The Inner Heart


Hi All, 

This is a Q&A about meditating through the Inner Heart. The basic steps for 'going in' to your Inner Heart can be found on this page. We hope the Q&A will inspire new and experienced meditators alike, as the Inner Heart 'realm' exists within everyone. 

In the heart there is a door, and through the door there is an inner realm. Within this realm are all the energies we are creating with in every moment, and deep within there is a tiny cave, where we can meet the Infinite and merge into the Oneness of All.

Dear All,

Today’s post is in response to questions readers have sent about Inner Heart meditation, which I’ve been practicing for the last seven years following a ‘moment of epiphany’ that began transforming my self-awareness, opened a universal perspective based in unconditional love, and opened the door to remembering and connecting directly with Source, higher self, star family and the infinite light-ocean of loving souls throughout the multiverse.

Blessings to everyone who has opened (or is returning) to ‘the call of the soul’, for recognizing the pure, central inner voice that is always there within every one of us beyond the distractions, screens, stories and disguises the ego-self uses to cover its fear of not being safe in life, in the universe, or indeed in embodiment. This opening is an expression of aligning with self-love, love for Source, love for all creation, and meditating in the Inner Heart opens an infinite realm of inner life, creativity and connectedness with the Heart of Creation that symbolically shows all our inner vibrations, through the alignment of will with soul purpose every moment we choose to ‘go in’.

In this Inner Heart realm, within our convergence point of Soul’s purpose in this incarnation and beyond, within our sanctuary that is connected with the entire soul field of Source, true magic happens! We hope the Q&A below will help clarify why and how the vibrational magic of the Inner Heart works.

I’ve read that centering in the heart is a ‘new age misconception’. Why do you see it as important?

There is a view of ‘being in your head or your heart’  ~ that equates with living through (and acting on) thoughts/beliefs or emotions/feelings, where the heart is understood as the emotional centre of our being ~ and that putting your feelings and ability to feel in the driver’s seat is counter-productive to evolution of consciousness. However, at a deeper level, the centre-point within the heart chakra is more than the play of emotions, it is the seat of the soul, the ‘zero-point’ of pure Divine connection, of the soul spark within us, extending and expressing from Source/God/Great Spirit/Divine Consciousness. When we centre our focus, hone our consciousness, into that point, we are opening to our soul connection, to our soul’s ‘inner voice’ and awareness, flowing with intuition and inner sense/innocence, which is infinite and expressing from and as Source extended into the infinite points of awareness we interpret as individual existence and experience.

Many meditation paths prioritize the mind, mastering the brain, or activating the third eye/pineal gland in order to ‘see’ and receive input from beyond physical density. We have a situation currently where many awakening people have activated their pineal ability, or raised their kundalini (or both) before having anchored and opened in the heart, in the middle, the seat of the soul connection. The third eye can see subtle energies, but it is the heart centre that feels them ~ which with attunement and clearing of blockages, has the natural ability to sense the quality of all vibrations, the properties of energies and ‘where they’re coming from’. The inner eye represents energies through imagery that can be recognized instantly in their essence and vibration through the Inner Heart’s resonance, the inner sense which is the instrument of true discernment…no matter whether they are internal energies arising from the subconscious mind, or radiating/transmitting from another being or consciousness, when felt through the heart centre.

I already have a meditation practice I enjoy and am comfortable with. What’s different about doing Inner Heart meditations and what are the benefits?

Inner Heart meditation aligns the mind’s natural capacity to creatively imagine (image-IN) with the Divine inner sense within the heart centre, so that we can anchor our consciousness and consciously co-create within and from the seat of our soul in the ‘form’ of an Inner Heart realm. This Inner Realm works with imagery (and potentially with sounds, scents, tastes and tactile impressions) that reflects and describes all the energies, at every level, with which we are focused, engaged and interacting consciously and subconsciously, and shows us these energies in a visual way that allows us to ‘see’ how we’re really feeling, what energies we are connecting with, and what thought-forms we’re creating, very clearly.

