The Bridge ~ Step 115 ~ Networking
You can tell a live wire by its connections
Many of you are catalysts. In the times to come you will have a lot to do with communities and gettingpeople together so that they can help each other. There are many groupsscattered around the Earth who do not know that others like themselveseven exist. In your travels, you're going to help to bring them togetherso they'll know about each other and know about each other's goodworks.
You will find these grassroots groups to be as small as ahandful of dedicated people or as large as a community of thousands.They will go by many different names; some may call themselves Intendersof the Highest Good, while others call themselves The Garden Club. Itdoesn't matter what they're named as long as they're open and followingsome sort of positive, uplifting belief system.
People always benefit from finding out what other peoplehave done. It isn't necessary to remake the wheel every time we turnaround. There are people in Greenpeace and the Audubon Society and theSierra Club and many, many more who are working hard to preserve ourprecious environment. There are amazing connections from Virginia Beachto the Four Corners to Mount Shasta who are exploring the highestpotentials of the human being. They all have something wonderful toshare with you. You can visit these groups and take the lessons that youhave learned back to your own community.
And there is the Internet. It is full of people who areready to help you. It abounds with talk of new ideas that wouldn'totherwise come to the surface in the mainstream media. You can go into asearch engine and, in a matter of seconds, find out about everythingfrom free energy sources to meditation techniques. It's and, as long asit remains unregulated by those who would seek to control others, itwill bring more and more freedom into our lives.
If you are part of a community and you find yourself travelingaround the countryside or browsing the World Wide Web, know thatwherever you are, there is a message there for you. Sometimes you mayhave to pay very close attention, but be assured that you can learnsomething valuable from whatever you are doing. Then you can keep theflow going by sharing it with others.
Every community needs its catalysts, its live wires. It'seasy to tell these live wires by their connections. When it's time foryour group to spread its wings, you will have connected with peoplewho've already been through what you're going through. They will helpyou and you will help them. You will become a part of them, and they'llbecome a part of you. And, pretty soon, we will have all come togetherin the name of abundance and peace and harmony for all mankind.
From The Highest Light Teachings
My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am bringing people together whenever I can.
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