave a people for profit or political gains! This is the only real disease. We must be strong in our faith and belief’s! This reminds me of the story of chicken little, when he shouts the sky is falling, the sky is falling as he got hit on the head with a piece of corn. They are using mind control on us. Trying to make us think the disease is coming from the pigs, birds or Mother Nature herself. When in fact they are man made and planted worldwide and aimed at the children. And most people, who think they got it, are really just sick from the chem. trails. I will go into greater detail later.
And of course the biggest Dupe of all is that its not the man made virus’s that they release each year as a epidemic but the new pandemic ,(Mass Murder) Genocide of world will be in the three stage vaccines that they will force us to take later after have died from the A/H1N1sprayed from the chemtrails! The controlled media is pushing heavily for these forced vaccines and they are causing much Fear in the people, pushing them to take something that could kill them. Many of the alternative news media is warning us just how dangerous it is. Our space brothers are warning us as well.
One of the new crop circles in England is a picture of this new man made parasite of what it would look like under the microscope. And even though the farmer tried to erase it, it comes back bigger and stronger. A warning of the New World Order and there future plans as well. So before I go into great detail about how this diabolical Genocide of the world will be, I must first go back a little and give a small review of the previous diabolical murders
Lets go back twenty years to 1989 and the weaver family in Idaho (I think), anyway the Weaver family was attacked by special agents because they had a sowed off shotgun. The wife and baby were killed by the agents. In 2010 the remaining family won a lawsuit against the feds and won many millions of dollars. Next in 93 we have the Waco massacre in Texas where the same firearms problems existed. This time it was an adapter to make semi auto into auto and again the feds moved in. This time in the early nineties and most every thing was recorded on video.
After a long stand off the feds shot and killed a large number of the people of the compound who tried to escape when the feds set fire to there compound, but it was at night and the bullets were silent. Over 100 men women and children were murdered on video, either by silent bullets or the fire that burned down the compound. They called them religious dangerous fanatics. And said they burned them selves. And all evidence of the compound was buried and hidden from the public as well as the videos were confiscated. This was the first large Genocide of civilians by the N.W.O.
Next the Illuminati moved on to bigger and better game since now they have gotten away with these last two and that’s not counting all the others in the past like the Kennedy brother’s assignation’s etc. Anyway they went after the Oklahoma fed building and even though they were using the feds for there dirty work. Maybe they thought to throw people off, if they blew up one of there own. And of course they had set up there own pasty as they always do. He was called Oliver North and friends. But this time they really got crazy, trying to make us believe that North blew op the building with cow manure and nitrates. That was a lot to swallow and most didn’t buy it. And again most all evidence was rapidly taken away so no one could prove any different. This time several hundred people were murdered and covered up quickly. And once again people were told to believe there lies as the so called enemy was labeled as a terrorist, who aimed at the government, (but not the government behind the government.)
In Oct.1998 the N.W.O. released upon the mass population of the world the chem. trails (deadly chemical, bacteria mold and fungi virus sprayed from tanker jets in the sky) that they had been working on for the past fifty years. I already talked about one of the installations, in earlier chapters where they produced it, Kirtland AFB. Of course there are many others around the world that produce this deadly (slow death) bio warfare. These deadly chemicals of bio-warfare are sprayed upon us daily or almost daily. And I believe they have been spraying (test spots) around the world, usually in desert areas for the last 50 years. I have old movies on video from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Many of them have chemtrails in them. Of course most people didn’t know it was chemtrails. They just thought they were unusual clouds. I thought the same until 11 years ago (1998), but now I know better. I can recognize them anywhere any time. I see them also on T.V. in newspapers, magazines, movies and videos. It seems they have been with us a very long time, many generations.
And of course they are designed to slowly weaken our immune system, break it down for the big kill that they keep warning us, is coming about every year now are planning to spring upon us Sept.-Dec. of this year and really big time in 2010-11 I will explain later how I believe chem. trails and virus’s are some how connected. Some day 2012 will be listed in history (if we survive) that began the Genocide of nearly all of mankind, first chem trail A/H1N1 sickness, and viruses then the deadly vaccines that they will force upon us if we don’t do some thing to stop them now!
The bio-warfare chemtrails breaks down people’s immune system slowly as they spray us almost daily. The people are mostly get flu like sickness from that’s called Myco-plasma (mold that becomes fungi) and can mutate into bacteria and virus's and visa versa, because it is sprayed continuously the flu symptoms never goes completely away. Other systems beside flu are fatigue, apathy and memory lost. The bacteria can even cause cancer, diabetes, lupus, heart and many other serous condition's. I know from personal experience of having been exposed to the chemtrails I contacted all of the above and more! And they run to the doctor and pharmacy to get flu shots and drugs (like I did) only to find that it only makes it much worse.