We can then clear old energies, heal, play, explore, relax, connect and create with ‘new’ energies, in alignment with our soul purpose and soul Light in a direct connection to Source within, that isn’t just understood as a concept or belief but is deeply and wholly felt. The beauty of this form of heart-centered meditation is that it leads into a very loving, coherent, synchronized natural flow where ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ are experienced as One, interwoven and reflecting continuously.

The benefits of allowing yourself to simply BE in your centre-point are, at the most fundamental level, the joy and freedom of being able to live, breathe and walk your innate Divine nature in this world, radiating peaceful Love in everything you do, wherever you are, whoever you’re with, in harmonious, expansive alignment to the overall purpose you incarnated with.

I start in my head, but when I look down all I see is blackness. How do I find the way to the Heart Door?

For readers new to the Inner Heart, there is a method for bringing your awareness from the head to the heart on the Inner Heart page. However, if you’re at that starting point within the centre of your head and see only blackness below (and/or around you) when focusing toward the heart, it’s a signal to focus on putting in an energetic foundation to connect with and anchor into. We recommend the ‘three foundational heart practices’ on this page to start building that anchoring energy point in a way that is pure and simple, activating your soul alignment. Focus with these exercises daily perhaps for a week or two, then when you feel ready begin with the Inner Heart practice again, and see whether you can now see or feel a place to ‘land’ in your heart, in front of your Inner Heart door.

I can go into my heart and visualize the Heart Door, but it won’t open. What should I do?

You can ask for help from a guide of highest Love. In my case, when I ‘got to the door’ it was locked, and I didn’t have a key. I asked for help with finding my key, and it was Sananda (Jesus) who met me there, with a master key.  I was able to unlock the door and walk through ~ this is something we can only do ourselves, but all the Love in the multiverse is always ready and willing to support and assist our re-opening to higher vibrations and soul alignment. Whenever connecting with guiding beings, just ask and make the clear intention to connect with beings of pure Divine Love in highest service to All.

The Heart Door is opening, and all I see inside is blackness or a blank space.

When you’ve opened the door, focus on your feet. Imagine there is green grass opening into a field. Step one foot onto the grass. Really focus on feeling it, the softness of grass under your bare feet. Because the heart is a feeling centre, attuning to tactile sensations can help orient you in a place/space you maybe haven’t ever consciously entered before in this life. So if you can’t immediately see anything, let yourself open to the feeling of grass, or a path, under your feet, warmth on your skin, like the warmth of sun rays. As you keep stepping forward into that space, let it become more tangible around you…stay relaxed, and invite your Inner Heart realm to become more tangible around you. Start with what’s right in front of you ~ the grass, a path, then maybe you can see a stream, and a bridge over that stream. These are basic common features in the human ‘heart realm’, there are others too….and of course, each of us is adding, creating, experiencing our unique variations and affinities among and around those common features of grass, a path, a bridge over the Source stream, and so forth.

I go into my Inner Heart and float off inside, and everything disappears.

Okay, focus on grounding yourself in there. An easy way to do this is with a tree. Perhaps there are trees in a garden in your Inner Heart realm, or a grove or forest. So imagine sitting yourself at the foot of a large tree in there, your back resting on the tree’s trunk. Feel its solidity, the thrum of life flowing through as the tree receives light from above and streams it down into the earth through its roots. Let your focus and energy ground with those roots ~ the beautiful Light of Life flowing through you and earthing through your base chakra/base of the spine as you sit there, or if you prefer, standing and hugging the tree, with the life force earthing through the soles of your feet. You can always grow wings and fly in your Inner Heart (or without wings, for that matter!), but from a firm, settled foundation you’ll find yourself able to stay anchored in your centre-point.

Is there another way to experience and create in the Inner Heart than visualization, if I’m not a strong visualizer?

