THE GROUP 5-18-13 BY KATHY VIK /channeling/



We see as do you the dissonance that traveling very far within your consciousness can produce. We urge you to consume water with lemon, and we suggest you start using crystals to energize your drink. We foresee a time when eating and drinking, these are done far more mindfully, with much ceremony.

Crystals, these are a group we must spend time with you exploring, for they are an interesting lot, but today our sights are on other matters. We take you to Egypt now, as much as you would prefer never visiting that place. Encoded deep within your very genetic material is the memory of the past terminations.

We need not review them, for they are psychic events too rich to explore in this manner, as the proper preparations have not yet occurred. Suffice it to say, this is a civilization many of you feel is an ancient thorn in your side.

A forever puzzle, a central enigma. Each of you feels the pull to this unusual, ornate and complex energy. And Egypt, ah, dear ones, there is something there for you isn't there? We have revealed much history to you in your past, but we wish to review the Egyptian culture and their contribution to your awakening.

What appears angular and rule bound and hierarchical is just that, but more. Once again a culture which glorified male, but not at the expense of female, and so you are aware that this is a remnant, and a reminder, of a civilization from the old time.

We mention Egypt because there is currently a giant release of historical shall we say sticky karma taking place. As such, chunks of codes are being recognized and read within humans' own Akashic record. The Egyptian energy is up, shall we say, for a portion of the population.

Let's face it, the Egyptians had a very good handle on much of the mystical, and many of the mechanics. But we wish to ask you some questions, and see your response. We know you have questions and others may as well.

WHAT WAS EGYPT'S PURPOSE? ARE THEY PART OF THE AWAKENING? The Egyptians were already experiencing a step down and modulation of things, and this civilization did the best it could at translating universal truths.

We ask, rather than doing a better than/less than, more advanced/less advanced, we ask that you ask yourself simple questions. We ask that you apply spiritual logic. Did the Egyptians seem, to you, to embody the attributes of generosity, cooperation and divine equality? Do you know? This is the part which we love.

These questions bring up visions of your home. Place the overlay of “home” right on top of any situation, and this can help you to determine where and how best YOU can embody the light. We did not ask that question so that you could comment of this civilizations great works, We asked the questions to dislodge your own misinterpretations and prejudices.

DO you really think there were not high priests and priestesses who knew what all of you do? Of course there were. Was the entire civilization enlightened? No, they were not. Is yours? We ask you then to consider turning your sights from ancient ruins of pretty good past attempts, and look within the light you see shining from your very own eyes, as you catch your reflection in the mirror, maybe on the way to your first potty trip of the day.

We ask you turn from pyramids and ancient sites, esoterica and new of the world, and feel this truth within you. Within you are all the answers you need. Within you is every answer to the questions which used to, and perhaps once in a while, still do, trouble you in wakefulness through a night's worry.

Dear one, at this point, might you be willing to assume that what is worried about is loved? You worry now, for example, about how it is you can be so happy and so loving and so pretty, and yet, no one approaches you. We wish to address this.

This is far more profound than how a pyramid is constructed or what it does, because the human heart, the human vehicle spinning with no fear, with pure abandon for the love of self and self's co-creator, that is the point of the pyramid, dear one, and nothing more.

So we will explore this tender heart you have so graciously allowed to be exposed for your friends. We state to you that you are not alone, and we know that is such truth, that every moment of suffering you, our reader, has experienced, this is also known.

And we tell you now that our arms at times burn, if you care to believe this, because we cannot hold you. Oh the veil is possible to circumvent, because the veil is self-imposed, and sometimes it is not entirely helpful. That is when the big ones occur, the very large miracles, the, as we like to call them, hard resets in your reality.

These wake up calls, these are simply a part of you coming in and setting things on a truer course, when all other means have been exhausted. We tell you that you rescue yourselves, and this is accomplished the night before the miracle, but also in every moment leading up to it. Here is the ultimate paradox, one which the pyramids were cleverly positioning its occupants to examine: who visits whom, and who awakens whom?

And the concomitant paradox: is it not true that in this relatively solitary path you have walked, how unique have you truly allowed yourself to be among your peers, in your family, in your work place? Honestly? How much have you allowed yourself to stand out?

