Einstein’s general relativity theory, though profoundly beautiful, is likely to be amended. That amendment will somehow entangle spin and rotation” – Nobel laureate C.N Yang

Here we`ll take a quick look at the basics of the Holofractographic Universe theory, as a frame of reference for our philosophical explorations. The theoretical structure of this model may be difficult to grasp from a simple text, so I advice to read up on the HFU theory and watch the lectures provided by The Resonance Project.


The Spacetime Continuum


Einstein was the first to discover that space and time is weaved together in a seamless continuum, permeating the universe. His equations revealed that this fabric of reality may stretch and bend in the presence of matter or energy. To give a mental image, this flexibility of space generates a geometric structure in space-time comparable to the surface of a trampoline, in which the presence of matter/energy produces curvature attracting other objects on its surface (and forcing them to orbit). However, Einstein’s equations also predicted the presence of infinite curvatures in the space-time manifold. In other words: they predicted black holes. This proposition was a radical one in his time and few believed these exotic objects would ever be found. Yet today evidence suggests that black holes are common features of our universe; observations have confirmed them in various sizes, from smaller stellar systems to super-massive ones, centering galaxies. So what exactly are these “black holes”?

A black hole is normally thought of as a massive object (i.e. a star) which has collapsed under its own gravitational force creating a “hole” in the space-time continuum; a gravitational well in the fabric of space with infinite curvature.




Such a curvature is theorized to produce zero volume with infinitedensity at its core, a phenomenon known as a “singularity”. In a singularity the known laws of physics breaks down as the normal rules of our familiar three-dimensional space no longer holds. Here mathematical quantities used to measure gravity increase to infinity, making concrete physics difficult to formulate. It is generally understood that explaining physics under these conditions requires an understanding in which all the universal forces (of gravity, electromagnetic, strong and weak force) are unified. And this is indeed the main problem barring unification at this time: explaining the large-scale laws of Gravity under the same set of laws as Electromagnetism and the sub-atomic world of Quantum Mechanics. In a singularity these problems all seem to come together.

Einstein himself (among others) was convinced that a correct understanding of the space-time manifold would account for allphenomena in space, uniformly across the so called “boundary” between the microscopic and the macroscopic world. Yet the physicists of his time were producing mathematical theories in which the quantum world was given many strange properties, which would never apply to the large scale cosmos. Among these was the famous “uncertainty principle”, which stated that a position and speed of a particle can never be simultaneously known. Others were the invention of the “Strong” and “Weak” force to explain how the nuclei of atoms stick together.




Suffice to say, Einstein never liked the emerging science of quantum mechanics, because it gave mathematical descriptions of quantum effects yet never explained any fundamental mechanics causing these characteristics to arise. The physics community were in a position where they were required to take certain qualities as a given, without giving an appropriate explanation for their presence. This diametrically opposed Einstein’s vision of a model wherein all phenomena of the universe could be understood through causal, deterministic processes. This crucial crossroads led the rapidly evolving field of theoretical physics down a path in which the underlying causes of a variety of different phenomena was never addressed, and thus the field of quantum physics became riddled with uncertainty. Einstein’s discontent with the situation is reflected in his famous statement, “God does not play dice!”.



The Dual Torus Manifold

Yet this discrepancy between physics and scientific reason has not been lost on everyone. Throughout modern history several prominent figures has voiced their dissatisfaction with the axioms of Quantum Mechanics. Among them is Nassim Haramein who already as a child had a hard time incorporating the ideas peddled in his geometry class. In the end his logic reasoning led him to produce a beautiful solution to the problem of dealing with the physics of singularity.

In many ways Haramein’s model continues where Einstein left off, and explains both Gravity and Electromagnetism as functions of space-time geometry. In his model what we call “black holes” are actually intrinsicfeatures of the universe. It is not that collapsing stars create black holes, rather space-time itself naturally curves towards infinity (zero volume), always. This may seem like a radical statement but actually it reflects the original scenario created by Einstein’s field equations: the presence of even one singularity with infinite curvature automatically implies that all other points of the universe belong to that extreme curve. Yet commonly it is believed that information/energy disappears forever once caught in this infinite curve. No known mechanism brings that information back out. However, the HFU model revises this understanding with a modified topology of space-time which allows information to implode and expand from the singularity state. Rather than being a one-way ticket to nowhere, black holes become more like radiating objects as well as imploding holes. All this is made possible with just a little twist to Einstein’s space-time manifold…


