THE HOROSCOPE OF TUCKER CARLSON ... a basic astrology analysis of Tucker Carlson's horoscope chart and the date of his firing from Fox.

A basic understanding of astrology may be required to understand my conclusions at the end of this write-up. Tucker Carlson's horoscope chart is a great test for the list of analysis priorities from my book "Basic Principles of Horoscope Interpretation." These priorities include (a) personal points [Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, and Nodes] (b) planetary / luminary placements in rulership and exaltation placement [and not detriment or fall placements since the negative traits of detriments and falls tend to diminish as one ages] (c) natural house rulers and (d) determining affliction or non-affliction status of these selected horoscope points and how this status may affect the houses ruled by these points. But lets go back to Tucker Carlson. It is known that Tucker Carlson was the cash cow of Fox News, and there are many speculations on why Fox owner Rubert Murdoch fired him. Some say it was Tucker's attack on the pharmaceutical industrial complex (with Robert Kennedy Jr.) while others say it was his attack on the D.C. establishment (and their ardent supporters in the mainstream media industrial complex). But here is where it gets interesting .. Internet show commentator Alex Jones thinks the real reason Tucker was fired was due to a recent speech made in which Tucker Carlson assailed the current state of a society that is defining evil as a good thing. Go to 21:00 of this 36 minute speech (which was Tucker Carlson's last speech while employed with Fox) in which he addresses the nature of the destruction we are seeing as really having a defined evil basis. Click Below is the basic horoscope chart of Tucker Carlson.


And below is my basic breakdown of priorities for horoscope analysis:


As far as planetary / luminary rulerships go, Tucker has Mercury in Gemini. This placement rules "communications, writing, television, radio, news, the media, public speaking, and involvement with children." The Mercury Opposition Mars placement no doubt defines a love for debate (and with Mars in the 5th House of entertainment, this may define debate for Tucker as a form of entertainment and personal amusement). But take note: Mercury Opposition Mars may define arguments, along with the possibility of angry debates in public settings (since the 5th House usually requires an audience of some kind). The good news for Tucker is that he has a Venus Trine Mars placement (which may help in easing any ego-based bad tension aroused from any angry debates [unless the individual(s) involved in the debate are mentally unstable and deranged]). The bad news is that Mercury is afflicted with this Mercury Opposition Mars placement, and Mercury (in Gemini) rules the 12th House (with a Black Moon Lilith placement in this house). The 12th House rules "secret enemies," and Black Moon Lilith rules "organized crime." Be careful how close you keep your enemies, Mr. Carlson. But on a very positive note, Tucker also has a very strong Sun Trine Jupiter placement (as does Keith Richards and Anthony Fauci). This placement means that no matter how much bovine excrement is thrown at Tucker he will still come out smelling like a rose. And like Keith Richards and Dr. Fauci, he may outlive everyone as well (since Sun Trine Jupiter is noted in charts of people who take serious hits to their health but still manage to live a long time). Saturn usually represents "government" and "authority figures," and the Saturn Quincunx Uranus placement indicates Tucker may have had (or still has) mild conflict and slight rebellion with areas concerning government and authority (ya think?) Saturn is also in the 10th House and is also the natural ruler of the 10th House. This can be a blessing and/or a curse. People who had Saturn in the 10th House include JFK, Muhammad Ali, Hitler, Malcolm X, and Einstein. Saturn in the 10th House can represent a spectacular rise to power that may be followed by an equally spectacular fall from such power (depending on whose toes you step on in lieu of such a rise to power). Tucker may be witnessing a fall from power right now, but similar to Muhammad Ali (who fell from power due to certain angry U.S. government officials [somewhat similar to Carlson]), Tucker Carlson may still prove he is "the greatest" (and this description of Tucker as "the greatest" came from Alex Jones). And because Saturn is afflicted, the ruling 7th House ("one-on-one faceoffs in public; open courts of law; marriage") will be tested in lieu of his challenges to government and authority figures due to this Saturn Quincunx Uranus placement. The New Moon that Tucker was born under features the Sun and Moon in Opposition with Neptune, and with Neptune (which rules deception) placed in the 5th House (which rules entertainment with an audience), this Opposition placement may explain for Tucker Carlson's love to expose deception on his cable television show for informative AND entertainment content (of which he does very well). Tucker has the star of Procyon Conjunction Ascendant (As). Here are what my notes say about Procyon:

Procyon *
Behenian Star

Wealth, fame, good fortune; sharp mind, willpower, stubbornness; violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation; death by drowning; love of dogs; dogbites

25° Can 47

25° Can 55

Very Fortunate

Mars/ Mercury

α (Alpha) Canis Minoris
F5 (yellow-white) Mg.0.38

If Tucker Carlson is reading this (and please don't laugh at me), the ancient symbol for use in ceremonial magic with Procyon is the following symbol (and is usually worn for protection). It is said to protect the wearer of this symbol from evil, and Tucker may need all the protection he can get at this time.

