Posted by The Watcher on March 01, 2014 in categories ArcheologyFeatured stories

A monumental discovery was recently made south of La Maná, Ecuador on November 17, 2013 while exploring low mountains along the Calope River. The megalithic ruins of an ancient temple have been partially exposed by the dynamite blasts of road workers and the erosive action of water, uncovering large sections of basalt foundations along two sides of a structure exceeding 70m in height.

The La Maná region has drawn attention for decades after the Head of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Mines Dr. E. Guillermo Sotomayor (1918-2009) made the surprise discovery of a cache of hundreds of ancient relics that included dozens of magnetic stone artifacts with inlaid designs that fluoresce under ultraviolet light. Sotomayor's years of research concerning a set of 13 magnetic stone cups led him to recognize the astonishing purity and curative effects of the springwaters of these mystical mountains.

Thick kaolinite clay beds filter rainwater while the activity of lightning and the presence of precious metals below ground imbues the water with trace gold and silver nanoparticles, forming the natural electrum colloid venerated by the pyramid-building Paleo-Sanskrit culture as the elixir of life: 'Soma'.

Four decades have elapsed since those initial discoveries of ancient artifacts and sacred Ayurvedic water sources in La Maná, yet international public interest and intrigue surrounding this lush cloud forest location has only grown. Gold mining activity in the enclosed valley immediately south of La Maná had dredged up thick layers of ash and debris associated with volcanic outbursts that peppered the entire area with a rain of tiny gold pellets that are absent in more recent soil deposits.

In 2013, exploration of the low mountains rising to the south of the valley mines and the Calope River provided a wealth of megalithic evidence that had not been recognized by previous investigators of this area. Newly recognized Paleolithic technologies for the manufacture of synthetic stone, bulk concrete and binding cement recently identified at archeological excavations on pyramids in Bosnia and Indonesia provide a cultural precedent for remarkable basalt structures located here in Ecuador.

In particular, the giant monuments of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids constitute architecturally reshaped and refaçaded mountains with beautifully paved apex platforms and causeways that are closely replicated in the soil-cloaked forms of the mountains of La Maná. After thorough investigation, several restructured mountains in the La Maná area have been confirmed as artificial constructions.

The most visible of these hidden ancient monuments is a riverfront pyramid construction that presents a triangular north-facing plane rising at a consistent inclination angle of 45º to its apex, over 70m in height. The symmetry of this ancient construction can be clearly observed from across the Calope River, while the apex platform and rear causeway are most visible from due west (above).

This ancient monument has been named the Hummingbird Pyramid, after the great variety of local hummingbird species whose rhythmic wingbeats symbolized psychoacoustic influences among all ancient cultures of the Andes. The apex of the Hummingbird Pyramid (0.9978ºS 79.2283ºW) is situated closely along the 1º south latitude, 7,472 miles from the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. This resonant distance interval represents 30.02% of the Earth's mean circumference of 24,892 miles,exactly corresponding to the 2:3:5 Fibonacci proportional relationship known as the Golden Ratio.

This sacred geopositioning relationship between the Great Pyramid and the La Maná pyramid complex was visually expressed in the designs of the UV fluorescent Third-Eye Pyramid and World Map stone artifacts. A pair of palm-sized octagonal stone disks engraved with UV fluorescent circles reference the mandala of Sanskrit tradition that has been decoded in previous works as the quantum iterated function [ zn+1 = zn2 ], expressing the global distribution pattern of infrasound standing waves.

Commonly referred to as Schumann Resonance, this fluctuating set of resonant planetary frequencies is composed of the sum of cosmic, solar, lunar, planetary and terrestrial vibrations that find continuity in the resonant cavity of Earth's atmosphere. Earth's energetic cocoon was extolled as the Akashic Field in votive passages from stone tablets preserved at Paleo-Sanskritcultural sites on every inhabited continent of the world, praising the beneficial actions of Indra, the divine personification of resonant infrasonic influences from the planet Jupiter upon all living organisms of Earth.

