The Great Shift of Consciousness August 9th

1info@truespirit.euTo: www.truespirit.euSubject: The Great Shift of Consciousness August 9thJuly 31, 2009A Message on the Great Shift of Consciousness August 9, 2009Channeled by Carol Ritberger Ph. D.for Thoth, Hierophant of the MelchizedeksCarol: My presence and voice was requested by Thoth and the Council of the Melchizedeks to share this congratulatorymessage with all who have worked for, suffered for, sacrificed for, longed for, and who have in the perseverance of their humanspirit created the greatest shift in consciousness that humanity has ever experienced. It is this consciousness that will free usfrom the bondages of our past, from the limitations of self‐doubt, and that will expand our thinking so that we may create anew way of being where it is possible to manifest unimaginable results. They wanted me to convey that they are in awe of ourresiliency and humbled by our courageous nature.Thoth: It is true that you are living in unprecedented and extraordinary times where the words and energy of one person canbecome the tipping point of change. It is in your desire to rise above and move beyond limiting thoughts and destructiveemotions that have moved you into the enlightened state of being. You may feel that you have awakened from a longevolutionary slumber to once again become fully engaged in life.There is a stargate, a portal in time that has been pulsating in the same rhythm as your human heart beat. This stargate has,over the course of 26,000 years, been opening and closing in indiscernible measurements. Yet, over the last 260 days thisstargate has opened wider so you may see what lies beyond the reality that drives many of the activities of your daily existence.In the last 26 days, this stargate has remained open more than closed so you can venture into the reality of the subtle world ofyour soul.On August 9, 2009 this stargate will be fully open and will remain open for two solar days. Within the four days prior to thisdate, you will feel a vibrational shift in your being and a notice a shift in your thinking. Your earth will culminate the trinity ofeclipses. The first July 6‐7, 2009, was a lunar eclipse. Then on July 22‐23, 2009, was a solar eclipse. On August 6, 2009, will bethe final eclipse which will be a lunar eclipse. Eclipses represent gateways, we call them stargates, that move thought andenergy from one dimension into another. This final eclipse will ensure the energy of the portal vibrationally resonates theharmonics of the sacred feminine.Let us explain the nature of a stargate so you may better understand its significance. A stargate is a doorway. In this case, it's adoorway in the mind that allows the perceptions of the left brain and the perceptions of the right brain to merge and form asacred union. In doing so, the impurities, meaning the limitations and distortions held within both brains will be transmuted intothe pure ‐ pure meaning, in cooperation with each other and open to new ways of thinking. When the impurities aretransmuted then both brains merge electrochemically and both are capable of heightened states of awareness. The stargate isthis heightened state of awareness and is what allows the two brains to merge with the soul brain, which is housed deep withinthe workings of the human mind. In this alchemy of brains, all will reach their state of perfection.How will you know when you've entered into the stargate and accessed the wisdom of the soul brain? You will find yourselffeeling calm. You will experience a sense of resolve that comes from understanding that while you can control your thoughts,you cannot control the thoughts of other people. You will not be inclined to engage in conversations where there is no desirefor mutual satisfaction, and where the air is charged with conflict and power struggles. When you experience strong negativeemotional reactions you might hear your inner voice ask, "How do you want to see the situation and to what extent do youwant to engage in the process?" Do you want to see it from the perception of your mind or do you want to see it from theperception of your soul? While the situation remains the same, if you see it from the perception of your soul, your response willbe completely different than if you saw it from the perception of the mind. From the soul's perspective, you will see that itserves no value either to yourself or to others to continue to engage in the process. Be mindful, that this difference may makepeople around you uncomfortable. So be it. It is intended to be this way, for you are presenting them the opportunity to thinkand to awaken from their evolutionary slumber.The twenty days following the closing of the stargate, you may find yourself experiencing a restlessness or an uneasiness. This isnot because something is wrong with you, it is the tension created between those who entered into the stargate and chose to2remain, and those who chose to stay in state of consciousness ruled by the physical world. Be mindful, from the perspective ofthe soul, whether someone chooses to enter into the stargate and remain in that enlightened consciousness or they chose tostay where they are in the consciousness of the physical world there is no right or wrong. It is merely the expression of free will.Do not invest your time or energy in trying to change the outcome or change another's free will.We spoke of the harmonics of the sacred feminine. We find that it might be of value if we offered insight into what the sacredfeminine is and why at this time in your evolution its presence is so significant.The sacred feminine is the soul. It is neither feminine nor masculine in its vibrational polarity. Instead, it is a combination ofboth that forms a state of androgyny. It is this vibrational androgyny that makes it possible for you to enter into the stargateand remain if you choose without experiencing physical ramifications. The sacred feminine is the essence of your being and isthe part of your being that animates the activities of the mind and the body. It is that immeasurable and indescribable livingfield of transformational consciousness that links your soul to the entire cosmos and to all that exists. It is the compassionatewarrior.It is the desire of these non‐physical beings who are the order of the Melchizedeks, a group of evolved teachers and overseersof the evolutionary process of consciousness, to let us know how much we are loved and are supported in our quest to createwhat we need and what we desire. They offer their insights to provide the clarity and guidance so we may move forwardconfidently, without suffering, on our evolutionary journey.Light and Love, Carol© Copyright 2009 by Carol Ritberger, Ph.D., Medical Intuitive, and the Ritberger Media Group.
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  • Thank you Madeleine for this message. I knew something big was happening on Aug. 9th and this message helped me to understand what it is. Greatly confirming!
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