The Installation of a New Configuration

8108974462?profile=originalWhatever in the world is happening to the world? In every sector of the planet, unrest, starvation, poverty and corruption filters through the daily life of humans. How is it that we do not have the insight to stand back and observe our actions and see the inherent greed, self destruction and separation that is programmed into the daily actions not only of the masses but into the actualizations of rulers, leaders and politicians both secular and spiritual?


For an insight into the human configuration, let us consider the source of these anomalies of conscious behavior.


During the incubation of the human race in the cradle of civilization, certain factors were actually programmed into the human configuration. We will examine these now as a prelude to discerning how to attain freedom from the components of the human enslavement. There are three installations into the human ego that render it at effect of its moment-to-moment reality.


The first of these installations or configurations is separation resulting in a perception that we are separate from God/Source, each other and the expression of reality on this plane. This separation relays to humans that they are mortal and doomed to a life of struggle and pain. This breeds a deep-seated fear: that the thread of survival is tenuous and that death, always imminent, means total annihilation. This web of fear is programmed into the very fibers of our nervous system.


The second of these installations is self-destruction. This configuration stems from a perception that we are not divine and not worthy of a life of divinity. Humans were engineered to be a slave race and to serve a small ruling class. A web of subconscious sadness encases most humans, as they perceive that they are not worthy to “have” abundance, health, immortality and love. In this sadness, they gravitate towards external factors that make them feel better, such as material “things”, food, alcohol, caffeine, drugs and other addictions that are self-destructive. If that is not enough, this installation influences the care of their environment and their community, inciting a careless attitude towards nature and the life of other humans, even their own.


The third installation is greed, which is generated by desire. This desire breeds continuous discontent and a perception of lack. The perception that power and domination are the keys to quashing the pain of separation and low self worth instigate an endless cycle of desire, struggle, conflict and the need for acquisition of wealth. When desire is thwarted, anger arises. The web of anger is deeply instilled in many humans and also erupts when survival is threatened or self-worth challenged.


The three emotions of anger, fear and sadness are the original emotions or installations. They appear energetically as distorted webs of dark and chaotic energy. They populate the underlying formation of this reality. Humans are “logged on” to these reality webs by default and driven to negative and unconscious actions. These impulses sadly are leading the human race in a dangerous direction. It is indeed the very moment to take action and to wake up and claim personal freedom.


Anger, fear and sadness can be very conscious responses to moment-to-moment experiences in 3-D reality. To become conscious of these emotions in the past or present indicates an elevation to a 4D reality mode. Yet, as humans gets more conscious of the installations and choose to “log off”, they are able to remain present in their experience the Oneness. Separation begins to fall away and the intrinsic divine nature of each being begins to be revealed. Fear and sadness diminish and joy erupts vivaciously, in random moments. Acceptance replaces anger and an experience of contentment blossoms. Gratitude becomes the new common dominator and the only desire is that all beings realize their Oneness. More light pours into the 3-D reality field and beings begin to realize their 4D nature on the continuum of Time. Past, present and future are linked as a single vibration that resonates as blessing or lesson.


In other words, logging off creates personal freedom. It allows you to be less reactive and to remain present. Logging off of the three installations has global implications. Each human being that logs off of the installed emotional grid (thereby reclaiming their energetic and emotional freedom,) weakens of the global enslavement installation.


How to do this? You can start by affirming daily, hourly, moment-to-moment, “I AM FREE!”


This then leaves the door open for higher frequencies to emerge through the human being, creating the next evolutionary jump. This will be addressed at our next juncture.


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  • Yes you are correct that there is a controlling influence from beyond this physical plane. Not as powerful as those of us in incarnation, as awakened divinity! You ARE FREE! SMILE! Enjoy! Yes! More info to come!

  • yes its just that simple I'm FREE and people are awaken. i have strangers smiling at me daily. but since stranger would be a seperation word. love ones smiling at me daily. i havent seen to many zombies though so the light is reclaiming there throne .wooohoo party! time!

  • I would add on more element to all that you shared and that is the element of those who no longer are here but set up and amplified all of that which you talked about here and the minions left behind are still at maginfing all of what you just described and so if it's not bad enough that we find ourselves like you described we also have the element of IMHO those whom seek to continue to keep us like that.

    But we are awakening to the fact that we are God spark and of Prime Creator and we are now awakening to remember who we are and returning to Source! Thank you for sharing this very important message with us!


  • I AM FREE!!!!   :D

  • Lovely Smile!

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