In the HFU model, the universal topology of space-time (and thus black holes) is described as a rotating double torus which is expanding and contracting on itself endlessly. Notice in the animation that as space-time curves towards the centering singularity, it also curls like in a whirlpool. Instead of the analogy of a trampoline this curling motion generates a geometrization of space-time in which the curvature is comparable to the surface tension of water running down a drain. This rotation of the space-time manifold is the mechanical source of spin at all levels, from atoms to planets, stars, galaxies and so on. Objects are forced to spin because space-time itself curls. As it also curves towards singularity this curling motion approaches the speed of light, generating enormous centrifugal forces, which in turn creates expansion. The expanding space is finally overcome by the curvature and contracts back towards the center only to repeat the process again. This continuous cycle of space-time imploding and expanding produce the forces of nature known as Gravitation and Electromagnetism. The gravitational field is generated as space-time curves towards the center of the system, and electromagnetic radiation is produced when centrifugal forces near the center forces it to expand/radiate. Electromagnetic radiation is thus mechanically connected to space-time curvature (Gravity) and spin. Previously the source of spin in the universe remained unadressed and objects where thought to spin perpetually in space because of an initial momentum gained in the big bang. Neither could we account for the force of electromagnetic radiation as functions of the space-time manifold. But this beautifully simple twist to Einstein’s field equations generates an entirely new picture which not only accounts for, but binds together, the forces of spin, electromagnetic radiation and gravity, all in one elegant topology of space. If Einstein was still alive he would most certainly applaud this amendment!

In the end this generates a model in which all cosmic objects are actually different scale black holes, ranging in size from sub-atomic to stellar, galactic and so on. The proton of an atom may now be understood as a mini-black hole singularity keeping the atomic structure of neutrons and electrons organized by extreme gravity, instead of the exotic “strong force”. This simplification sheds away a staggering amount of unnecessary complexity within physics, involving 11 dimensional string theory among others. Now everything we see is the result of this self similar topology of spinning black hole dynamics organizing matter/energy at different scales in the vacuum.



Event Horizon & Singularity

Now we’ll go a bit deeper into how this universal topology of a dual torus actually generate the different structures we see in the cosmos, from atoms to biological cells to planets, stars, galaxies and quasars and even the universe itself. For the promise of a unified theory is, after all, to illuminate everything under the same light of knowledge.

In the HFU model the expanding portion of a black hole takes the shape of a sphere and is called a “white hole”, describing its repulsive and radiating nature. The black hole then is actually a concentric black hole/white hole (also dubbed “black whole”), where the imploding black hole is inside the simultaneously expanding white hole. In our universe these radiating white holes, and the energy dynamics that occur around them, are what we perceive as atoms, stars, planets and so on. At the center of the topology is the literal “hole”, the point where extreme curvature goes towards infinite density, or singularity. At this point all forces in the space-time manifold meet in perfectsymmetric balance creating the appearance of a vacuum. In the vacuum all acting forces cancels out, creating absolute stillness and centering the system with a relative center of rotation, much like in the eye of a hurricane.


Surrounding this vacuum singularity is a spherical boundary named the “event horizon”. This boundary is created naturally where the force of Gravity and Electromagnetism (implosion/expansion) are exactly equal in strength. This balanced relation of universal forces was previously believed to be present only during the creation of the universe, in the Big Bang. At the event horizon, where the collapsing geometry and electromagnetic radiation are equal, a constant energy transfer happens between the infinite potential of the vacuum and electromagnetic radiated information. In simple terms information/energy flows into and out from the black hole, creating a feed-back loop of information transfer between infinite vacuum potential and finite form. This implies that Creation happens continuously at the boundaries of black holes, rather than at some definite point in the past.

At the center of the torus topology we find the singularity, zero volume (or 0-dimension), the point where extreme space-time curvature balance out creating perfect vacuum. Here the space-time structure converges to minimum amount of vectors for stability, creating twelve (fig beneath) converging lines of a cubeocathedron. All forces balance out evenly in a complete equilibrium at this point, creating stillness and absolute zero degrees. This makes the vacuum a perfectly stable, superconductive, superfluid medium with zero volume, infinite energy potential and non-local connectivity to all points of the universe. A singularity in the truest sense of the word! As all curvature of space ends at this point, no matter where the outside radiating event horizon (or white hole portion) appears to be, the singularity is common to all black hole systems. Although two mini-black hole atoms are separated by several light years, behind their event horizon they are one: the vacuum singularity connects all. Due to the hyperdimensional symmetry in the vacuum, it may contain infinite potential for energy, yet remain completely unnoticeable to us, much like the density of water remains unnoticed by fish in the ocean.