The reason being is that you already have one form of the flu coming from the sky and then you inject another form from of flue in the vaccine and now you have a double dose which your body's immune system must then learn to fight at the same time. And of course this Drug money is funneled back to the bio-warfare industry to make more chemtrails and we pay them to spray us daily over again. And the cycle continues on and on year after year!
There are over twelve main ingredients in the chem trail cock-tail. Naturally occurring Anthrax is brought down from 30,000 ft. as the main ingredient. And of course this is an alien bacterium, a parasite that is alien bacteria to our immune system. And so our immune system is not programmed or trained to handle this alien parasite. Pig and human DNA are also in it. As well as mold and fungi and heavy metals etc. I noticed that in the H1N1 viruses released upon us in the several last years there are many of the same ingredients.
This year they took DNA and bacterial virus samples from a dead sailor frozen in the arctic, who died from the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, which killed 10 million people but the SSG and the WHO claim100 million. They combined this with the pig DNA and bird virus’s that they have been working on, in hopes that the new virus strain of bacteria will mutate and create a new plague and a pandemic A/H1N1 Genocide. Of course this would be the big one they have been working on for many years.
It is my belief that the two are connected, the chem trails and the yearly “man made” flue virus’s, why else would they spray us all of these years, making all of us sick and millions dying a slow death. The heavy metals of aluminum and mercury are in both and that causes the brain to shut down and apathy and memory loss to set in, the body cannot rid itself of these so it is stored in the place of the most fat, our brains. They are preparing us for the next big kill; they warn us it will come soon, the Ultimate Genocide!
The end of mankind as we know it! That is if we let them! I believe we can stop them with the help of our space brothers. That is why it is important to wake up now so we can stop it in time! Where is the best place to hide a book, but in a library. And where is the best place to hide Bio-Chemtrail’s (clouds) but in the sky with the rest of the clouds. They have been doing it for so long that people have accepted these deadly bio-war-fare clouds as normal clouds. And we have been sick for so long that we also have accepted this as normal! And that’s really sick both in ideology and in body and mind. We are cattle being lead to the slaughter house. Will we wake up in time before it’s too late ? More on this subject later when we talk in more detail about the deadly germ viruses.
The next test they did on us was in 2000 when they produced a highly developed anthrax that was magnetized, made in one of there upstate US chemical high tech labs by Bayer Drugs. They then released it in the mail, killing a few people but scaring the mass population in Washington DC. Of course they blamed it on terrorist again. This caused 90,000 people to rush out and buy Bayer’s new drug that advertised it would protect them from the new deadly anthrax. All of the 90,000 who took the drug had severe brain damage and most didn’t recover, some did slightly and remained in the mental hospitals, again Genocide! Once more all of this was kept out of the main line controlled news and buried, the same as all there other tests they were making on mankind. We are there Guinea pigs and we always have been, till the end, unless we wake up and use the power of our cosmic mind to stop the Genocide!
In 2001 they created the 911 largest mass murders (Genocide), it was planed well ahead of time and as usual they had many patsies’ set up to take the blame (radical Muslim terrorist). They even planed it so the day and month would come out to 911 the national emergency number, which became the name, clever they were. Of course the media was on it after the first crash as they remotely controlled the two jets that hit the towers. Then they blew up the buildings with high-tech “nano” explosives called thermite that only the elite military and government had access to. That melted the steel beams at twice the 8000 degrees needed to melt steal.
Then the explosives were set off in succession as they do in demolition same as when they are dismantling buildings in cities. And one FBI-CIA building also fell that wasn’t even hit by the jets or the imploding buildings. Of course all of this was on video for the world to see. But people refused to believe there own eyes and ears as they heard the blasts go off and instead they believed the propaganda lies of the controlled media!
Next there was the “invisible” jet that supposedly hit the Pentagon building but no wreckage or bodies were found and no one seen or heard it. All total there were over 2,000 deaths or Genocide upon the people in the buildings and the jets. Of course there is no way that a fire from the fuel of the jets could have possibly caused the many explosions’ that most people and controlled media heard as the buildings come down. And they could not have melted the steal as the jet fuel burns only at 800 degrees. And the third (fed.) Building could not have fallen because it was not hit by jets nor damaged from the fall of the two towers. This whole scenario was a set up a hoax that cost 2000 lives.
No one in their right minds could believe the so called “evidence” that was presented to the people. In other words we are told that we did not see or hear what we heard and saw. Jesus says; there is none more blind nor deaf, than those who refuse to see or hear!We are told again to believe there lies, instead of the real truths. But as usual all the “evidence” was quickly taken away and buried. And the govt. still to this day refuses to investigate what truly happened, even though many people and protest groups are asking for an investigation... So what’s really going on! Who’s really behind all of this Genocide?
