The Group: Secret of the Expanding Universe
Channeled by Steve Rother
August 16, 2010

From Steve: This month the group spoke of the expanding universe. We have recently discovered that the universe is not acting in a normal way. If the big bang theory is correct then the stars moving away from each other should be slowing down. It was recently discovered that they are in fact speeding up. The group addressed all of that in this channel and put into context of what they say is happening to our universe as a result of Earth’s expansion.

They also brought it down to a personal level and spoke of what we would be doing in the near future with our energetic bodies. The next leg of our work will be about focusing on Expansion through Harmonic Resonance. They want this out as soon as I can get it into a class so watch for an online course soon. They gave several illustrations in the channel but basically it is what happens to many people when they leave their bodies. They return to their native energetic form and it is huge and ever expanding as they become one with the universe. That will happen to each of us as we learn to us use the new tools of expansion through harmonic resonance. We will learn to walk in that energy all the time.

The group told me two days before about the topic and I was very nervous about it as some of these concepts are very difficult to translate in to human terms. But I think I did pretty well but the group got a little flustered when they asked me to use my hands to illustrate a fifth dimensional motion that does not fully exist in our dimension. Even though I was talking trying to explain what they were trying to illustrate we were all laughing inside.

As always it was full of that special love from the group.

Have a great month!


Greetings from Home

Breakthrough between Dimensions

Time is moving very, very quickly, for you are starting to experience new perceptions all around you. You are starting to change your perceptions because of your heightened view. We wish to share with you this day what this view is like, and what you will be experiencing with your energetic and physical bodies as the Earth changes. First, let us speak of the Universe as a whole for there is a very interesting thing that is taking place right now. Many of you and your scientists believe the Earth began at the Big Bang. The reason it is called the Big Bang is that there was a central location point from which everything expanded in all directions. It is very easy for your scientists to measure that and to see what happened. We tell you it was not a big bang, but instead it was a breakthrough between one dimension and another that created something very magical. This happened several times throughout the history of the Universe, but in your dimension you have perceive only one of these events.

Big Bang and the Expanding Universe

We tell you this because of the events currently taking place on planet Earth. Everything on Earth has been about ebb and flow, the breath in and the breath out. Many of you have noticed that at times it is called The Breath of God, the inhale and the exhale. In between each one of those breaths there is something called a still point, or a moment of transition. If you throw a ball in the air, it goes in an upward motion but then it hits a still point before it returns to Earth. That is typical of most of your sciences and what you call laws of physics on Earth. We tell you this because what we are about to describe to you does not follow those laws. There is a very important reason for this, because your point of perception only allows you to see a very limited range of the entire picture. This is why your sciences believe that everything actually began from a central point even though it did not. But for your purposes, tracking it through your sciences and your perception, that is what you will see. Now, here is the interesting part. As the Universe expands you would expect it to slow down, but it is not and is actually speeding up. This is only an illusion of your point of perception, for what is taking place is that the in-breath of God has begun with the same motion of the out-breath. The expansion has stopped and the Universe is now actually coming back together as one. You are not aware of it because there was no still point, no hesitation or pause between directions. What takes place in this effect is that as you evolve and as the Universe starts to expand with that same motion, it begins to contract. (At this point in the channel I attempted to illustrate a motion they were showing me that goes in and out in one continuous sweep. It’s really easy in 5D, but my hands kept hitting each other in 3D and they responded.) It is very difficult for us to make this illustration work in three dimensions. The movement creates a wave that shifts between dimensions in one motion, and the same is happening with the Universe.

Personal Expansion

Now, why is that important to even know? Because your physical bodies are reacting exactly the same way. Your physical bodies and your energetic bodies have also been expanding at an unbelievable rate. Part of the challenge is that you have managed to learn how to control your energy field and keep it in, in order for you to get along on this planet. It is very easy to see. If you go to a place where there is a lot of traffic, a lot of confusion—almost any airport or train station—you will see everybody pulling in their energy field as tightly as they can so they can get through without any problems. People are focused on where they are going and concentrating on pulling their energy field in so they do not have to interact or feel. It is how you have learned to survive energetically.

As a result of this over very long periods of time, humans have learned to contain their energy fields as part of being a human. . . it is expected. Now, as the direction begins anew, those restrictions must be lifted and your field must expand in order to let you release the body templates you have had for the duration of the Game. You have specifically had one of 500 templates that you have chosen to house your energy inside of a human body. The templates have been serving you well because they gave you a base, or a jar to put your energy in so to speak. It worked because all humans are directly traceable to one of those 500 templates. Soon you will no longer be restricted by those templates and it will be due to this expansion.

It can work either to expand your energy field to release your template, or you can release your template to expand your energy field. You are going to learn how to walk in your full energy field while still in the physical body. You will learn how to use your energy field in ways you never thought possible. We tell you that this has never happened throughout the Universe. There have been many games that have reached incredible levels of vibration, technical knowledge and what you would call advancement, yet none of them have gone from one level to the next consciously. That is what is now taking place. It is exciting and scary at the same time for many of you, because that glass jar that has held your energy and given you shape and form is being released. Naturally this will hit many of you as a fear or an uncomfortable situation, because you will tend to lose some of your personality or form and energy. You will find some things that work and other things that do not work. Then, after a very short time, you will settle into a new template of your own design because you are no longer limited to only 500 templates. You can make up as many templates as you want, and can customize your own container for your energy.

