The cities of Light, the Light spheres, the Fifth dimension, Worlds of bliss, the Heaven worlds. Many seek this to be free of the Karma that binds them to this "3rd dimension" and believe that Ascension will take them there. In my opinion you can ascend any time you like as long as you meet the requirements for ascension. This is a spiritual process that results in being free of the karma to reincarnate here and is the freedom of the higher worlds and planes.
The idea that the entire planet is ascending to the fifth dimension in my opinion is not really accurate. This planet already exists in the fifth dimension in a sense and there are vast wonders there. If you do your homework spiritually you can go there anytime you like, and if you're really good you can go far beyond that. I do believe that there is a process underway that is prompting the majority of beings on this planet to raise their vibration and to move as a whole to a higher frequency.
Unfortunately it is my awareness that this process will result in the extinction of the human race as it currently is from this planet. The human race as a whole has chosen it's direction for the future and that direction is totally at odds with the purposes of the divine consciousness of planet Earth. The race that will replace human beings is from the planet Jupiter and is already here preparing for the time when human beings will go extinct and they will take over, since they are more attuned to the frequency and vibration of the planet Earth. The soul group that encompasses the current human beings will go extinct in approximately 400-900 years time. Between the middle and end of the current millenium.
That Soul group will then be guided to another planet which reflects the course they have chosen. i.e. a planet that is nowhere near as beautiful and full of spiritual treasures as is Earth. Since humanity has chosen technology, industry, competition, science etc. over spiritual wisdom and harmony with the universe, their choice will provide them with the right environment to explore it.
Of course these are my perceptions of the future as I see it. Yet the future is not written in stone. It is very true that the human race has a vast potential and they can change their fate any time they like. The price for doing this though is very great. The human race as a whole has to back away and turn around from the abyss they are marching into and they have to open their eyes to the deceptions that are all around them in every part of their civilization.
For this purpose many beings from other worlds and planes of existence have incarnated among human beings of this world to prevent the human race from being displaced from this planet. This was mostly out of love and compassion for human beings and a desire to see them elevated and lifted up to the bliss of the higher worlds. Unfortunately as of this time this mission has not succeeded, and many cry to return back home. To be dragged by the collective karma of humanity to a lower world is not something that appeals to them and many will find a way out of it.
What happens is entirely up to the human race, it is a difficult time, I can see what is ahead for humanity if they keep going in the direction that they are headed. Yet for many incarnated here from other places, they came to change the future, so anything is possible. The majority of humans will not ascend to the fifth dimension. Knowing this many came here to bring heaven to Earth. To bring heaven on Earth, we have to bring heaven into our hearts. The more that do this, the better chance that the tide will be turned and the light and blessings of the higher worlds will come to Earth.
Imagine a world full of love, peace, happiness, abundance and spiritual wisdom for all. Although this seems impossible at this time, it is part of what it means to bring Heaven to Earth. Yet for many astute incarnates "getting the hell out of here" is the only thing on their mind. Whatever happens there is no substitute for spiritual development that gives you the freedom of the higher words, while engaged on work here in 3D. As such there is nothing to fear.
In this context "Ascension" has great significance, yet most will find it nearly impossible to attain. Their fate lies in the here and now, not in the fifth dimension. That makes it absolutely critical that what occurs here in the 3rd dimension is auspicious, for the majority will not attain freedom and will be tied to the collective karma of this human civilization. Thus the direction taken by the majority will be the determining factor.
It comes down to this: pray that the majority of humans choose a future of love, peace and happiness over an inevitable fate of war, suffering, death and annhilation. We all of us stand poised at the edge of the abyss. May divine providence guide the hearts of human beings that they may use their free will wisely. That they liberate themselves from sorrow. That they hear the call of their brothers and sisters to enter the celebration of gaia, the stars and the great galactic civilizations.