We should always ask ourselves, who is to gain from this mass murder and all the others. Many times in history we find out later that the governments themselves were behind the “so called terrorist” that they create. And most of the time it is to gain more power and more laws over the people, also more tax’s on the people to pay for this takeover! This scenario is not different only much larger. It is a sinister secret govt (SSG)working from behind the scenes as a one world govt. in the final stages of takeover of all the worlds’ governments! Step by step, each terrorist act that they create brings them one step closer to there goal.
The last terrorist acts brought the organization of FEMA federal emergency management agency. This FEMA has the powers in an emergency which they can (create) declare martial law, which removes all civil rights, and puts people under the military government... Now this new 911 attack brought in more loss of civil rights and a continuation of Hitler’s SS Nazis troops. This organization is called Home Land Security, they are the newest secret service agency to join there family of lodges of the N.W.O...
And probably the most dangerous as there powers are far reaching, even into other spy agency’s and neighboring countries. They are part of the white house staff and make new laws, again taking away peoples rights. They are the most powerful and fastest growing agency in US history. They were started by Dictator Bush in Jan.2002, because of the 911 incident. And now they have grown to 800 branches throughout the world, but mostly in the US. They set up there main office in the White house. And I believe they will play a major role in installing the N.W.O. and the death camps, which I will speak about soon, concerning the deadly vaccines.
N.W.O. also choose Sept., 08 as the month to collapse the stock market,. A worse crash than Oct.1987 and nearly as bad as 1927 Great Depression. And of course this was a planed controlled Crash. We knew it was coming. I even wrote an article predicting it in this book in an insert six months before. This info was given to us by insiders, who knew that the SSG was planning this crash, based upon the over inflated housing scam. We knew that the housing bubble was going to burst because it wasn’t real in the first place. I am part owner of a house my father left that my family tried to sell ten years earlier. And right before the crash the house nearly doubled in price, just from the inflated housing bubble, but family disputes over my share of the money kept it from selling. And now they will never be able to sell it.
Soon after the crash many big investment firms and banks demanded money from the government of the US. They threatened to crash the economy even worse if they did not reply! They claimed to have lost seven trillion dollars but could only prove two trillion losses. So the government gave them hundreds of billions of the people’s tax money. Of course all of us knew this was just another scam by the World Bank, Federal Reserve and the SSG. Leading in this game was Bank of America, Golden Sax, Wells Fargo, Fanny may and Freddy Mac etc.. And today they are buying out smaller banks and investment firms. Even my bank got bought out by Regions collective bank. They created no new jobs and just used our money to take over the world. They just moved around the so called lost money to their many banks and investment firms around the world. And they used us to take over the world’s economy.
( insert) Note here that as of Nov.2010 these same company s are now foreclosing on housing loans that are two payments late ,at a rate of 100,000 homes per month in America alone. Lets remember that it was the peoples taxes that bailed them out of there false so called crisis , and now these same Banksters that the people rescued from there false crisis have used the peoples money to crash there economy and make them homeless. This is the biggest scam that has ever happened in history. And like the last great Depression most people wont find out what happened to them until many years later. Remember history does repeat itself if we don;t learn our lessons the first time, and this Depression is much worse than the last one's.
And even though we still have the internet for awhile they control the main media, who lie to the people and tell them ever things OK when its not. They even told the people that the Recession was over as of July 2009, just when it was taking off big time. It is now turning the world upside down and it will get even worse if people don't wake up and realize they are cattle being lead to the slaughter as planed by the Anti-Christ.
The Banksters are now paying near 0% interest on savings and still charging high interest on loans. So they are making double as before. This is the largest scam on man kind and they are getting away with it. They still haven’t proved there original loss, which is why they got the loans, they don’t show there correct books and they answer to no one. They don’t have to show what they are doing with our money they borrowed. They are not helping the little man, like they promised; instead they are wiping him out. Small business cannot often make it without these loans. So they are shutting down and they are the back bone of all governments. The US govt. bailed out the bank and investment industries, which has created no jobs but loss of jobs. And at the same time they refused to help the auto industry, who also made big mistakes like the housing industry by building huge machines that were expensive and gas guzzlers, at a time that gas prices has multiplied.
Now there is basically only war and drug (chemicals) industries left in the US.. The new govt. now admits to 10% unemployment, which doesn’t count the already unemployed, that would make it over 20%. There so called Recession is now moving into a Depression as they planed world wide. The dollar is failing and the UN is calling for a new and better world currency as many country’s don’t want the US$ as the world standard for buying oil. And of course crime rises with unemployment around the world, as this is also a part of the plan of the SSG. By next year 010 we will all be in a heavily planed Depression (and pandemic plague). This is the largest move yet by the SSG to take over the world’s economy. To create a “one” world banking, monetary system all owned and controlled by them. The N.W.O. Depression and Plague is here!