Yes! Play to your strengths. If you’re an auditory person, you could start by listening  to your Inner Heart realm. Maybe there’s the whisper of a soft breeze through treetops, the sound of running water in a stream, or you can hear birdsong. Let those sounds guide you, and begin to take form in your inner visioning. Or if you have a strong sense of smell, imagine breathing in. What does the ‘inner air’ smell like? Does it carry the scents of flowers or the woodiness of trees, the scent of the sea or earth? If a unicorn or a phoenix was approaching you, what would they smell like? Or maybe you feel the warmth of sunlight on your skin, or the coolness of water as you wade into a pool upstream at the foot of your Source waterfall. Inner Heart is your centre of infinite creation ~ relax, play and enjoy it.

How do I connect with my Higher Self in the Inner Heart?

Higher Self is principally a concentrated guiding focus from your Oversoul, which can express through countless soul aspects across many dimensions, galaxies and universes, and it can ‘present’ to your inner awareness in whichever way serves best in the moment and for this incarnation/soul purpose. You can ‘meet’ your Higher Self in your Inner Heart realm; you might like to designate a particular place for Higher Self meetings, such as inside your Inner Heart temple, or in a spot you find especially lovely and restful. Imagine you’re sitting down and inviting your Higher Self to come and meet you. Notice how it appears, maybe in a specific form and gender (or not), maybe representing as human or as a different being, or even as a ball or stream of light. It will appear in whatever way works best for you to connect with and remember your Inner Divine being. Your Higher Self might sit down facing you, and speak to you. Maybe it has a message for you, or something to give you that has a special symbolism, or maybe you’re just bathing in its light. As you continue to meet your Higher Self, feel how the connection deepens and becomes more aligned, until a moment arrives when you experience a merged state, and as you keep aligning, this can become continuous and you can constantly ‘see’ through that guiding awareness, and perceive, speak and act from that oneness.

I open my Heart Door, and it’s chaos in there! I feel overwhelmed.

The Inner Heart reflects your energies, both high vibrating energies, and all conscious and subconscious thoughts and emotions that obscure the Source/Higher Self connection. Just breathe and stay calm, knowing that within the seeming storm is a still point, the zero-point of pure stillness and infinite awareness, infinite Love. Let that stillness radiate through your heart, settling all energies into a deeper harmony. You can send this harmony as light (violet light for clearing, green light for relaxing and restoring the heart vibration, golden light for renewal etc) or as a sound, your heart’s tone. Trust yourself.

I’m seeing entities and energies in my Inner Heart that don’t feel benign. How do I clear them?

Because the Inner Heart shows all energies in a pictorial or symbolic form, it is immensely valuable in revealing any attaching energies that may be lodging in various layers of your being, such as entities, implants, or residual imprints of previously cleared energies that are still affecting your energy field and consciousness. Energies that you have inadvertently invited into your field, energies given an in-road through unresolved (or unrecognized) fears, anger, distrust or resentment, and dissonant energies vibrating from other souls you have closely connected with, can also all be cleared within your Inner Heart.

There are many ways to do this, your Higher Self is guiding, and high Lights are ever present to assist. Violet Flame is a primary transformer of energies; you can call in the Violet Flame to fill your body and subtle bodies and envision this Flame filling and surrounding you, clearing and transforming all energies not of unconditional love. Golden Flame restores energies to their original highest vibration. Silver Flame lifts energies into transcendence and re-formats your energy field to a high vibration. Or you can focus with a specific clearing practice (such as the Kaiba Crystal Practice, which includes revoking permissions, practice 13 on the Practices page).

I go into my Inner Heart and it always looks the same, or small. It never seems to expand beyond a certain point (and/or there seems to be an invisible boundary I can’t explore beyond).

