I cannot be more adamant that we are the Creators of our Lives but more by way of our emotions than we realize. The Law of Attraction is a Beautiful thing but not if we don’t understand where we are vulnerable in terms of deep-seated fears that can change our vibe in a most traumatic way. We have to be the willing participants in what we are Creating from either fear or Love. We can think it all we want but what it comes down to is what we are truly Feeling from withIN and there’s never been a more important time, energetically speaking, to dig deep and find our lower vibrational needs and expectations so they don’t destroy the Lives we are trying to build.
The hungry ghost is a “demon” that is Created withIN from the emotion and mindset known as lack and expectation. The hungry ghost will seek to destroy every good thing that comes its way by focusing on the ONE thing it perceives it doesn’t or can’t have. When we Allow our perceptions of “lack” to consume our BEing it can be the most dangerous of cocktails and addictions stealing Joy and sucking Light until it eats itself alive.
It takes great Courage of the Heart to face our inner demons and learn to overcome the inner child who Creates and re-Creates from fear, lack, and expectation. The fastest and most efficient way to effectuate Positive change into our reality is by saturating our reality with Gratitude. The Law of Polarity states “Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree” but the Law is also mutable meaning that in Spirit All is ONE so we can find Positive reaction instead of negative if we choose to look for it. [1] Fear is allergic to Love, lack is allergic to Gratitude, and expectation is allergic to letting go. There is a karmic wheel at play in these situations and it’s our “job” in the journey of Self-Awareness to branch our way out of this wheel that goes round and round. Read more...