This next piece of this insert could be the most important information that I have or will give. It has to do the yearly incident of terror thrust upon us as a man made A/H1N1 virus each year. This subject of (germ) Bio-warfare Diabolical Genocide; is so large that one hardly knows where to start. I should say right off that the outline that I shall give is only a beginning of an awakening process. You must do your homework and investigate for your self’s. I have done a lot of investigating on this most important subject and I have already mentioned it several times in my book but now we go into much greater depth.
These are very troubled times that we are in, as this genocide of germ war-fare are being thrust upon man kind around the planet. Many times I have warned you about the SSGS plan to terminate about 90% of us! Many call this the time of the Rapture but I want to believe that we can change this Tribulation and that it doesn’t have to go down the way the Anti-Christ is trying to make us believe it will. This is not the wrath of God that many are trying to make us believe but the wrath of the Anti-Christ and our sins and mistakes only compound it and our past karma helps to make it happen.
And the main reason they are getting away with it so far is, apathy and denial. They are doing it to us right now as I write. This evil agenda that is being carried out is just unbelievable to most because it is so diabolical, so they will remain in denial. I myself had a hard time handling the evil concepts of the secrets that I uncovered of Genocide upon mankind. And all of these warnings have been given to us in the Revelations and holy books of the world. Blessed is he who has not seen and yet believes.
I have studied many reports of there plans in progress now and what they have done in the past plus what they intend to do to us in the near future. Which I thought wasn’t going to happen until the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012, but the Illuminati has greatly sped up there plans. And the reason for this is the Internet, alternative radio, books and magazines from many qualified speakers and authors with more joining us regularly. The SSG is running scared, there secrets are out of the bag. But the fight is not over yet as it has only started; soon we will be in the battle of our lives. As they have also warned us of the big one that is coming shortly concerning bio-germ warfare on the people of the world. And I believe it is upon us now.
At this point I should give a whole lot of credit to one person who is leading the fight to expose the SSG’s plans for germ warfare and the dangers of deadly vaccines. His name is Dr. Len. Horowitz.(com). You can Google him or go to my lists of web sites in the back of this book. He has done his homework well and many consider him the leader of the movement to expose the SSG bio warfare of the past present and future. He has many books and videos out and free blogs on his web site and you tube. He also does AV workshops with other well known speakers’ worldwide. They all agree that we are being fooled, lied to, deceived that vaccines are good for us. So in reality the bad vaccines have killed more people than the disease’s they were supposed to protect us from and that’s been going on for 200 years. It is said that more people have died from the H1N1 vaccine than from the swine flu itself! So vaccines are the curse of mankind !
They have got away with all of this mass murder by using the greatest excuse of all time. And that is called plausible deniability! In other words they claim that the people who received the deadly vaccines and died or was diseased or disabled already had whatever plagues or disease (like polio) they were supposed to protect them from and it was not detectable before because it was dormant, or that the persons didn’t have the full set of shots which is usually two or three. So they don’t count them in their reports and that makes them incorrect or outright lies and deception!
And were talking of killing innocent adults and children or making them permanently diseased or damaged! This is being done by the drug and chemical companies and the self made authority of the world health organization (WHO). As they push the world governments of these countries to enforce the bad vaccines on the people through the IMF, world bank. And of course this is a lie, a deception that is cast upon the public through the SSG controlled mass media and public health services. The programmed public are now standing in line and paying high dollars to get this bad vaccine unaware that they will soon be getting the germ warfare version of the flu season vaccine that will make them sterile, diseased or dead.
We need to understand that Germ warfare has been around a very long time, at least since WWI, if not before. This is about the time that the drug and chem. industries took over the natural healing medical system, especially in the US. Let’s discuss what happened there at that time in history. The pharmaceutical industries wasn’t doing well up against the natural healing remedies of that time, mainly because there drugs had a lot of dangerous side effects and presently it’s even worse. I wrote much about this in the sickness chapter as I had become one of there Guinea pigs. “Dr. Horowitz says the drug industries started funding the medical university’s and got them to basically withdraw natural healing. And replace it with drugs that have dangerous side effects but brings huge amounts of money to the drug company’s.
At the same time they got the governments to outlaw or discriminate against natural healing. They brain wash the students through intense study programs designed to create drug pusher doctors financed mostly by them and who also get kickbacks from the prescriptions they prescribe. The doctors themselves are programmed so well that they don’t even realize for the most part that they have become drug pushers and killers, instead of healers. And the deadly side effects of the drugs are treated with more deadly drugs and side effects, a never ending cycle upon the living dead that they have created, profit making is the motive, not healing”!
These drug companies’ have not only done great harm to individual people but to the medical establishment itself as well. Which finds itself in a great bind by all the high costs of treating never ending new disease’s made by the bad drugs side effects. And these dangerous side effects and disease’s create a very lucrative business, such as all the
Operations the surgeons make that bring in huge amounts of money to them as well. Most of them are unnecessary or exploratory and many like mine were failures! But all of this brings in lots of money to the drug and medical industries.