This is showing a subconscious fear that’s limiting your expansion, putting a ‘safe boundary’ around what you can experience…in case it’s not safe. Give yourself permission to be completely free in your Inner Heart realm, and allow inner guidance to show you how to heal and transform this fear into unconditional trust and the joy of exploring and creating as the Soul of Love you are. Often from early childhood, the ego-self learns to stay within conditioned limits, physically, emotionally and mentally, or it won’t be ‘safe’, and accepts or becomes attached to many constructs and boundaries that inhibit true inner connection. The Inner Divine core of our being knows creation is limitless, eternal and infinite, and that Love is in a constant state of expansion, new creation and renewal. Playing within the Inner Heart can actually show you this expansion. It feels miraculous, to dissolve old invisible barriers into the pure joy of creating from the heart. 

Again, Silver Flame dissolves limitations, so envision sending pure silver light throughout your Inner Heart realm, then see what/who comes to meet you in your heart.

Sometimes I can go in, other times it feels distant and vague, or my mind drifts out and the Inner Heart fades.

First of all, relax, relax and trust yourself. If you’ve got ‘mental dialogues’ going on, or stress, or physical discomfort of some kind that’s distracting you, always come back to the prime simplicity of your breath. Focus on breathing slowly and deeply, feel that breath going into your lungs, chest, heart area. You are innately in rhythm with the universe on every breath. Breathe in Love, breathe out Love, breathe in Light, breathe out Light, let everything else clear away into calm presence. Be fully present with yourself. Then do a Heart Star and Golden Apple practice, and go into your Inner Heart within this vibration of well-being. It’s never going to go away, it’s always within you ~ love and trust your innate capacity and soul urge to align, and be patient and gentle.

Also, if the Inner Heart realm keeps fading in and out or seems distant, go there more often, frequently ‘touch base’ in there throughout the day. Rather than waiting until you can do a ‘full meditation’, even if it’s for just a minute or two, regularity of focusing into the Inner Heart, turning your energy toward it, just stepping in there and smelling a rose, bathing in the light for a few moments in the midst of a busy day or various distractions helps to build your connection, until eventually that inner connecting becomes your auto-pilot.

How do I know if I’m really in my Inner Heart (and not just making stuff up from ego wishes)?

By having no agenda. Unrecognized ego energies (fear-based energies) tend to travel in camouflage, and if brought unresolved in the direction of the heart space, will project needs, wants, expectations, doubts and fears that can subtly (or not so subtly!) colour and influence how you connect with the Inner Heart and what you see and experience. In this state, the creative imagination faculty of the mind slips away from true alignment with the Soul and Inner Heart realm and its inner sense/innocence…and images and stories are being created inside an ‘ego bubble’ rather than in the Source-connected, all-connected Inner Heart.

Compassion, non-judging self-honesty and trust build a wholesome inner alignment, with an ability to recognize internal tremors and transmute those vibrations calmly, so the alignment can become clear and pure again. The more often and regularly you step into your Inner Heart realm simply for the joy of it, for the love of communing with Love, the more your inner awareness heightens, and the more steady and beautiful the journey becomes. 



Love, Peace and Joy to All, and gratitude to all the guiding Lights,


PS: You’re welcome to share about your Inner Heart experience(s) or any further questions in the comments below. 

dsc09790-copy1.jpg?w=768&h=579Heart-shaped orb above Venus, January 24th, 2017.

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Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"I would say yeah good chance animals may see them sometimes."
1 hour ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Since they have been caught on camera before maybe I should find my video camera and film the area. It's worth a try :)"
1 hour ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Animals may see devas, I’m quite sure about that."
1 hour ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
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Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Thanks for that. I actually posted something a while back on my health page that talked about forest bathing. I'll have to go back and read that again as well."
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Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"To prepare you for deva watching I recommend trying the following starter process:

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Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"A lot of other people like to go through that area that I mentioned so I gotta time it carefully. Folks like to ride their dirt bikes in that area so definitely can't do it during that time. Definitely gonna give it a try one of these days though.…"
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Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
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