part 3
The “Priory of Sion” is also a member of the Illuminati group. The Priory of Sion group believes that they have the blood and DNA of Jesus, that he married Mary Magdalene. They call it the “Merovingian bloodline.” The Hapsburgs claim to have more of this bloodline in their ancestry, but there are other Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, and noble families of Europe who claim this as well, including the Queen of England (Elizabeth) and her heirs and Prince Barnard himself. The families of kings and queens had prearranged marriages, not only for power and money but also to keep the so called bloodline pure. This first Priory of Sion meeting was to bring them all together.
I myself have run across this story now several times in my Jesus books. Most are fake, such as the story about Billy Meier of Austria who was told by some of the pleiadians how to find a book they called Jmmanuel that I believe this group of Pleiadians planted by going back in time. In the past I thought the Pleiadians were good space brothers, but I think this was done by the followers of Hitler who moved to the s.pole with stolen alien technology. This book is false and contrived, and the story of Jesus getting married, I believe, is definitely false. The others that tell this story must also be false channels because most of my Jesus books say this is not true, especially The Urantia Book. It says no way.
This Bilderberger group has members who are prime ministers, kings and queens, and presidents and vice presidents of different countries and other so called rich and important people of governments and industry and banking. But to be included in the Bilderberger group, they all had to first be members of the free masons in one or another of their Illuminati circles or lodges. That’s also why the elitist chose the pyramid as their symbol because they rule from the top down, from the first inner circle to the second inner circle to the third outer circle and then to all the many other groups or black lodges.
All of the third circle families are bankers in each country and they control the central banks that publish the so called money, and they also hold other positions in society. The new Bilderberger group was ideal for them because it enables them to control the people even more in order to recruit them into the NWO. Even Hitler raged about them and George H. Bush Sr. talked about. So the Bilderberger group brought the chance to formulate more control groups in each country, coercing governments to make new laws which would control the people through transportation, communication, industry, banking, the military and police.
The Bilderberger group now meets every year in late summer. The average number of attendees is 130. Membership into the free masons and other groups is granted as needed. But the Bilderberger group controls the other groups and they are controlled by the first and second inner circles and the free masons. By the way, I only mentioned some of the first circle families. No one knows the rest.
According to Jim Mars, these are more likely some of the members of the second circle of 30: The Brockman Dynasty of Canada, Juan Carlos of Spain, John Jacob Astor, Lord Peter Carrington (banker with Bilderberger mafia ties), Giovanni Agnelli (Fiat Motors), Rupert Murdoch (multi billionaire Australian publisher), Heinrich Von Pierer (German chairman of Siemens electronic company), George Soras (Hungarian Jew and now a British subject), all of which belong to another NWO group (lodge) of the World Economic Forum held in Switzerland.
Prince Philip was also a member, Queen Elizabeth’s late husband and head of the United Lodge of free masonry in England and a member of the order of the garter in England. These may be good candidates for the Bilderberger group which met in 2007 in Turkey and in 2008 in Maryland, five miles from Washington D.C., USA, in which they will announce their agenda to collapse the money markets and create a worldwide Depression. (See Global “Crisis” News.)
Nexus Magazine ran a good article by Daniel Estulin called “The Illuminati’s Second Circle” in Vol. 14 No. 5 in August-September 2007. The article also reported on the economic hit men of the IMF/World Bank which will be our next subject. And it listed a delegation to the 2007 Bilderberger meeting. David Rockefeller was not present. There was a group of 130 members, plus attendees who are not yet members, mostly from Europe and western countries, especially the USA. Now supposedly no one in the U.S. government under the “Logan Act” is allowed to attend such a meeting that is not endorsed by the U.S. government, but Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, and Ross Wilson, Ambassador to Turkey, and did Henry Kissinger represented his own company, Kissinger Associates.
This group supports the interests of mufti-national corporations and talks mostly about business and their plans to create a new world currency by collapsing the present banking system. To quote from the Nexus article, “Catastrophe is good for business, always has been. Without suffering there would be no humanitarian assistance. And without humanitarian assistance there would be no room for undercover intelligence network operations as part of western imperatives for geopolitical control.” In Europe, the independent banking system is run through the European Central Bank whose monetary policies are put together by the leading members of the Bilderberger elite.
Other quotes from the meeting were: “The United States and Europe have a tacit agreement between them that the president should always be a U.S. national while it’s sister institution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should always be headed by a European.” And the Bilderberger meeting in 2007 “served as a consensus building exercise to decide on a common policy and strategy to deal with Russia’s resurgence.” David Estulin says, “These are some of the things they talked about. The final objective of this despicable group of elitists was a fascist one world empire.” How could it be orchestrated?