Today they have the added benefits of the Germ warfare business especially the chem. trail which makes people sick on a daily basis with flu like conditions and the entire medical and drug industries benefit greatly from people sickness’s that they create in the first place. And of course let’s not forget the income from all those expensive bad vaccines that are forced upon us from the scare of the HINI flu that they release upon us each year. It is strange that the same people who prophet from the disease’s, create the diseases in the first, and same as those who start the War’s are the same ones who supply the weapons.
Now back to the future and the germ warfare business that started at the same time as the drug business. Around WWI it all started but didn’t really take off till around the WWII era. By 1933 the Germans had started working on bio-warfare with strains of the anthrax virus. And by the end of the war both the Germans and the Japanese had perfected it and they tested it on the Jews and there enemy’s.. But there means of delivery was ineffective, so they never got a chance to use it much in the war.. When the SSG withdrew support from Hitler, WWII ended.
The SSG then moved there headquarters to the US and most of the rocket and top bio-germ warfare scientist went to the US and the rest went to Russia. And the big drug companies like Merck and others followed suit. In the early fifties the germ warfare scientist were moved to a new location called camp Dietrich. There they produced over 7,000 different strains of viruses and the influenza called Micro-plasma in the next twenty years, not counting the many other diseases including Leukemia, cancer, polio and heart disease.
It seems now, that all disease are caused by bad bacteria. They soon began to test their germ viruses on the people by using the vaccines as a means to inject people. One of their early tests was on black men in the south. Four hundred black men were injected with syphilis in mid sixty’s and there sickness and suffering were monitored until late seventies. Aids and HIV was also introduced by vaccines in the ghettos and homosexuals in the US. In the late seventies and followed up in Africa and later in Europe. Soon after the “WHO put HIV and Aids in there red alert system and wasn’t taken off until they replaced it with the new swine flu, series A/ HINI alert in 4-09 and A-H3N2 in 010.
Poliomyelitis Vaccinations was introduced in the US and elsewhere throughout the world also in the mid fifty’s and it was the SSG’s and “WHO’s favorite program as it set the standard for the rest of there mass torture and murder! As always they first release the disease (in this case polio), and then the “WHO” brings in the vaccinations that will actually give the real disease to the people. The first inject-able vaccine was called Salk polio vaccine, and within days it caused paralysis in very large number of people but it continued on to1961 after they blamed the failure on a bad batch and withdrew one company’s bad vaccines.
At this time they then went to the oral doses and still had the same problems of some deaths and many cases of paralysis (which is a form of polio). By the mid sixty’s several thousand cases of paralysis associated with the vaccine were studied and under “Evaluation of the risk” the committee wrote that it is not possible to prove that any individual case was caused by the vaccine and that no laboratory tests available can provide a “definite answer”.
Back then and today they have coined this terminology that is called plausible deniability and it is there most used excuse that always guarantee’s that they will getaway with there genocide plans. From that time on they continued to infest and then to inject whole societies around the world in large dosage’s, causing more diseases and deadly side effects with the help of the WHO. And they did this up until the late eighty’s when they changed to a new disease, all under the excuse of plausible deniability. Read articles, Poliomyelitis Vaccinations by Viera Scheibner, PhD at
And so today they continue on with there genocide guest with more modern disease’s, all of which they have created themselves along with the bad vaccines. Agent Orange Germ war-fare was a favorite by the SSG and they used it in there Vietnam War. One of the company’s who made it was Monsanto (of St. Louis Mo.) under license of Budweiser beer. They operated a plant one mile from my country home of Defiance Mo. Agent Orange was a form of anthrax continued on from WWII and Hitler.
The problem was it not only killed the enemy in a most horrible death but it also killed there own US solders. And I guess that was part of there plan. Meaning then they could monitor the sick solders the ones who didn’t die, to be able to study them in there VA hospitals and see how well there Germ war-fare works. And because all solders are throw away items to them.
Monsanto not only makes Germ warfare and controls 90% of the worlds GM seeds but they also pollute the environment worse than any company and always gets away with it. In 1974 Monsanto shut down there Agent Orange plant in my village and buried all the leftovers and toxic waste right there in steel barrels, which later leaked out the toxins and destroyed all the wild life for many miles around. Also they paved the streets and roads with toxic waste in nearby Times beach Mo, many became sick and some died and the town had to be evacuated. Plus they also buried toxic waste in Elliston ILL.
And even more people died and many more became sick. You could say that the two M&M company’s (Monsanto and Merck) have killed and tortured more people through there Drugs ,Toxic Waste and Germ Warfare than any of there sister company’s of the Illuminati! They will win bonuses in the after life to get to Hell first.