How separated do you really feel? Light worker, we ask you now, is your trouble that you identify so much with your travelers that you have not allowed your own expression to unfurl? We see this on this planet now and wish to say something to the first wave. Dear warriors, you can feel the time of cowering is nearly complete.

You have stood in observation, in benign participation, and in fascination now for some time. You have felt and you know the ancient codes. You have done this before. You have had all the instruction you need, believe us.

You are our instructors on the other side of the veil, dear readers, so please understand our function is less to instruct and more to remind, do you see, do you see? Can you feel the power of what we have told you? It is now time to complete the waiting period.

All of you know what comes now. This is a specific timeline which many of you have stepped onto before. Such fractals are fractals in reality, and therefore, you never left, and they are functions of a much higher mind.

One of the reasons you are here is so that during this fractal time, your actions will repeat and resound and continue. Are you aware of the importance of your actions, how they ripple? But they not only ripple.

Within this wheel, they remain, and they flower through what you call time. They flower in the awareness of All That Is. It is hard to explain to you the truth in a way that will believed. We tell you now that love, acts of love, the vibration of love, the vibration itself, is infinite, and it is a fractal in and of itself. You are involved in the ever flowering of this universe.

Your neighbors and customers and family also are part of this, because they are participating, lending their understandings, their strength, their humor. But still, today, the thoughts of insufficiency cloud all mankind. Insufficiency, this construct, it is a stringent and strict construct. It requires you suspend your understanding of supply, of manifestation, it really does ask you to place in a null state your power to create, does it not?

I do not have enough ________________. I will never have enough ______________. Do you say this as you eat meal, pump your gas, buy your groceries, invite a friend to a movie? I do not have enough _____________________ love money validation company beauty clarity normalcy friendship understanding laughter excitement sex exercise visitors confidence stamina interesting willingness curiosity We encourage you to, when feeling even a little down, to take out a sheet of paper and very honestly explore what it is that you need.

Just write a little list of things you need, and consider it a grocery list, yes? Your grocery store is in that space you create when contemplating mind, body and spirit. And as you write your list of things that your need, which is perfectly fine to have (!!!), we ask you then to tuck away from sight, or snip off, the portion of the statement that says: “I need” or “I want” or “Why don't I have...” Look at your list.

Perhaps, during your day, you decide to write your list in a moment of frustration. The boss has a number of arbitrary things you must now accomplish, in addition to the other tasks, and your child's school just called, and she has a fever.

You did not sleep well last night, and your husband is having issues, is just depressed and will not discuss what's going on. My. We can imagine you might have a long list of disgruntlement, of needs. And as you write you list, wanting a gentler boss, a kid that doesn't get sick every other week, and a husband who trusts you enough to speak, you will find a number of things occur in your body, but the outcome, the place we wish for you to be delivered to, from the forest of your self imposed calamities, is this.

What speaks behind the words? I want a more understanding boss! I want a child who is not so prone to getting so sick so often! I want a mate who will talk to me! The boss, to be nice, to be understanding. I want love. I want recognition. I want to feel like I'm helpful even if I don't do a scrap of work.

The kid, oh my sweet kid, the pressures of growing up, the unknown things weighing on your heart, oh how I want to be with you and for you to feel well and to be so happy. Oh why can't you be well and happy?

And husband, here I am, once again in my reality, alone, handling things without support, because you cannot, once again, cope emotionally with the very things you are calling to you. God. This gets old. What are you saying, beneath and behind and through even these thoughts? Are these all not thoughts of love and lack of it?

Are not these thoughts, in all honesty, of insufficiency? The boss is insufficient for your needs of a sense of accomplishment. The child's poor health is insufficient for its own and the family's needs. The husband is insufficient for your emotional needs. Insufficiency.

It is a fine thing to count blessings, and it is wise to count your gratitudes like beads on a string. We do recommend prayer beads, but these beads must be touched with the light fingers of a grateful heart.

Pray your gratitudes, this is a fine use of those pretty beads. But, with every note you write yourself, you will come to see that it is the anxiety that produced the note writing, and it is your faulty lenses of insufficiency which cause you to feel anxious, as you then peer through them, onto the field of your endeavors.

We are less dense than you think. We know, in your case, you have chosen to do your walk with empty pockets. We find this fascinating, since you have a profession which allows for solid compensation, and yet you have chosen, for this time of awakening, to work on spec, do they call it, shift to shift, without any promise of future work, this is how you have preferred to operate.