Resonant interactions of elements within all living cells were well recognized by the highly advanced biological and spiritual sciences of the global Atlantean Sanskrit culture as the eternal source of the flame of all life, illuminating every cell from within. In their complete knowledge of the kundalini physics of the qi meridian system, our Atlantean forbearers designed arrays of massive, solid-state electromagnetic healing temples that focused and transduced planetary resonance.

Before any discussion with the community members of this area on such complex subjects, one local resident and guide to the region mentioned the unusual recurrence of rumbling sounds in these thickly forested mountains surrounding the magnificent Seven Cascades. He stated that ultra-low frequency sounds often resounded during the nighttime hours, especially during the rainy season months from December to April, and suggested these mountain peaks were used by ancient people for transmitting communications over long distances. Tesla would have agreed with that suggestion!

Millions of interlocking geopolymer basalt blocks comprising the bulk of the Hummingbird Pyramid and its causeway reveal a highly specialized architectural technology for enhanced seismic integrity and resistance to water erosion. In addition to the extreme density and superhard crystal/metal composition of the artificial stone, the many interlocking forms and angular internal construction features were painstakingly molded by many generations of pyramid-builders who had perfected the art of monumental construction in the most challenging of equatorial environments.

Prevention and control of landsliding was of paramount concern, and dictated the crucial angularity of highly complex stonework being uncovered at several excavation sites on the Hummingbird Pyramid. Giant megalithic blocks were apparently only cast within the deeper sections of the monument's foundations, whereas the surfaces of this massive pyramidal building were primarily cast in smaller multifaceted forms. Seams in the stonework display a clear tendency toward rhomboidal grid patterns.

To this day, landslides represent a major hazard to life in these low mountain areas that were densely populated during the Paleolithic Era. Sections of paved walkway and other water-worn exterior surfaces of the Hummingbird Pyramid uncovered thus far are puzzle-like mosaics of much smaller interlocking blocks that would have allowed minor damage to occur during adverse meteorological conditions while preventing the catastrophic collapse of larger sections of the steeply-angled building.

The specific handling of forms within various sections of this massive monument correspond to distinct functions that can be easily identified. The rhomboidal columnar basalt forms which comprise the lower foundations of the Hummingbird Pyramid display an inclination angle of ~65º to the east that is consistent on both the southwestern and northeastern corners of the monument. This ever-present eastward slant was intentionally designed by the site's ancient builders to counteract the westward slumping of land toward the coastal flood plane with the westward flow of the Calope River.

After years of pondering on the unknown origin of magnetic properties among the many basalt and granite artifacts of the La Maná collection, multifaceted blocks of all sizes recovered from excavations on the Hummingbird Pyramid have been checked for magnetism using a neodymium magnet. Indeed, the Hummingbird Pyramid stones possess the same odd magnetic properties as the famous relics.

In fact, the majority of synthetic basalt paving stones, building blocks and casing stones possess anomalous magnetic properties that are not consistent with the great abundance of naturally formed basalts. This challenging fact reflects that same unusual situation that has confounded archeologists and collectors alike, concerning the handcrafted stone artifacts found below the La Maná Pyramid.

While all of the stones' originally molded surfaces bear a rusty orange appearance, exposed cross-sections of broken stones from the Hummingbird Pyramid show darker basalt surfaces flecked with visible metal particles (below). Fracturing of these artificial metallic stones tends to occur along flat planes through the stone, revealing an easily identifiable mineral component-iron pyrite- evenly distributed as fine flakes throughout the basalt matrix. The rusty red coloration of portions of the stones also signifies the presence of powdered iron from ores processed in ancient times.

Preliminary measurements made with a high-quality metal detector have confirmed the presence of significant quantities of iron within the Hummingbird Pyramid's synthetic stones, but has also revealed the pervasive presence of another ferromagnetic element found in high concentrations in all meteoritic material: nickel. As noted in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, these accomplished Paleolithic builders often mined tunnel systems to connect their pyramids and provide the raw materials for their constructions above ground, selecting the most magnetic metals available in great abundance.