By the early seventy’s tricky Dick declared camp Dietrich closed from a treaty with Russia and said it was a failure and that they only developed seven new anthrax viruses, but in Truth they developed over 7,000 new strains of germ warfare and they didn’t close down but moved there labs to Clinton’s home ground of Pine Bluff Ark. After the SSG had set up the “WHO” in the mid 60’s they then had a front and a escape goat. They them selves produced many diseases in there labs and then released them on the public, then the “WHO” would come along and say we will help you and then bring in there bad vaccines and IMF loans from the Infamous World Bank,as economic control warfare.
At this same time they began testing of the 7’000 strain of Micro-plasma at certain tests areas around the world. The means of employment of this germ warfare was and is today known as Chemtrails, where they sprayed the chemicals and germs out of the back of tanker jets, which later turns to a cloud type of germ warfare as it fell to the ground and makes everyone sick. This was done in the fourteen southwest states up until 1998 Oct. and then they began to spray the whole world with the deadly chem-trails! And today they are still spraying us and no one seems to able to stop them!
I remember well when I first got sick from the chemtrails and knew for the first exactly what was happening to me (Jan.99) three months after Oct.98. As I touched the chemtrail spider web that spread across the two acre lawn. I remembered the Hopi legend which said that the Hopi predictions would began when the cob-webs fell from the ski. For the first time I truly understood what that meant great sickness and death would come from those chem. trails and an even far greater epidemic and pandemic would later come from all those7000 variation of flu type germs known as micro-plasma and the now famous H1N1.
Those predictions are basically the same as the Revelations in the New Testament and other holy books today Oct.09, they are still spraying the whole world with bio-warfare and no one has been able to stop them and the vast majority of people don’t care even if they look up to see the chemtrails. So now they plan to complete there Genocide in the next five months of the flu season, which is what they are hiding behind to bring in the deadly vaccines. So that they will create the H1N1 as a pandemic with the chemtrails.
The World Health Organization. is one of the Illuminati’s (100+) black lodges and then there are many branches in every country called health department's. In the US it’s called (CDC) Center for Disease Control. In the EU it’s similar the CDC’s public health program. The WHO has become much more powerful with the UN behind it and it is the enforcer of the bad vaccines to all the countries who borrow money from the IMF. The 180 country’s who are part of the so called IMF family are also the same 180 countries (plus) members of the world health organization the “WHO”. But soon the new enforcer will be the UN (troops) for the vaccine camps that WHO will set up for all those people ”who” refuse to take the deadly vaccines. These death camps will be set up first in the US by the end of 09 or shortly there after then also in Europe and enforced by the UN...
So whoever borrows money from the IMF World Bank will also become automatically member’s of the “WHO”. These black lodges of the Illuminati call them there “family members”. Later we will see how they work together to bring about the next (tribulation) Genocide. Speaking of working together, the HAARP weapon as a war project also works together with the chemtrails by helping to disperse them and again it’s all in the family. They all work together toward one goal, stage by stage, step by step, towards the elimination (mass murder) of mankind and the establishment of there New World Order government! Order from chaos, first they create the problem then they create the (so called) solution. We must remember the devil is a trickster and Satan is a deceiver.
Then we can understand there disinformation is just, the Untruths cloaking the Truth. They are pretending that the H1N1 is a problem when its not. And there solution to save a few lives, is to kill us all off. What kind of logic is that? It is nothing but pure evil that they do, to reach there goal. But of course they are evil in nature themselves and believe they are superior beings because or there ET blood lines or there belief that they are members of the Jesus bloodline and of course all of this is a lie. Just like ever thing they do and say to us through the controlled media.
In this last year the SSG has greatly stepped up there germ warfare program. They are pushing there genocide program to the limits. There scared because our ET brothers are showing themselves or rather there spaceships all over the world almost on a everyday basis. And that the ET’s would spill the beans on there genocide plans. Which I and some others do believe they could do .Some of us even believe they will make contact with us and the whole world soon. As a matter of fact I heard this confirmation on C2Cam this Tuesday 6th of Oct.09. There was a young guest host on C2C radio whom I had heard several times before, his name was David Wilcox. He claims to be an incarnation of the famous Edgar Cayce. Like Cayce he to receives visions.
He has managed to overcome his ego he had when even much younger and today he is one of us ‘the awakened ones. And now I believe him. He has had visions like many of us about what is about to happen. (I should also note here that there are also new young ones joining us now who also had this info before they came down here to help us awaken the mass consciousness.) And he to believes the SSG plan to take five billion of us out by or through the deadly vaccines and he believes it to be this same time line many are talking about. He claims to have inside contact with some high official’s of the SSG who feel some what guilty of what they are about to do to mankind. They leaked reports to him that they have already made up 2-1/2 billion deadly batches of the “bad” vaccine’s that will kill off 5 billion people shortly. And they plan to have another one billion ready by the end of the year. Again that is if we let them.