In the HFU model our own universe is actually the inside of a black hole, and what we see inside the vacuum of this hole, are the outside of smaller black holes: radiating stars, planets and mini-black hole atoms. As space- time curves towards infinity, its torus topology transfers energy from the infinite vacuum potential available across the event horizon creating radiating, spherical structures in space. In the case of planets and stars the event horizons are 


hidden beneath layers of high energy plasma dynamics, organized by strong magnetic currents generated by dynamo effects at their core. Our Earth is similar to stars, but here the plasma surrounding the singularity has cooled to form a thin crust. Still the dual torus topology is present in our atmospheric weather patterns. Our magnetic field as well is generated as a black hole singularity at its core spins the inner plasma against the higher layers of the mantle, creating dynamo effects.

We have seen that the constant communication between the infinite and the finite creates the visible world, and that the double torus topology is the dynamics of this conversation. Now we must learn why these black holes appear to be scaled from sub-atomic size, to planetary, stellear and galctic and beyond, and how this zero-point volume of singularity can grow into three-dimensional space.


Scaling Law & The Geomtery of Spacetime



In the scaling law Haramein demonstrates the presence of a linear relationship between the frequency and radius of objects in the universe, across the boundary between the micro- and the macro cosmos. In english this means that there’s a coherent, repeating pattern across different sizes of objects, from atomic, planetary, stellar, galactic etc., and the way in which its energy output, or frequency, relates to its radius. This important discovery reveals arepeating pattern of division in the infinite vacuum potential. It appears that differently sized objects, from subatomic to universal size, can actually be understood as black hole singularities embedded within each other, occurring at different scale resolutions of the space-time manifold.


As we have seen the vacuum has a geometric structure of vector equilibrium in the form of a cubeoctahedron. As the vacuum has infinite potential and rests in perfect symmetry it can be divided and subdivided into infinite resolutions of discreteness, without ever breaking its state of balance; the cubeoctahedral stability is always present, at all scales. This permeating state of balance can be described as a fractal growth of star tetrahedrons (generating vectors for equilibrium). This fractalization of the vacuum assumes the basic structure of a three-dimensional 64 tetrahedral metric. In this figure eight star tetrahedrons comes together to generate the geometry of implosion in the middle; the vector equilibrium. These same star tetrahedrons are also pointing outwards, radiating. And thus radiation and implosion are symetrically united within the same manfiold, generating the feed-back loop (dual torus topology) of implosion/expansion of space-time.



Thus the zero volume and infinite potential of the vacuum can be described as a fractal feedback (or recursion) generating division in the space-time manifold. This recursive geometry repeats itself in harmonic intervals, or frequencies, and naturally generates scale dimensions in the vacuum. Spherical boundaries (event horizons) are defined at very specific intervals  throughout this scaling: every octave (full recursion) generates a surrounding spherical boundary. These boundaries are again what defines the various scale resolution of objects we see in space (atoms, stars etc). Speaking of size within this system becomes meaningful only when we define a place within this scale from which we observe the other dimensions. As it happens the biological cell is situated right in the middle of the scale graph charting the size/frequency relationship of objects in our universe. That is, biological cells are black hole event horzions situated between the micro and macro cosmos (we’ll explore the significance of this at a later time).


And so we come to see a beautiful and coherent image of the universe, in which everything we see are actually self similar structures in the space-time manifold, appearing at different scales . Suddenly the problem of dealing with dimensions in singularity is solved: zero dimensions (and zero volume) contain infinite potential for division and thus, all dimensions! By explaining the structure of space as a fractal, infinity and finitude are merged into one. It is interesting and most fitting that this size relationship between event horizons, also fall into the golden proportion of Phi, which we find everywhere else in Nature.


Phi spiral of a sea shell



Fractal Vacuum & Torque

(this section is currently incomplete)

harameinrauscherqe51.jpg?w=100&h=112This scaling of the vacuum is also crucial to explain how the force of torque is applied to the space-time manifold. The density of vectors required to make symmetric vacuum stability increase/decrease towards infinity in both directions throughout the scaling (image). This creates relative gradients of vacuum density (from infinitely dense to infinitely “undense”) which drives the rotation of the torus topology at all levels, just as small differences in air pressure on earth drives enormous hurricanes. In this way the fractal structure, imploding towards infinity, drives torque and organize the topology of space-time in harmonically embedded, rotating tori.




In the end this unified view presents a world in which we are all united in a fractal topology of spacetime, that intrinsically connects all things via the infinite vacuum medium. This fundamental understanding of reality truly promises to unite the countless fields of Human endeavor, from spiritual understanding to technological engineering, and lift them all to a completely new level. In fact this discovery may eventually be recognized as a hallmark in the evolution of Mankind. With this knowledge we may understand more deeply the true nature of our own being, and develop technologies that utilize the primordial power of the Universe to lift our collective consciousness beyond the Earth and into the stars…

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  • This is awesome... funny- it's the third holographic posting on the net I've come across in the last days but probably the best one.  Thanks for sharing this is great stuff. 
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