Right away you are thinking of the physical body and saying, “Good. I can finally get rid of this weight and look 20 years younger.” We are not talking about physical looks here, but rather harmonics you find within your body. We are talking about energetic structures which allow you to carry more of your spirit in your physical body and consciously work with that spirit.

From Automatic to Semi-Automatic

One of the keys you will be working with we have mentioned before, but it is important to reiterate here. Many of your functions are on automatic and have been so to basically ensure your survival on this planet. But now many of those functions are switching off of automatic. Humans have very little idea what it is going to be like to be a conscious breather. You do not know what it is like to suddenly take a breath, because you automatically take a breath. If you close your eyes, your breathing starts automatically.

There will be times when you are sitting watching TV, and you will suddenly realize you are out of breath and will tell yourself to take one. Many of these things that have been on automatic will begin to go on semi-automatic and semi-consciousness, and we ask you to play with it. These are the new controls you have over your energetic structure and your new body, and the new templates that come with it. The earlier you start understanding this and playing with these concepts and ideas, the easier it will be for you to open the door and let others follow you. That is what most of you have been here working with.

There are so many changes now taking place on planet Earth to make space for empowered humans. There is so much excitement throughout the Universe to watch as you make this shift and as you change everything around you. We tell you something you have known for a long time, but it will become increasingly important in the days ahead.

Matter is floating freely throughout the Universe at every moment, but when you have an energy form matter finds its way to that energy form and creates things in your world. Everything you thought and everything that exists in your world started first as a thought form. You create energy out here, and matter will arrive and stick to it. This is no secret, for it has been known throughout the Universe for some time. However, humans are now taking the next step with this, which means that you will become conscious creators instead of unconscious creators. The first thing that will happen is that a lot of the restrictions on your own creations will be removed. Many people will move into fear over this, meaning people will try to use it and abuse it…that is typically human. Once you get past those ups and downs, you are going to find that your own thoughts create that energy form much faster than you ever thought possible. Many of your thought processes are now happening more quickly. The energy fields on planet Earth are clarifying. Because you are working to clarify much of the chatter, the innate energy that is all around you, you are learning to take control of a whole new body. You are learning how to do something differently, and to have an experience as a fully-empowered human while still in a physical body. There are certainly challenges that come with this. Most of you will deal with ego adjustments somewhere along the path.

There are all kinds of fun little challenges you will experience on planet Earth as a result of this, and we are very confident you will find the answers to those challenges. We are simply trying to make you aware that it is coming, because it is like a freight train moving at top speed now and there is no stopping it. You have already moved into the fifth dimension, and now you are simply learning how it works. You are learning how to use it every day, learning how to create your reality and heaven on Earth right here, right now. All of this is unwritten so please, when you find something that works, share it. Do not say, “I have the answer.” but rather, “I have an answer.”

Harmonic Resonance

There is one final piece we wish to add this day because it will be an important part of everything we are going to be working with you over the next two years. That is the expanding energy field of your own. When you expand your energy field, there is something very magical that happens. Let us go back to the person in the train station who is constantly trying to close their energy field and just simply move around without disturbing anyone…without disturbing any energy fields. They feel safe when they do this. Why? Because you feel a responsibility when you walk past another person and you have an effect on them, so you have consciously learned to close down your energy field. When you expand your energy field, it means that your energy field matches with another. In fact, it is entirely impossible for energy fields to completely overlap and envelop each other, which brings us to the next key to your existence on planet Earth.

All of it is going to be about harmonics, how you form harmonies and harmonic resonance on this planet. We will share with you some very basic ideas, but we will also show you some of the intentional possibilities that you have created for yourself as this moves forward. Some of it is very simple, so learn to use it and once you understand the potentials you will see how many areas this newly perceived gift will be able to help.

We will give you an illustration: Right outside of this building on the street is a very difficult turn that the Keeper likes to take into the back parking lot when he arrives here. It is quite often a dangerous turn, because people are often too close and could easily hit the back of his car before he can turn. Now what he begins to harmonize is the energy of that situation miles before he reaches it. Then when he arrives there is always an opening for him to turn, because he harmonizes with the difficult energy before he gets there. He knows perfectly well that when he puts on the blinker to make that left turn, there will be no one behind him for he has created the space ahead in time. It is entirely possible for you to set your vibration and let matter gather around it to create a harmony with your energy in any situation. No one can match all vibrations directly, but one can through harmonics. This will help you create your reality much faster, much quicker, more directly and on purpose than you have ever done on this planet. It is a tool that you will use for the creation of Heaven on Earth.

