The Importance of Discernment in Life


There's a need today, I think, for discernment and oftentimes what it boils down to is a need for us to assess which sources we rely on are credible and which not. I'd like to make some personal remarks on the subject.

Before I do, however, I'd like to discuss why discernment or discrimination is so important in our lives. In fact, one spiritual teacher once said that it's the entire reason for our physical births: “Lose discrimination, and you miss life's only purpose.” (1)

Why is developing discernment “life's only purpose”? What is the purpose of life?

The purpose of life, as far as I can see it, is to rise from unconscious awareness to conscious awareness of our true identity as children of God and, in the end, as God Itself. The purpose of life is to realize our true identity, our original nature.

In my view, God created life so that the Formless One, which lacks a second, could experience itself. When one of Its created life forms experiences It in a moment of enlightenment, God meets God. For me, this is why the celestial group, the Heavenly Host, say that: “[Life] is all just experience to satisfy the Creator's desire to experience Itself through Its creations.” (2)

Viewed from this angle, as Kuthumi once said, “life is in fact just a game” and when we recognize that “then, my precious ones, you are truly free.” (3)

But, game or not, we're called upon to wake up more and more, learn more and more, until we return to God again in a moment of realization, as SaLuSa reminds us:


“You will never stop learning as you make your way through the higher dimensions ... until you reach the Source.” (4)


“Your quest for knowledge and the truth can never really be satisfied until you reach the ultimate – The Source of All That Is.” (5)


And what will we discover then? Kuthumi tells us: “You will discover that you are essentially God.” (6)

So what does this have to do with the importance of developing discrimination or discernment? Well, discrimination or discernment is what will allow us to tell the Real from the unreal, which is the purpose of life. Discrimination is what will allow us to sort out what is in its purest aspect God from what is “not-God” in the sense of being illusion (I realize that all in the end is God).

So developing discernment is a high priority for us at all times in our lives.

That having been said, can we discuss ways to assess credibility and to discriminate among sources?

We cannot probably decide what is absolutely true. If we could, we'd be enlightened. We probably have to be satisfied with deciding what is relatively true. And that involves discerning shades of what is possible, plausible, and probable (or likely). It means that we arrive at accounts that we prefer and don't prefer to other accounts.

It involves watching for inconsistencies, contradictions, and other indicators of a lack of credibility. But more importantly, when we consider galactic sources, who are not available for us to question or speak to, it may involve keeping the following factors in mind.

(1) Fifth-Dimensional entities don't judge, blame, shame, etc.

They see all as one, a perspective from which judging becomes impossible. Accounts which judge others probably derive from Third-Dimensional sources. This applies to spirit sources like Matthew Ward or Saul and galactic sources like SaLuSa, Hatonn (not Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, or any other “Hatonn,” but Cdr. Hatonn who speaks through Suzy Ward), the Arcturian Group, Wanderer of the Skies, etc.

Of Matthew Ward, Hatonn said:


“All souls at Matthew’s station are highly-spiritually evolved, and as their spokesperson, he relays their unified feelings about souls on Earth. They love all equally and send healing light to all. They are able to honor all people as parts of God and separate that from their ungodly thoughts and actions.” (7)


Of the galactics, SaLuSa said:


“I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you to know that as members of the Galactic Federation we are enlightened Beings, and our relationship to you is based upon our love for you.” (8)


“At our dimensional level we have long overcome the need for karma and if we make the wrong choices we recognize them and make amends immediately. For us personal relationships are based on love and respect for each other. We recognize our Oneness with all that is, and acknowledge the divine essence that all life carries.” (9)


So if you're reading a source that expresses judgments or blame, know that in all probability you're listening to a Third-Dimensional source and not one who speaks for the galactics or knows about them.

(2) The galactics don't seek deference.

I remember once asking a question of “Lord” Ashtar through Suzy Ward, and Ashtar replied: “Very well, Steve, this is Ashtar. I prefer simply Ashtar, not Lord or Master or any other added affectation.” (10)

The galactics exist in an ascended and blissful state. They don't need deference. If we're in the presence of sources who seem to be asking us to defer to them, to respect their opinions or show them special honor, chances are we're reading or speaking to a Third-Dimensional individual.

(3) The galactics inform. They may advise. But they probably would never be found suggesting that there is only one right choice or path for an individual.

The galactics respect the Law of Free Will and won't abrogate it, even in the case of the dark cabal. Moreover, they respect the Law of Karma too, and won't rescue a person from important lessons to be learned.

They tell us that there isn't just one path to the higher dimensions. According to SaLuSa: "There are many paths that lead to Ascension." (11) "No two paths will have exactly matched each other." (12)

Instead, your progress is in your own hands.... That is in accordance with the freewill you have been granted, so that you are not restricted in your choices." (13)

(4) The galactics are in all respects moderate, balanced, and equanimous.

There is one channel for Ashtar, whom Ashtar himself says he never speaks through, who pounds the table and laughs hysterically. Such immoderate and unbalanced behavior is uncharacteristic of a Fifth-Dimensional being (and even less so of a higher-dimensional being as I think Ashtar is).

Kryon goes about as far as they will in that he jokes and chides people, but he still never loses his fundamentally-moderate nature.

(5) The galactics won't be found to be predicting catastrophe for Earth.

The galactics do not deal in fear. They are here to see that Ascension is successful. They have the means to avert any catastrophe for Earth. They will not be found to say that the entire coast of California will shear off into the sea or that a super-volcano in your neighborhood will explode and kill all the surrounding populace.