Astrology Alphabet: PROCYON (α Canis Minoris / Antecanis), «Canis Minor»  (The Throat of the Little Dog), arab.: Algomeysa. Hieroglyphic magic sign  Stock Vector Image & Art - Alamy

Also recommended with Procyon are the stone of agate, flowers of marigold, and pennyroyal. Tucker Carlson also has the star of Algenib Conjunction Midheaven (Mc). Here are what my notes say about Algenib:


Ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, bad judgment. Wingtip of Pegasus (the Winged Horse)

9° Ari 09

9° Ari 17


Mars/ Mercury

γ (Gamma) Pegasi
B2 (blue) Mg.2.9

The Mars / Mercury nature ("debates; arguments") of the star of Algenib is clearly something Tucker has to be careful with. The Midheaven (Mc) defines one's legacy or reputation, and while debate and arguments may be what Tucker Carlson will be remembered for in this lifetime, this star over the Mc warrants caution regarding how far he is willing to go with such debates and arguments. But hey, this is what got him noticed and followed by so many millions of people (myself included). Standing out like a white elephant in the room, the star of Algol is in Conjunction with the Sun and is in a VERY STRONG Conjunction (5 minutes away from being exact) with the Sun. Algol is regarded as one of the most evil and unfortunate stars in the sky. BUT TAKE NOTE.. the following people also have this Algol Conjunction Sun placement: Liberace (0°10′ off), Marshal Applewhite (0°18′ off), Debra Winger (0°19′ off), Cosimo de’ Medici (0°19′ off), Tori Spelling (0°28′ off), Graig Ferguson (0°40′off), Megan Fox (0°56′ off), Josh Homme (0°58′ off), Zara Phillips (1°02′ off), John Frawley (1°11′ off), Brian Eno (1°15′ off), Trent Reznor (1°19′ off), Georges Braque (1°35′ off), Don Bachardy (1°36′ off), Pope John Paul II (1°46′ off), Andy Murray (1°48′ off), Erik Satie (1°53′ off), and Che Guevara (1°55′ off). This proves that it's all about what one does with the astrology energies that one is born with as opposed to an astrologer's biased opinion (and note that any use of sweeping generalizations in astrology will not only create errors, it will make you look like an amateur). Also note that President Trump has Algol Conjunction Mc (albeit a weak conjunction), and this may define dangerous energies that both Trump and Tucker are messing with. But hey, someone has to do it, and Trump stated that he was "the one standing in the way so they can't get to you." Bravo to these brave men. Below is what my notes say about Algol:

Caput Algol *
The Gorgon's Head
Behenian Star

Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the "Evil One", the Demon Star. Also note a passionate nature; intense; hysterical; and having many followers. A pulsating, eclipsing double-star also associated with extreme creativity; an expression of the Dark Side (especially in artwork, the occult, politics, and law).

26° Tau 10

26° Tau 18

Very Unfortunate

Saturn/ Mars
Ptolemy says Saturn/ Jupiter. Pulsating double-star, like a winking eye

β (Beta) Persei
B8 (blue-white) Mg.2.1 var

The symbol worn for protection from Algol's bad energies is the following:

Astrology Alphabet: ALGOL (β Persei / Gorgona), «Caput Larvæ ...

With Algol, the ancient recommended Rx for those with this star strong on their chart included muggwort, black tourmaline, and diamonds. Don't laugh, Liberace had a strong Algol Conjunction Sun placement and was noted for his love of diamonds (and he lived a long life and turned out pretty good [in Las Vegas, anyway]). The Moon is near the Sun, and Tucker Carlson has the Pleiades star cluster all over the Moon in it's exalted sign of Taurus (and sorry readers of Ashtar Command Crew, the Pleiades star cluster [if strong on the horoscope] is noted for sometimes being a bad omen. But again, it's all about what you do with the astrology energy). People born with Moon Conjunction Pleiades include known psychic / medium Allison DuBois (0°36′ off), Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán (0°52′ off), Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1°01′ off), and soccer star Ronaldinho Gaucho (1°05′ off). Below are what my notes say about the center star of the Pleiades cluster:

Alcyone *
Central star of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Ambition, honour, glory. Trouble with opposite sex; homosexuality, feminine power, disgrace. Bereavement; loss; sorrow; social isolation or unhappiness.