Dr. J. Davidovits, founder of the Geopolymer Institute, has defined the essential components and sophisticated geopolymer chemistry of ancient cements that catalyze a caustic reaction: sand and crushed gravel, water, caustic soda and a kaolinite clay binding material. These exact components have been identified in the composition of conglomerate blocks from the Visoko pyramids, as with sandstone plates reconstituted from quartz sand deposits. Similarly, the deep kaolin beds of La Maná provided the binder that was mixed with black sands to produce reconstituted magnetic basalts.

A micrograph of the crystal/metal matrix of geopolymer samples from near the facing of the Hummingbird Pyramid reveals a beautiful mosaic of exotic granulated components that were mixed and poured thousands of years ago to form these remarkable synthetic basalts (above). Iron pyrite flakes, commonly known as 'fool's gold', are employed as efficient diamagnetic semiconductors.

Ancient specialized applications of ferromagnetic cements to the artificial stabilization and refaçading of small mountains has also been identified at the Indonesian megalithic site of Gunung Padang, with artificial cements containing 45% iron, 41% silica and 14% clay. Specific characteristics shared by the more than 22,000-year-old Indonesian pyramid, the 29,000-year-old pyramids of Bosnia and the pyramids of La Maná, Ecuador suggests these sites were built during the same technological era.

Davidovits' analysis of the limestone blocks of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt revealed exotic admixtures including opal and paramagnetic alumino-silicates that deny their natural origin. Likewise, in this case of synthetic metallo-crystalline stones of the Hummingbird Pyramid, elevated levels of ferromagnetic elements endow the structure with heightened resonant characteristics that are immediately apparent when two such stones are struck together, producing a purely metallic ring.

The advanced psychoacoustic and biorhythmic functions of the global array of pyramid complexes, mathematically defined as a global nonlinear infrasound resonance network aligned to the Great Pyramid, are reflected on the nanoscale by the selective magnetic composition of each component stone, and by the selective composition of sacred electrum waters that rejuvenate the human body.

The magnificent pyramid constructions distributed throughout the world await our renewed awareness of our own innate telepathic potential and bioelectric healing capacity for which they were constructed. Repeating spates of closely related infrasound rumbling, ground vibrations and high electrical ground currents are being reported worldwide in ever stranger confluences of piezoelectric fires linked with spontaneous combustion events, inducing dangerous conditions at infrasound focal points worldwide.

The field of planetary resonance is now being stimulated into heightened geomagnetic activity by the intensifying effects of ongoing solar eruptions as our entire solar system approaches magnetic reversal. The paramagnetic stones of the Great Pyramid are literally roaring back to life, focusing infrasound standing waves that activate all other pyramid sites around the globe including the newly discovered ferromagnetic Hummingbird Pyramid, located along the equatorial latitude of 1º south.

Extensive exploration of the low mountains south of La Maná, Ecuador have revealed an entire complex of monumental constructions covered in 1-8m in soil, comprising the oldest and largest pyramid complex in South America, with direct technological links to the newly uncovered pyramids of Bosnia and Indonesia. Advanced geopolymer casting techniques show many similarities at these sites. Fallen pavement sections from the Hummingbird Pyramid display flat paving blocks supporting layers of interlocking basalt tiles (below) that resemble sandstone walkways on the Bosnian pyramids.

Megalithic blocks and long plinths of a type similar to those found at Indonesia's Gunung Padang are abundant in the interlocking foundation sections of Ecuador's Hummingbird Pyramid. The monument's foundations were exposed along a stretch of the northern face during dynamiting by road construction crews in the late 1970s. Lower portions of the roadcut are covered in rocky debris and falling soil, yet the upper portions have been easily cleaned of overgrowth to expose stunningly complex stonework. One perfectly vertical seam in the magnetic basalt foundation has been exposed, revealing the terminations of a tightly stacked cluster of rhomboidal plinths (above).