Of this, SaLuSa says:


“The dark Ones do not want you to know of the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality. They would rather depict the end as the Armageddon, playing on the death and destruction associated with it. In fact they planned events to coincide with the prophecies, to frighten people into believing in the end of the World. Fear not, Dear Ones, as we will ensure that it is as easy as it can be made, and life will continue according to your freewill and well into the future.” (14)


And Matthew Ward has said:


“Although we hope that none of you is apprehensive about the recent predictions of cataclysms, we shall tell you that there will be no 1000-foot tsunami; no celestial bodies will collide with Earth; radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant will not cause population extinction; no plague will annihilate most of the world’s peoples; living underground will not be necessary; the fight for freedom in Arab countries will not ignite WWIII. Your desires that none of those will occur are added to Earth’s intention that they will not, and the energy produced in the collective consciousness assures that none of those devastating events can be manifested.” (15)


And Sanat Kumara, the “Ancient of Days,” who has Ascension under his purview, has said:


“There will be no Armageddon. There will be no great and all powerful destruction of your planet. Through the love and the outpouring of support in the heart of you, humanity, you will make the transition into the higher realms with as much ease and grace, as each of you decide will be your reality.” (16)


(6) The galactics don't speak in terms of "sides," competition, “us against them,” win/lose, etc.

The galactics don't take sides. They see everyone as One. They know that everyone is on a journey from God to God. They have as much love for the dark as for lightworkers. They see no difference, just people at different stages of understanding. But they see all as God's children, worthy of love and respect. And they work for the benefit of all rather than one side against another, even in their “battle” against the dark.

(7) The galactics don't view time as an important consideration in our individual Ascension.

The galactics know that people will, and are allowed to, evolve at their own speed and at a time of their own choosing. They plan to be as compassionate to those who choose not to ascend as to those who choose to. So if any source says that there is a need for people to ascend, that's a 3D perspective and not a 5D one.

Of course the galactics would want everyone to enjoy the bliss of Ascension, but they also respect the right of each person to choose their own course of action and destiny.

(8) The galactics seldom speak in absolutes.

The galactics seldom use words like “never,” “always,” “must,” etc. At their level of existence, reality is more plastic than on ours. They seem to know much more about exceptions, alternatives, etc., than we do. Diane of Sirius seems in part to be referring to this when she says:


"For many people your reality seems quite solid and dependable, and you feel bound by its parameters. Yet it is in actuality fluid and changeable being subject to your mass consciousness." (17)


The galactics seem to be less inclined to be rigid about their views. Adamu seems also to be trying to convey this point when he says, and I quote at length:


"There are many, truths. They all depend on your perspective and your choices. There are not so very many absolute truths. You see Prime Creator, as I can discern such things, desires for there to be unbounded expression. Infinite and unending creativity expressing Itself in infinite ways. Creating a TRUTH that is absolute and unbending would mean that that infinity is suddenly bounded. There is a place or a way in which LIFE may not express itself. As soon as you do that then it is not infinite or unbounded. It is finite and bounded. And that would collapse all of infinite reality… it would cease to exist. ...


"There is only one absolute truth and that is: Consciousness IS. Everything else is created and is therefore flexible and subject to change, to re-creation or to being created differently elsewhere. If you and I want to create together we might choose some consensual rules for our creations. In so doing we create for our creations some absolute truths. And as long as beings play inside our creation they will have to abide by those absolute truths. But the second they choose to leave our creation they find those truths are not absolute. They are temporal. They are a frame for the creation." (18)


It's usually Third-Dimensional beings who make absolute statements or claims to total or complete knowledge, etc. Fifth-Dimensional beings often are much more aware than we of what they don't know and how the mysteries of the Universe are often unknowable. So I tend to shy away from people making claims to absolute knowledge.

Having said that, I'm aware that many galactics speak of the ascended state as “full consciousness.” Compared to our state, it is much fuller. But I think they're as much aware as we are that consciousness is not “full” until we merge again with God.

                                                                   * * *

Those are just some of the signs that can be used to distinguish between a 5D galactic and someone who is simply posing as one.

Given what's said above, I think we cannot escape the need for discrimination at any time in our lives. Time given to sharpening our discrimination is therefore time well spent.


(1) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 42.

(2) Heavenly Hosts, “Let it Be,” 10 Nov. 2006, at

(3) Kuthumi, “11:11 Turning of the Tide,” Nov. 2, 2008, through Michelle Eloff, at

(4) SaLuSa, Apr. 19, 2010, at

(5) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.

(6) Kuthumi, “On the Continuance of Freewill in the New Era,” at

(7) Hatonn in Matthew's Message, Oct. 10, 2010, at

(8) SaLuSa, March 18, 2009.

(9) SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.

(10) Ashtar through Suzy Ward in Ward to Steve Beckow, Aug. 3, 2009.

(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2010.

(12) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.

(13) SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.

(14) SaLuSa, April 6, 2011.

(15) Matthew Ward, June 11, 2011, at

(16) Sanat Kumara, “The Evolution of Earth and Humanity,” Oct. 20, 2010, through Rev. Michelle Coutant, at

(17) Diane of Sirius, Aug. 5, 2009, at

(18) Adamu, “Adamu Speaks,” through Zingdad, Comm-unity, Sept. 25, 2008, at

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