David also believes in our space brothers and like me he believes they are here to help us. And that’s why there are so many sightings almost everyday. He says that the SSG is on the run, that is they are speeding up there originally plans greatly because they are scared that because of the frequent sightings, that the ET’s will put a stop to there diabolical genocide plans. And there fear is correct for the space brothers do plan to help us stop this horrible mass murder.
When asked how, he admitted that he was in direct contact with them and he is part of there plans. He has arranged a two hour special with one of the big seven TV company's and they will put on a program with him as a live host some time before the end of the year. At which time he will interview some ET’s who look similar to us (so they wont scare us) and they will reveal to the world, on live broadcast, who they are where they came from and many other things people are interested in.
But most important is the plans of the SSG to destroy us all. This shocking news should shake and awaken the world of the deadly game the SSG is playing and soon put a complete halt to it. But unfortunately many millions of lives will already be lost by that time. It’s my belief that those lives are not lost in vain, that is people will then learn and know that it is the bad (deadly) vaccines that are killing the people and not so much the swine flu which the SSG has also made. This good news of exposing the SSG should rock the world like nothing has ever done before. And at the same time the world will also know that we are not alone and more important that we are all family of the same Creator God.
Davids web site is HTTP://
Now back to the story of SSG’s genocide plans. For over sixty years now they have departmentalize all there many bio-war chemical plant or labs., where they have been making all of these bad germs and bacteria, mold and fungi called micro-plasma. It seems the virus can mutate into a bacteria, mold or fungi and back again as it wishes. The chemtrails and the A/H1N1 are basically the same. And the new mutated virus that is in the three stage vaccine that they will use to kill us off soon, was all created in there 75 to 100 labs around the world with there main labs and headquarters in the US.
Note here in the last five years or so they have been killing off all the top scientists who where the only ones who knew what the bigger plans were with the entire deadly virus they were making since every thing was departmentalized. So far over 75 of these scientists have been murdered and some were made to look like suicide or accidents. All of this is done to hide from the public the monster virus that they have made in there labs. This is called covering your tracks.
Some of there more known plants are Nova Vox and Baxter and GlaxoSmithKline.. Who have been making Tama flu and other vaccines for the common flu but they have also been using it for the A/H1N1 but it was not very successful and now the CDC wants people to take both vaccines. Tama flu shot for the common flu and a nasal injection of live “bad A/H1N1” bacteria for the swine flu that they are spraying on us through the newly developed chemtrails. I believe they will start spraying the whole world heavily with the swine flu around 20th of Oct.09. When they will again try to make us believe its coming from birds to pigs and other animals and now people and it was to become an epidemic is now a pandemic spreading around the world as the deadly chemtrails fall from the sky. And this is to get us to take the deadly mutated vaccine by the last week of Oct. Ukraine was hit by the swine flue and the low spraying chemtrails right before!!
By last month only 600 people has died and 300 has died from the vaccines since it began in 2002. But the CDC and the WHO websites and controlled media propaganda only show the possible deaths of those that died from the A/H1N1 and not the vaccines. They are really pushing the fear buttons. They lie about how many die from the common flu each year, which is 250,000 to 500, 000. And they lie about how many has actually died from the swine flu because the CDC has stopped testing for H1N1.
They want to try to make people think its worse than the common flu when its actually much less but when there new A/H1N1 Chemtrails start, then yes it will be much worse. At this time (late fall) they will push for the two part vaccine which is the next stage. And the one following that which will start around (12-21-010) .will be the really big one they have been warning us that is coming soon (with the deadly 3 stage vaccine). The SSG believes they must push this time slot while the winter is still in season and they can use it as a excuse for there man made pandemic!
Baxter and Nova Vox tried to pull a fast one in Jan.09 when they sent there deadly swine flu vaccines to there other European laboratories by train. And of course there was two separate train “accidents” and as intended the glass jars that held the new A/H1N1 to make new vaccines broke and released it onto the public. Both killed over 140 innocent people! And just as in the US, the EU said or did nothing much about it. But it did set the stage for yet another incident .This time in Austria back in Feb.09. Baxter sent out 72 kilograms of live “bird flu “virus supplied by the World Health Org. to 16 laboratories in four EU countries.
Baxter is facing court charges in several countries for sending out contaminated swine flu viruses. The charges, filed by journalist Jane Bugermester of Austria, claim that clear evidence exists that the pharmaceutical company(Baxter) and “WHO” conspired in producing , developing, manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly bio weapons on earth in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass death (Genocide).
Last December, the Austrian branch of Baxter sent a batch of ordinary human H3N3 flu, altered so it could not replicate, to AVIR Green hills Biotechnology, also in Austria. In February, a lab in the Czech Republic working for AVIR alerted Baxter that unexpectedly ferrets inoculated with a sample from the shipment had died. It was to be used by Baxter to make vaccine. Baxter claims it was a simple “accident”. World-renown virologist Ab Osterhaus from Holland stated that the accidental release of the mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 virus subtypes could have resulted in extremely dire consequences. Although N5N1 does not easily infect people, H3N2 does. Anyone exposed to the mixture of the two strains and simultaneously infected with both could serve as a human incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to other people and their communities !. This is the outcome feared by many scientists for the autumn flu season, and the stated reason for the push to get everyone vaccinated, even if by force!