This angular outcropping of basalt plinths uncovered on the northeastern corner of this huge structure reveals a well-worn facade that was most probably stripped of casing stones many thousands of years ago, presumably during landsliding that occurred when the pyramid was covered in a dense old-growth forest of very tall trees. The great weight of overgrowth would have certainly exceeded the weight-bearing capacity of the many walkways and horizontal areas, having been overtaken by jungle for almost 13,000 years. Torrential rains during heavy seismic activity must have taken a major toll.

While the north face of the Hummingbird Pyramid ascends at an angle of 45º (at the same angular inclination as the north face of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun) the oblong megaliths stacked in the foundation of the structure present a lean to the east at roughly 65º, showing consistency with the columnar foundations exposed by river wear on the western side of this psychoacoustic monument.

The highly eroded surfaces of the Hummingbird Pyramid are covered in only 1m of soil near the base, while the upper portions of the structure remain buried beneath 7-8m of earth. The rich orange/brown soil will eventually be transformed into the pure kaolinite clays that line the region's bedrock, after thousands of years of further microbial activity and compaction below the growing weight of biomass.

The soil conditions, megalithic stone shapes, alignments and compositions, in addition to architectural forms and functions, show many apparent commonalities with the new Indonesian pyramid site that provide a broader context for the psychoacoustic reinterpretation of Paleo-Sanskrit cultural traditions once practiced worldwide. The new and exciting prospect of a global collaboration by archeologists, geologists and acoustics engineers at active excavations of Paleolithic monuments in Bosnia, Indonesia and Ecuador promises to recover the deeper layers of our global ancestral heritage.

Experimental psychoacoustic activation of the world's pyramid network will proceed with greater advances once infrasound measurements can be simultaneously obtained at all three pyramid sites and correlated to reveal nonlinear acoustic interactions within the field of planetary resonance.

Acoustic activation of the worldwide pyramid network was driven by the three base frequencies of thundering infrasound resonance transduced by the 3 giant pyramids of Giza, Egypt. The global field of resonant oscillations was apparently praised in rows of repeating mantras in Paleo-Sanskrit glyphs that once circumscribed the neck of the large vessel that can be read vertically, from top to bottom: raua raua raua tri-adhi tri-adhi tri-adhi raua raua raua tri-adhi tri-adhi tri-adhi --"Thundering... triple-delivering... thundering... triple-delivering..." (above). This mantra reinforces a psychoacoustic reference in glyphs on the Third-Eye Pyramid artifact praising infrasonic healing influences.

The La Maná ceramic inscriptions also reflect enigmatic statements from votive texts identified throughout the Paleo-Sanskrit world, from Caria, Italy, the Canary Islands and Illinois, US, where glyph texts express the same short reference to the tri-frequency infrasonic output of the highest free-standing pyramids in the world, the Giza pyramids: kar kar kar upama --"triple works of the highest."

Furthermore, this statement references the same pyramid functions as Paleo-Sanskrit texts from the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, inscribed directly into the megaceramic healing platforms of the Ravne tunnels, reading: adhi kara kar-as raua-as kar-as --"Delivering the action of workings, for thundering workings." Scientific measurements of infrasound in the tunnels confirm this translation.

Radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating of these inscribed ceramic remains will provide definitive data for their age, yet many visible characteristics of these materials offer several factors supporting their Paleolithic origin. Recent damage to one of the sherds demonstrates their superb hardness, which, in modern terms, would be classified among the hardest ceramic products known as stoneware.

The inner curved surface of the largest piece presents a deep notch sustained from a sharp machete strike by a yucca farmer weeding his field, which did not break the hard ceramic fragment. The very thick and extreme hardness of the sherds suggests the application of geopolymer chemistry in these ceramics that were most likely produced by the makers of these restructured mountains. The smoky grey interior of the ceramic samples is also indicative that caustic chemical agents were mixed with sandy clays to produce stoneware quality ceramics at low temperatures achieved in simple pit fires.

