Americans, Europeans, Asians and everything in between. Think about the Human race and there genetic's. Take a White American male, then compare him to 100 asian male's. There is a distinct difference in there bone structure. But why? Because of thousands of years of evolution? Because "God" made them that way? No. Because all races came from the stars, then where put here then thrown off course from what should really be happening. Earth was inhabbited by a race that is much older then main stream scientist say. Everyday archaeologists are disscovering artifacts and bones which are much older then we where told in school. But guess what, they dont change the books, and teachings because the system that they have has been working fine for years, so why change it and have everything that the NWO has worked so hard to make? Because they dont want the soul evolution to happen. They would rather have Humanity taking orders, and killing just so they dont lose power. Alex Collier stated that the Human race was Born in the Lyra constillation then after a long period of time in which death and distruction took hold, the Human race had to re-colonise on other planets. Earth was chosen as a "planetary-experiment". Which means are whole life's have been an experiment to see how genetic minipulation + meny other minipulations have had an effect on the human race. A good example is war. If you think about it, how could we kill each other, out of hate? Religion? Both are not in human nature. The lack of intelligence about 2000 years ago made the world what it is today. Because people choose to warship a "God" or "angel" is truley ridiculous. There is no need to warship anyone or anything! But if you feel the need to then warship LIFE and the soul within you. Once enough people realise that Life is the true answer to the universe, only then can we procced with are spiritual evolution. Just because someone is different does not mean you have to be negitive to them. There is no enemy! We go to war with each other so are countrys and stay World powers, and so we can have gas to put in are cars. Anything that is promoted by a world power is just for brain washing. Global warming is one of those. You really think Al Gore gives to shit's about the earth? I think he cares about the Billions of Dollers he made off starting that whole deal. Now people go out and buy whatever says hybrid because they think there making a difference. Wake up! Its all a form of controll! Homework time! I want everyone who reads this to watch the Alex Collier interview, it will fill in the empty spaces. Now please, remember to show compasion to even the most different people and soon you will have an answer.
you can watch the Alex Collier interview on google video.