We have told you some of the exciting things to look for and the wonderful pieces each that every one of you is going to be. But harmonics on this planet are going to be huge for you as you expand your fields, for the simple reason that you are no longer able to leave everyone else out of your life experience. You are a part of each and every one of these people that you pass and now you will start to know that. Obviously, this is going to raise emotions in many and cause challenges at some point, but the incredible gifts that come from this are unbelievable. You have not imagined the incredible possibilities that can come from this type of expansion. Your expansion and your safety and comfort in that expansion will have to do with your ability to comfortably harmonize.

Harmonics are simple. Let us give you another illustration so you know exactly what we are talking about. Let us say that you walk into this room and nobody is here. You turn the lights on, look around so you say, “Well, I have five minutes to kill. I’ll just take a seat.” At that point you own every part of that room with your vibration, because your vibration fills no matter how big the room is. Now what happens when somebody else walks in the room? Immediately, even if you are not aware of them, you do become aware that your energy has changed in that room because as soon as they walk in, you have a disharmonic reaction going on in your field. The first thing you have to do is open your eyes, see the person, make a connection with them to form a harmony of your energetics. That is done automatically and has been that way for a long time. That is one of the elements that is coming off of automatic into consciousness right away. Your control of your energy field is no longer automatic. If you let it, if you do not consciously expand it at this point, it will shrink and you will hold that energy field only inches away from your body. What a waste that is, because there is so much love in the Universe you could be feeling.

Feeling Vulnerable and Powerful

When you start expanding your energy field, of course you will feel unsafe, but you will also learn how to harmonize different parts of your energy field. You will learn how to let disharmony and discordant energy inside your energy field without letting it affect you. To do this, it was very important for you to have your energetic boundaries in place, not only know who you are but to know who you are not. Stop trying to be everything. It is helpful for you to know your part and your place in this Universe at this point during this expansion. But the expansion of your own personal energy field and the release of your physical templates is at hand right now. We tell you also there is also much going on, for the Earth is going through a cycle. All of humanity is going through a cycle…the sun, the moon, the planetary alignments have gone through a cycle and one that you have gone through on this planet several times. Typically, it has led to difficulties and harmonics breaking apart systems that did not work. We are telling you that this time, it can be different. You do not have to have all your systems break apart in order to correct this and go to the next level. Now this is possible, especially if you own the power of your expansive energy field. If you have ever known anyone who has gone through a death experience or what you call a near death experience, almost always one of the first things they feel when they are rid of the body is this beautiful expansion of light. How huge and tremendous they really are. It is now possible to feel that without dying. It is now possible to walk in that energy every single day.

As far as the emotions, that is where you healers come in. That is where the teachers and the healers of this planet are really going to help, because any change of this magnitude is going to bring fear. It is going to bring exposure and all of those things humans typically fear because you will lose a little bit of your solidity. You will lose a little bit of your safety in that expansion. As that expands, you will learn new techniques in harmonizing, in making harmonies throughout the world. What are you doing when you harmonize? Are you actually altering yourself just to fit in? Are you going to become them and not you? Are you going to actually lose yourself? That is the reason to have healthy boundaries in place before you begin expanding. If you know who you are, if you know where your boundaries are and you know those pieces, you can expand without losing the boundaries. You can expand and use the energy instead of fighting against it.

So, it is a Game and now you are going to learn how to play the same Game from a higher perspective. We can tell you the rules are changing. but we cannot tell you exactly how you are going to do it. Dear ones, re-member you live on the planet of free choice and whatever you do, it will work. We are so excited to watch what is taking place on this planet. Not just us, but the eyes of the Universe are on planet Earth right now. This has not happened before. Congratulations! You have won the Game.

Now all we ask you to do is that as you find these new pieces, reach out and share it with the people around you. It does not have to be perfect. The paradigm of teachers has changed. You do not have to be a master to teach any more, you simply have to have the desire to want the knowledge and search for it together with your students instead of leading them along the way. Everything is starting to shift as we learn how to blend together and start removing all these illusions of separation between humans on planet Earth. This is the time of no more secrets. This is the time where we can clearly see into each other’s hearts as well as each other’s minds. This is the time for each of us to fall in love with humanity

It is with the greatest of honor that we share this information with you. It is our honor because we have been sharing it for a very long time. It is only recently that you have been able to hear it. Welcome Home, dear ones. You are creating it right now with your love on planet Earth.

It is with the greatest of honor that we leave you with three little reminders—to treat each other with the greatest respect. Nurture one another and help each other every chance you get especially when you find that harmonic. Do not forget that you are playing a beautiful game of pretending to be a human and play well together.


The group

Steve Rother

Steve Rother is an American citizen, currently living in Las Vegas. He used to be an entrepreneur, until he became a Lightworker and an author. 5 books have been published so far, which have been translated into 11 different languages. His change from entrepreneur to Lightworker happened following a spiritual experience on new year's eve 1996. That night, he started saying things which, according to himself, did not originate from himself, but came from "the group". A group of 9 'energetic entities'. These 'messages' brought by 'the group' were bundled in books.

Together with his wife Barbara, he travels around the globe, spreading these messages from the group and putting them into practice. His activities are managed by a non-profit organisation called 'Lightworker Corporation.' *
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  • Thank you Jason, that was an awesome message :)
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