Years of exploration of the Calope River and Seven Cascades vicinity have uncovered more than 30 sites spread over a large area that confirm the hidden presence of 17 major psychoacoustic stone monuments. The Hummingbird Pyramid is directly linked to an entire complex of magnetic monuments by an ascending causeway that extends from the pyramid's apex for over 200m before beginning a gradual incline to a much larger pyramid, also deeply buried in soil.

Located at the 1º south latitude along Ecuador's Calope River, the Hummingbird Pyramid complex is distributed across an area of more than 80km2. Initial investigations have yielded a wealth of artificial stone blocks, megaliths and pavement stones, stone tools and ceramic sherds. Dozens of functional psychoacoustic whistles from the La Maná Pyramid collection include the largest examples of ancient psychoacoustic instruments known in the world. The hieroglyphic inscriptions, magnetic qualities and unusual UV fluorescence of the La Maná artifacts are not unique, but have also been identified among the thousands of engraved stones from the Illinois Cave archive in the Midwest US.

The precise alignments of pyramids and temples comprising the ancient magnetic city of La Maná reflect the advanced global geopositioning technology of the Paleo-Sanskrit pyramid-builders based on the distribution pattern of infrasound standing waves. This discovery of the spherical structure of the field of planetary resonance comprises the greatest mathematical evidence for the continuity of worldwide cultural expression by this remarkable Paleolithic civilization.

The alignment of the heart of the La Maná pyramid complex along the 1ºS latitude reflects the same pattern observed of other major Paleo-Sanskrit pyramid sites around the world, with Giza along 30ºN, Visoko along 44ºN and Gunung Padang along 7ºS. The line of sites A, C and G defines the resonant 30.0% distance that also passes through Machu Picchu and Ollantaytambo, Peru to the southeast, as well as the Mayan pyramids at Tazumal, Guatemala to the northwest. Perpendicular axes define the inline positions of sites G,K,O, as well as M,P,Q --both of which describe exact alignments that converge at the apex of the Great Pyramid of present-day Giza, Egypt.

The six largest monumental constructions have been named the La Maná Pyramid, Hummingbird Pyramid, Soma Step Pyramid, Cloud Pyramid, Amrita Pyramid and the Seven Cascades Pyramid. Several other megalithic buildings have been identified and named for ease of reference:

Exploration, discovery, documentation and excavation of these Paleo-Sanskrit monuments has been underway for only 3 years now, undertaken in the dense cloud forest environment that blankets these giant geopolymer constructions. Despite our identification of 17 major monuments within this ancient pyramid complex, a more complete survey of the area requires further technological analyses.

A wealth of organic materials already collected from well-documented sites requires radiocarbon dating analyses that can be correlated with data to be obtained from archeological core drilling to provide an accurate temporal context for these highly advanced Paleolithic construction sites. Remote sensing using ground penetrating radar, LiDAR, seismic tomography, electrical resistivity and geomagnetic techniques will undoubtedly identify more temples and interconnecting tunnel systems within the area immediately surrounding the central complex of this ancient Magnetic Center.

Alignments marked by the temples, tumuli and pyramids of the Magnetic Center of La Maná also reflect perfect orientation to other notable sites within the worldwide Atlantean infrasound network. The distance between La Maná Pyramid and the Nazca Lines of Peru is 995 miles, comprising precisely 4.00% of the Earth's mean circumference of 24,892 miles (denoted by the red circle, above). The remarkable accuracy of this geospacial relationship reflects a shared knowledge of advanced psychoacoustic resonance between the groups who constructed these iconic sacred sites.

The La Maná Pyramid is 952 miles from Machu Picchu, Peru. Both sites are located along the 30.0% resonant distance alignment from the Great Pyramid. A line from La Maná to Machu Picchu can be divided into 6 equal segments of approximately 160 miles, corresponding to 5 intervening nodal points of infrasound resonance. This set of nodes includes the geopolymer ruins of the Samayreni River, Peru, located 164 miles from Machu Picchu along the resonant 30% alignment. The La Maná Pyramid is 183 miles from the Tayos Cave ruins associated with the Crespi artifacts in Cuenca.