Estulin quotes them as saying, “The idea is to give to each country a political constitution and an appropriate national structure, organized for the following purposes: (1) to place political power in the hands of chosen people and eliminate all intermediaries, (2) to establish a maximum concentration of industries and suppress all unwarranted competition, (3) to establish absolute control of prices of all goods and raw materials (Bilderberger makes it possible through the iron grip control of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization), and (4) to create judicial and social institutions that would prevent all extremes of action.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Here they, themselves, tell how they “intend” and are now in the process of taking over the world through collapsing the economies. They have the power and money plus they are all evil in their “intent” for a one world empire. These people move their industries to third and fourth countries where the labor is dirt cheap, make their products with no restrictions, and then send them back with their company name on it, and sell them, making a huge profit, at a loss of millions of jobs back home in western society. This causes us all to depend on other countries for our goods. Who’s being fooled?
The real question is how can we stop them in the next eight years? And if we don’t, who will? Mother nature, Earth changes Universe and galaxy changes, Dimensional changes, Space brothers, Spiritual hierarchy, Or the raising up of the super or cosmic consciousness ? The mass needs to awaken and rise up before it is too late. No one else can do it for us. They can help, but now we are a free and sovereign planet, at least for a short while longer and the space brothers can only interfere if we ask them to or if we the people and the planet are a danger to the universe (which we are now).
Right now we are a danger mostly to ourselves. So what to do? Let’s do our homework. Open our minds. Come out of denial. They’re getting away with everything so far because we let them. We believe their lies and deception. We couldn’t be bothered with politics or voting or joining an organization that could help and support society. Basically we are still children. We want someone else to do it for us, to be our so called parents, to take care of us. We have become lazy and complacent, non-caring of what is happening around us. They’ve been at this for many hundreds of years. Where were we all that time, sleeping? We can control our dreams if we wake up in them in time. We can control our world if we wake up in time. Where to start and how to do it? Everyone should start wherever they are now in their awakening! We need to go where our hearts and minds lead us. Stay away from fear! It only feeds the dark forces and pulls us down, draining our energy.
We need to find ways in our own personal life that we can change things to become independent of them. It is important to become spiritually awake, not religious but spiritual. Our guides will help us if we ask. Let’s change our energy habits, use less. Change our automobiles. Find a way to run them very cheaply on LPG and/or alcohol using a carburetor and/or flex system. Change our food and clothes and learn to recycle. There are a lot of things we can do for ourselves. I know because I did it while living in the last of the bush in San Ignacio, Belize, providing my own energy sources and different sorts of cheaper fuels (LPG) etc. Plus rain water but very little of my food on just one lot; my lot is black clay so I had to grow food in pots, sprouting jar’s and a tiny garden. Plus I have the world’s largest ant colony in the next lot, and they like to eat my plants. Actuality, I’ve been doing most of this (except for the food) for the past 35 years.
If the Illuminati continue at their present sped up rate they will succeed and we will fail. Is that what we want? There is much we can learn to take control of, in everything around us. Don’t buy what they tell us to buy, but only what we need and can use. Recycle and fix things. Keep them as long as possible. There are many ways to repair things nowadays. We can make and put together things ourselves. Start a garden. Do sprouts. Make our own yogurt, cheese and food. Get some chickens. Get started before it’s too late. Make contact with your neighbors and local community.
We can learn to do whatever we want if we really do want to change. If not we will find ourselves as subjects, slaves to these people. We’re already under their control somewhat now. Get rid of credit cards. Put savings into the Euro and gold, “silver” and other precious metals. Pay off bills and mortgage or sell the house and buy a smaller one in cash and move to the country. Blow up the television. Throw away the paper. Tune into Coast to Coast AM. Read Nexus magazine. Buy new survival books.
But I’m not finished lecturing yet. We all need a kick in the rump or jump start. Well, there’s more. We need to know more about this World Bank and the infamous IMF, the ruling class of the new caste system. The World Bank goes back to WWII as a whole, but these same banker families have been backing wars much longer. They were the first truly global empire created without the military. They also sold weapons to both sides of wars. But they themselves did not have a military to fight for them until recently. Now they own private army’s such as Halliburton and the UN army works for them. Actually if you think about it the us military and many others work for them, such as the real reason the US invaded Iraq was to get the 1200 oil well’s for the oil company’s and the Invasion of Afghanistan is to protect the oil pipe lines and the worlds largest dealer and manufacture of drugs. Today the World Bank which is owned by the Illuminati banking elite created an off shoot called the IMF that takes over the third world countries through economics.