So that is the first or inner circle. These 10 families then control 30 families who are the next richest in the world. That’s the second circle. And the third circle consists of 300 families who are very rich and control 300 countries through each of their central bank systems. They control the fiat money. They produce it and tell each country what it is worth according to the U.S. dollar which they control as well. And there is no more gold behind the U.S. money, only oil. Fort Knox is empty. Five of the ten families we think we know; Rothschild, Rockefellers’, Astor’s. Hapsburgs, Vanderbilt’s. The rest of the inner circle is not known for sure. This inner circle meets regularly with the other two circles in there Headquarters of the Baltimore estate a 240 room estate owned by the Vanderbilt’s, in Ashland N.C. In Which parts of it is open to the public, strange huh.

The gold is in the Europe banks of Holland, Belgium and Germany where all of these plans started so long ago. Soon the new Euro will come out with 10 percent gold behind it and it will then become the new world currency, even more than the current silver-backed Euro which has nearly doubled against the U.S. dollar (in November 2007) since it came out in 2000. But that currency won’t last long.

When the U.S. dollar completely sinks to nothing against the new Euro, the bankers will then issue a new currency for the new country that they will create called the Northern Union, being Canada, USA and Mexico. Belize will probably be first to join the new Central American Union. The new currency will be called the Ameruro and will be backed by 20 to 30 percent silver until both world currencies will be made illegal or be replaced by the 666 (credit cards and the mark of the beast implant chips) as in the revelations prophecies and predictions. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with credit money status.

And what does revelation mean? It means to reveal. I can hardly do them the justice of revealing what I know in only one chapter. Our space brothers call them the SSG. The secret sinister government is a good name for them. They really consist of more than a hundred groups which we will get into soon, “the invisible controlling the visible.”

But first let’s talk about their Agenda. Their plans are to annihilate (kill off) 95 percent of the world’s population by 2012 or 2016 (that’s six billion people) when they plan to install the NWO Government and take over the world by force. They are now speeding up their plan because the cat’s out of the bag or the genie is out of the bottle. In other words, many people now know about them and their sinister plans for an evil world government and our space brothers can’t stop them under their law of non-interference unless the universe is endangered. That’s why it is called the secret world government, because most people don’t know or are in denial that they even exist.

Most people of the world were just busy chasing after the almighty dollar (false god) an IDOL which the SSG created and controls even to this day. Most governments of every major country are now under the control of the world mega bankers (global elites). At one time each country printed and owned their own money, so they wouldn’t go into debt. If they did go into debt they just printed more money, hopefully with more gold or silver behind it. In the very old days before promissory notes there were only gold, silver, copper and bronze coins, real money. But today it’s all only paper, fiat promissory notes or play money, with nothing of worth behind it, thanks to those world bankers.

Except there are some currencies that have value like the Swiss Franc which has value but no silver behind it and the English pound with 5-10 percent silver behind it and a few others. The present Euro dollar had ten or fifteen percent silver behind it as well and there are a few others like the ruble (Russia) and the yen (Japan). These are the currencies the rich and other wise people buy because they know they can turn it in for silver or gold and that’s why the Arabs and other oil countries are starting to get the Euro dollars for the promise to be soon backed by gold, instead of the US dollar which is only backed by oil and promises. They don’t want more oil. They want something more precious for their oil than play money. The Chinese are buying up Gold with there US play dollar, to back up there currency, which could soon be stronger than the US dollar.

These sinister secret government people now own 90 percent of the world’s natural resources. They own all the major oil companies, except maybe some of those in Saudi Arabia. They own the seven major companies of the world, starting with the insurance companies. They control legal pharmaceutical drugs and illegal drugs. Industries they own and control include metals and precious metals, as well as the war manufacturing companies for the big wars they create. They own and control the energy companies such as electricity. They own and control the major food companies, including the seeds, fertilizers and chemicals they distribute, as well as the farmers through the bank loans they provide.

The NWO owns and controls the seven major news and media companies (communication companies) like television, radio and newspapers. And these seven own and control most all of the local ones. This is happening throughout the world, not just in America where they have the strongest control. They own most of the world’s prestige land. They own 90 percent of the diamonds and precious stones. They own and control the major gold and silver companies as well as copper, iron, steel, bronze and other precious metals. They control the prices of all of these items throughout the world. They control the market value of them as well. They own and control the major stock companies throughout the world. And most of this ownership is secret as we have seen in the last several decades, with larger companies buying out smaller ones, whether it’s banks or manufacturing companies. They say that in the USA only 30 companies own and control the 300 major companies on the stock market.

The SSG is behind the scenes in all these dealings. The Rockefellers and Rothschild’s have so much money or promissory notes coming in that they can’t count it on the screen before it changes into higher amounts. What a scenario. It’s sort of like playing a big Monopoly game. In the end, only a few people own everything.

These families also control and own the military, especially in America. That’s one reason why the U.S. military is the largest and why they have over 800 U.S. bases all over the world, not counting the 200 secret ones. The military and their bases are being used by the SSG for two purposes, first making money from the war machine itself. And secondly to use the U.S. government or military to control and enforce the NWO when they decide to announce the takeover by 2016 or maybe before, but at least by that time era. It’s all in place now.

The military uses its soldiers as guinea pigs. I was one in the Vietnam era. And now there are a total of 7,800 guinea pigs that have died in the two Bush Gulf Wars, mostly from radiation and gas from their own weapons and from bad vaccines. Unknown to most in the military, the Illuminati will use the present U.S. military to take over the world. Then they, too, will be replaced with official NWO military. So they will become useless guinea pigs as well. The NWO military are dressed in black like the regular covert military black ops.

The Americans have been programmed for war since the first two world wars which, by the way, were started by the Illuminati as well. Pearl Harbor was a planned attack that they knew about before hand to get Americans into the war and to get the money making war machines going. It worked well. So when it was over, they went into Korea and then Vietnam, etc. Now over 200 countries have been invaded by the Americans, backed by the NWO which also owns and controls the United Nations (UN) Army as well.

We were programmed from children to become soldiers and killing machines as a society. The U.S. people should learn the lessons of war in these last two wars. Afghanistan was mostly for an oil pipeline and control and ownership of drugs .The worlds biggest and longest standing drug dealers, and now the drug industry has doubled under USA control and controls the world market since the Russians left and the Americans took over. The Iraq war was for their 1200 oil wells. Americans thought they would get cheaper oil so they let Bush invade .Both Ben Laden and Hussein were US. CIA friends before and were trained by the USA military. So, the whole thing back fired on them once the US. Major oil companies got the oil the people only got higher gas prices. Then these companies could override OPEC and triple the cost of oil to the U.S. and the world. To be continued TM


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  • dear rev,will add this one for you,love,light,blessings eve.8114269286?profile=original

  • Thanks Eve. I had pics but they wouldn't transfer.So I would welcome any pics from anybody, it helps. One picture is worth a thousand words. I have 450 pics in my e- book of 410 pgs. Everything is welcome, much more to come. PS they forgot to list the 30 families that control the 300, who control the 300 central banks world wide. Ta,mate.Adonai

  • dear rev,found some exposure pics of the greedy lot of elit,(illumanti) and dark cabal,which i will add to your post,as Feather stated,thank goodness we have help from the galactic forces,love,light,blessings eve.8114267273?profile=original

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