High-precision Fibonacci alignments fixed in megalithic stonework all over the world were also painstakingly engraved into an astonishing masterwork from the Sotomayor collection known as the World Map Stone (above). This half-ton megalith presents a wrap-around world map inlaid with the coastlines of all inhabitable continents known today, as well as two major landmasses in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans that were lost during catastrophic tectonic plate subduction events.

Thick quartz lines cirumscribing this granite boulder mark the sacred alignment of focused infrasound resonance radiating from the east and west faces of the Great Pyramid. The line makes a 90º turn near La Maná, marked near the juncture with the resonant 30% circumference distance from Giza. As resonant flightpaths, these lines comprise direct evidence for a nonlinear pyramid distribution pattern.

Exact construction dates for this newly uncovered pyramid complex in La Maná, Ecuador have yet to be comprehensively established, yet the great extent of this ancient city and clear distinctions in the construction styles among the many buildings suggest a rich progression of megalithic construction periods during the multi-phased development of this incomparable Paleo-Sanskrit civilization.

In the lower layers of the Odin mines, below 25m of earth, clay and thick layers of grey ash, burnt wood and stone debris, the intact rib of an adult mammoth was excavated by a machine operator who purchased the huge Pleistocene bone for his own private collection. The stratigraphy of the deepest mines provides conclusive evidence of the volcanic desolation of the La Man· area caused by a cluster of meteoritic impacts in the Atlantic region now dated to approximately 12,890 years ago.

The La Maná artifacts and related ancient monumental sites deserve renewed worldwide attention and the comprehensive scientific investigation of geologists, archaeologists and technical engineers for remote sensing onsite. Furthermore, these ancient monuments deserve acknowledgement by the Ecuadorian government and funding for the application of satellite-based geosensing technologies.

Pursuing these goals, we proudly announce our February, 2014 opening of the Human Resonance Archeological Park south of La Maná in the small community of La Envidia, which translates as "The Envy". Visitors are welcome to enjoy pure springwaters while hiking exquisite waterfalls at the Seven Cascades ("Las Siete Cascadas"), located at the heart of this recently rediscovered ancient pyramid complex. Out of the mists rising above the falls looms the Seven Cascades Pyramid, clothed in trees.

Hiking tours for groups to temple sites and excavations can be easily arranged with landowners prior to your visit to ensure the protection of crops and the purity of their water sources. Join us and experience the wonders of South America's oldest and largest pyramid complex as we uncover several NEW archeological sites with direct links to the 29,000-year-old Bosnian Pyramids.

Contact us to make your reservations. Please provide details concerning the dates for your planned visit and the specific pyramid, temple or mine sites of particular interest that you would like to see. Tubing down the Calope River past the pyramids is another great option available from May to November.

Volunteers interested in participating in ongoing excavations at the La Maná Tumulus, Hummingbird Pyramid, Soma Pyramid, Amrita Pyramid and Seven Cascades Pyramid are welcome to sign on!

From the forthcoming book Magnetic Center

Written by Alex Putney for
February 11, 2014

Republished on The Watchers by request. Copyright 2014 Alexander Putney.

About the Author:

Alexander Putney is the author of 9 FREE ebooks: Phi, Tesla's Rebirth, Veil of Invisibility, Kundalini in Ecuador, Resonance Atlas, Lightwater, Qi, Sanskrit, and Infraworld.

Alex has written over 50 articles investigating such subjects as: the physics of consciousness, archaeology, Paleo-Sanskrit language, pyramid resonance, biological transmutation, qi meridian healing, Nikola Tesla, free energy, reincarnation, Vedic science, UFOs, the "hum" and anomalous events happening around the world.

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  • Did you know folks that this rediscovery has a lot to do with the new energies coming in from the central sun to and through our sun and reactivating the old grid system that was set up a long time ago. The Keys of Enoch''  & Edgar Cayce talked a lot about this and what would happen at this time. Read my new post part 2 today. Adonai

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