Many of you are now releasing emotion at levels you have never experienced before and we are here to help you address that which may be playing out within your human life experience. It may be that your eyes feel dulled to the sparkle of the new for the old energies are trying to use the smoke and mirrors....Once more we guide you strongly to FEEL the new earth, it is not to be found in your newspapers or in your media for they are still bound by the old energies and these energies will try to continue for as long as they can...For a human being to interact with the old energies will result in these old energies dissolving at a slower rate for the interaction feeds the old energies... For ALL is vibration and now these vibrations seek to harmonise.
High Council of Orion message for 18th Nov 12
18 November 2012
Once more we guide you strongly to FEEL the new earth, it is not to be found in your newspapers or in your media for they are still bound by the old energies and these energies will try to continue for as long as they can. But dear ones it is inevitable that a full release of the old will occur across and within the planet for the energy signature of the entire planet has now changed and shifted. This is a time of recalibration, both for your human vehicles and for the systems that are in operation throughout human society. For ALL is vibration and now these vibrations seek to harmonise.
Lower vibrations will not be able to harmonise with the heightened vibrations for they are beyond the vibrational range of the old world energies. What they will do is dissolve but as they dissolve they will try to play out the teachings for that is why they were created. For a human being to interact with the old energies will result in these old energies dissolving at a slower rate for the interaction feeds the old energies. Do you understand our analogy? do you understand our words?

This is the challenge if you will for each human BEing alive on planet earth at this time. For many have championed this process and many have called for the dissolving of the old energies for many earth years. This process is now fully underway and we guide for you to be mindful. That is all, mindful. For where you find yourself interacting with drama we guide for you to take a step back from that drama and become the observer. The drama is needed for fuel for the old energies. Much like a car that is running out of fuel, to coast part of the journey would save fuel and enable the car to run that much further than it could if you did not coast. Do you see our analogy? do you understand how you can inadvertently feed a process that you wish to swiftly move through?
None of this is particularly easy and we fully acknowledge and accept this, we ask you to process our words through your heart for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. This is expansion and growth at SOUL level, your very SOUL is now asking for this growth and we guide that all is perfect. It may seem as if your world is dissolving around you but dear ones this world that was created FOR YOU no longer serves YOU. It never served for it was not created BY you it was created FOR YOU. This creation was always to keep you contained and suppressed and now as you move beyond this creation you are understanding the need to FEEL.
It is through FEELing, through understanding that ALL ARE ONE, that ALL are equal and that none sit above any other that the new world will be populated. For where you find competition you find the teachings of distortion. Many of you believe that you were born into a world that is a "dog eat dog" scenario, "survival of the fittest" etc etc. This is NOT TRUTH and this will be shown to you during your harmonisation process. For there are those in place that are now space holding for the human race, they are able to send out the LOVE that IS across and within planet earth and we guide for YOU to recognise them as the family that they are in TRUTH.

Many races/realms now flood planet earth and in particular the angelic realms. The angelic realms dear ones are here to support your energies as you take the leap into the void, as you go beyond where you have ever gone before and we guide for ALL to anchor this. This is a new way of BEing for the human race has never before moved past this point in its evolution. New ways of BEing call for new ways of living and we guide for you to reach out to those around you and to show them LOVE and COMPASSION for many will be entrenched in the teachings of distortion. We guide clearly that by living TRUTH and by showing them how you find peace and tranquility by living peace and tranquility will speak volumes. It goes beyond the human language and that is what is needed at this time on planet earth.
The human race has been taught language in the context of division, the languages that exist on planet earth at this time are divisive in their nature but LOVE is the emotion that knows no barriers, for LOVE just IS. We guide that when you cannot find the words to express that which is being experienced, when you cannot find the words to comfort another that you simply pour the LOVE that IS through ALL. FEEL the LOVE that IS for it is your birthright dear ones, it is the very fabric of your universe and it is the fabric of SELF.

We are the High Council of Orion
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