We wish to just stand here and gawk at that for a moment. Since January of 2012, so this is a full sixteen months now. You have worked when you wished, not worked when you wished, had no fixed boss to argue with or push against, and the work came as you wished.

You liked being poor, and you liked being flush, but, we ask you to appreciate just what you created. Take a little pride, no? But, dear, you complain that your money is insufficient. You think that if what is in your account of wallet is is what you deem “not enough” or “insufficient”, you often just automatically, without one thought, my love, you take this to mean that YOU, your GOD, your LIFE is insufficient.

We wish to end this quieted, muted message with this: You have created on a master level for quite some time. This last is a testament not to insufficiency but the sufficiency inherent in listening to one's soul.

You think that this tremendous lack you have known will go unbalanced. You came from great wealth, and live in a system where the patriarch sits on his money, very justifiably so, and he distributes his largess generously, but as he sees fit, quite independent of your wishes. You wait for a benevolent dispensation, you wait for sustenance.

There is no open sharing, and there remains suspicion and fear around sharing. This is a metaphor for the state of this world, and these are archetypes. Use them and break them apart. Just look at what you have created.

A withholding system with great wealth, which categorically refuses to distribute it to the very people who could benefit the most, and whose own lives went into its creation! There it sits. And yet, it is not in your hand. It is not yours.

It is only related to you, this wealth, or so you think. You use inheritances, gifts, the lottery, many things, as a way to reset reality. But you also use it as a method of absolution. Money is seen as the cause and the relief from insufficiency.

The cause and the relief of your insufficiency is not in a wallet full of cash or a bank account full of zeros. Insufficiency is a belief and nothing more. The removal of the belief of insufficiency is what turns a withholding miser into the benefactor. The release of insufficiency requires a turn of heart.

It requires (and we use this word meaningfully) a refusal of sorts, but we know that you have had enough experience with release to know that this is a special one. And so we wish to give you a technique to disrupt your connection to this strong and tenacious agreement field. This is an agreement field, after all.

Do you think that when you are having problems figuring something out that there is something wrong with you? Of course we know this answer and of course we say to you now that no, that's not true. Belief work, you have known it to be highly disorienting and rather unpleasant, and some of it is unfortunately so.

This is different. It will not feel like your eyeballs are being pulled through your navel. That was Seth. That is a different initiate phase. This, no, this is easy and simple and very gently. Releasing your reality from the grips of the beliefs of insufficiency can best be done using our old friends metaphor and analogy.

When something comes into your awareness that feels like anxiety, or worry, we suggest you greet the feeling. It has strolled onto your emotional stage to deliver some poignant and moving lines to you. Let the little one speak, and let the stage show this actor nothing but great honor.

And the worry struts upon this stage and goes to great lengths to prove its point. And then, we wish for you to appreciate a trick. This is the flip, the switch, the necessary alchemy. Thank this player for its soliloquy.

Ask it some questions. Ask it what it most likes, what it fears, and always always always ask your actor WHAT BRINGS THE ACTOR PEACE. Tell it that all its messages were heard inside your heart, and thank it for its earnestness.

Tell it that you would like to offer it the peace it is looking for. When you asked the actor what it wanted, it did not ask for destruction or death, did it? No, when you are tender with these actors, these beautiful messengers, they will always tell you earnestly what they desire, and their desires are the same as yours: homecoming, unity, safety, recognition, peace.

And then, just look at the scene. There in front of you is the being telling you you are insufficient is some arena. Perhaps it is the insufficiency player who likes to do the chorus about how the traffic is so awful, or how the bill collector came to the door again yesterday, or how the lasagne came out tasting awful.

And we wish for you to see that the actor saying these lines, and the stage itself, it is constructed from just one thing. What is it? Is the stage and actor fretting about not having a relationship, is that one located on the street named “Love”?

Is the stage and actor doing nightly shows on how screwed up your life has become now that you're drinking again? That is one that's over on “Worthiness” street. And I think that the actor and stage who do two matinees and three evening shows discussing how nothing in your life ever works out how I want it, well, that's the one over on “Power” street.

Do you see that this is just a game, and that these mood states, far from being something to be embarrassed about, are indeed road maps to a greater reality, and a happier one at that?


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