Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
The Inner Truth
The Creator through the love of all His creation, has manifested His wisdom into them to use for personal development. We often hear of people talking to plants comfortably without hesitation; or even those who can communicate with animals and feel that they have learnt something from them.
Why is this? We need to ask ourselves.
Hidden away in everything God has bestowed His knowledge of the entire universe, spread over all His creation. So every living or non living has knowledge and if we tap into and connect, it is immediately released for us to read/hear in our minds. (This transfer of knowledge can only be done if a person reaches the correct frequency).
Even whole cities have a collective knowledge stored in their ether; some have even had long lengthy conversation.
We can deduce that everything is alive and with a unique consciousness and a set of knowledge. If a person was to require all the knowledge, then and only then he would understand the mind of God, as he would have acquired all the understanding and have matched the frequency to the Creator.
To make the first step of this journey is to focus inside and be devoted to your own personal cause.
The guidance, the knowledge, the journey, all will be revealed when this inner truth floods open to the connection of the higher aspects of you to the conscious mind. But we can make a good start by educating ourselves by reading channelled messages from all around the world. This will ignite the passion inside and make the journey more interesting.
Oh mankind it is time that you all work together to reach this common goal of ascension.
Your mother; in YOU lies the treasures of the universe.