(Source:, 8 July 09, HTTP;//
This H1N1 or swine flu is not new; it goes back to at least 1969-70 when 30 cases of H1N1 appeared at Lack land AFB in Texas (two years after I was there). Its unknown if any deaths accrued. Again in 1976 an out break of the swine flu appeared in the recruits of fort Dix and two died. Then President Ford declared a national health threat. A mass vaccination program was initiated to target all the US pop. And 1/3 of the US pop .received vaccines most because of threats of new “Spanish flu out break” again. But it was so incompetent that it had to be halted 11 months after it began. And the reason for its failure was that many thousands of people received vaccines got the Guillain-Barre auto immune disease. Records were not released on how many people died from the bad vaccines!
And let us not forget the largest bad vaccine experiment ever done on man kind. And again it was done on US military in both gulf wars 1+2. A total of over 450,000 US troops were given deadly vaccines over a 10 year period. All of them became sick over time and in the end a large number died over 35,000, the exact number the US govt. won’t reveal. Today the 250,000 survivors are very diseased. The US, VA finally admits, after many years of court battles that the vaccines were bad, but wont admit that they knew it all along and refused to do nothing about it. They refuse to give VA benefits to these guinea pig soldiers or to there families. They claim that it was the fault of the drug company's and not theirs, I believe this will set the premise for the SSG to now move there bad and deadly vaccines on us, which is the final stage.
Now to summarize all of this I would say this,. We now know how they work and how they plan to create mass genocide by studying the way they have worked in the past. In this way we know that there next move will be. They need to convince the mass population of the earth, that there is now a pandemic of swine flu A/H1N1 taking over the world and many will die from it. And so to save us they will give us the (deadly) vaccines. They have there big propaganda machines rolling full speed and since they own most of the large media's they are hitting us hard from all sides at once.
At the same time I believe they will start the largest chemtrail spray ever done before. And the swine flu will be in the chemtrail so that it does look like the swine flu is spreading world wide. Also at this time they have stopped taking test's for the H1N1, so they can make up any number of sickness and deaths as they far they have greatly blown out of proportion the amount of sick and dead people.
They are also including the false reports of the CDC and the WHO. The health and human services are putting the reports of common flu together with the swine flu to make there numbers look much larger. Today the 24th of Oct. the acting president Obama has declared a National Emergency because of the swine flu epidemic (same as they did in 1976) that they want to make into a pandemic.
This is one stage away from martial law. In the next two months they will push for forced vaccines as they continue to scare the public into believing there lies and scams and setting up vaccines tent camps, near hospitals. By or before X-Mass they plan to put in martial law and force the deadly new ‘3 stage’ vaccine upon the people of the US and the rest of the world will follow through the powers of the UN and the IMF and the W.H.O. plus there vaccines camps. If they fail they will try again each year til they succeed.
These new 3 stage vaccine is basically the A/H1N1 and the H5N1 which will be taken in the 1st. 28 days and then on the 29th or shortly there after the H3N2. Which Pro. Ab Osterhaus talked about before, that this combination will be deadly and spread rapidly by the people vaccinated. This could possibly kill 5 billion by the end of 2012 which is the genocidal goal of the SSG. Each person receiving this vaccine will be tagged with a metal wrist band with a RFID tag in it. People will think there safe but in fact they will become killing machines, spreading a new mutated form of the original A/H1N1.,we must refuse to take these new deadly vaccines and Europe is leading in the refusal to take the bad vaccines.
As of 28th Oct.09, 1/3rd of the EU was poled and 2/3rds of them said no to the bad vaccines. That’s the first positive sign I have seen yet. And half of the Americans don’t wont it. It’s going to be much harder to awaken the Americans up because the mind control and brainwashing runs deep. They have been programmed for many generations to believe the lies of the government and the media. And now they are sending the lies and propaganda out all over the world via the satellites. One of the latest tricks is to get public health programs. Not to help the people but to be able to soon enforce the new bad vaccine.
So if we don’t stop them or receive a miracle from our space brothers by intervention or receive divine intervention by the spiritual kingdom, then mass Genocide will take place. Everyone must do there part by releasing this very important information to all people around them. We are all one in this family of God. And it is our duty to help save human kind from this Diabolical Genocide plan of the Illuminati. It’s now or never! This may be our last chance to save humanity .Don’t take the deadly vaccine! This is truly the end times of the DC, prepare and choose wisely and don't fall into the Fear that they have created, its a Hoax !
Sorry this post is so long, I should have posted it in 2 pieces but I am glad you like it. Thanks Mate, L&L Adonai