0° Gem 00

0° Gem 08


Moon/ Jupiter/ Mars

η (Eta) Tauri
B7 (blue-white) Mg.3.0

On a non-related side note, interpretations for the natal placement of Pleiades Conjunction Sun are interesting when one considers that Pleiades Conjunction Sun is found in the horoscopes of Cher, Jeffery Dahmer, and porn star Belladonna (who many in the porn industry claimed was the best at the performance of horizontal refreshment for men [despite her sexual preference for women] ). Finally, below is my "master sheet" for those who are astute in basic astrology:


Basic Astrology Interpretation

The horoscope chart of Tucker Carlson suggests he has much fascination with reading, writing, and involvement with communications with others in some way. There may also be a hobby or an amusement interest in areas that may concern debates (and possibly arguments), but the outcome for any bad conflicts that may happen with this placement looks favorable due to a lucky hard Trine of Jupiter applying to the Descendant (which is the "area of open enemies") and a hard Venus Trine Mars placement. Saturn in the 10th House suggests a rapid climb to power and fame, along with a possible fall from such power. The wild card is Black Moon Lilith in the 12th House since Mercury in Gemini rules this house, and Mercury is afflicted with this Mercury Opposition Mars placement.  Black Moon Lilith in the 12th House may define organized crime as a "secret enemy" of Tucker Carlson, and with the 12th House ruling "espionage and intelligence work" this may especially be true regarding criminals who work for intelligence or espionage agencies (as well as justice agencies involved in intelligence or espionage work, which may be illegal). This leads to Chiron (which also rules "intelligence or espionage work" [along with "possible involvement with UFO's and Et's (or technology related to such)] "). Chiron is in the 9th House and is very close to the Mc, and Chiron rules espionage or intelligence work. It is possible that Tucker Carlson may have had an interest in intelligence or espionage work at one time in his life, and now he may have "wised up" and is now exposing the bad side of these areas (which is eerily similar to Marilyn Monroe's Chiron placement. Marilyn Monroe also had Chiron in the 9th House and near the Mc, and before her death she reportedly told friends that she was going to "blow this up," and it was believed by many she was going to blow the whistle on JFK's spyworks in Cuba AND reveal the 1947 Roswell UFO crash incident [and my book states that Chiron rules intelligence or espionage work AND one's potential for involvement with extraterrestrials or alien technology]). The star of Procyon Conjunction Ascendant offers much success and prosperity in the environment (with possible conflicts in the environment), and the star of Algol and the Pleiades star cluster in Conjunction with the New Moon placement may invite danger from powerful and non-powerful sources. It is very important that Tucker know who his friends are and who are not his friends; the New Moon (in the 11th House of friends and associates) is in Opposition with deceptive Neptune (in the 5th House of amusement). Be forewarned, Tucker Carlson.

The Firing Of Tucker Carlson

Below is the transit chart of the firing of Tucker Carlson (outside wheel). He stated that he was "parting ways" with Fox, but we now know that Fox owner Rupert Murdoch wanted him out, end of discussion.


And below is my master sheet of the above chart with highlighted areas of major importance.


11036719499?profile=RESIZE_710xDrawn in red above, the transiting T-square of the Nodal Plane, Pluto, the Sun, and the Vertex is applying hard to natal Saturn in the 10th House. REMEMBER WHAT WAS WRITTEN EARLIER IN THIS POSTING: natal Saturn in the 10th House may define a spectacular rise and a spectacular fall from power (just like JFK, Hitler, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, and Einstein). And transiting Sun Square Pluto taking place on top of the natal Saturn position in the 10th House surely defines a major conflict was probable regarding Carlson's 10th House (and the 10th House rules "career and public standing"). Drawn in green above, a transiting T-Square of Neptune and the Moon is applying hard to natal Jupiter in the 3rd House. This may indicate a disappointment or deception with Tucker's freedom or finances (Neptune Opposition Jupiter). Because the Moon can represent "the public" and "the customers or employees,"  this may define a conflict taking place involving the public and/or the customers (Moon Square Jupiter) after this announcement of Tucker leaving Fox. Finally, drawn in blue above, Retrograde Mercury Sesquiquadrate Uranus is 4 minutes away from being exact (and would be decreasing in separation minutes as the morning went on). This represents "shocking or surprising news," and Tucker Carlson was reportedly surprised that Fox was going to let him go. Please note that in my book I describe the Sesquiquadrate aspect as an aspect that can define issues with one's health or indicate problems at the workplace; this aspect is not usually looked at when one looks at their transits.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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