March 7th, 2014
All “dimensions” are within us, within our minds… “different” and “separate” “dimensions” are only in the mis-perception of the split mind matrix. There is no separation or division. There is only ONE.
Heaven is within us. “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.”
As one aligns with the Divine Mind of ONE, it is seen that one never really left. When we are in alignment, we see that we are still in Heaven and are eternally so. We never left, we only believed we did!
“With you”, you carried the God Cell that you ARE, The Diamond Core God Cell. It is a crystalline sphere that is of the ONE, that you are. It resides in your Heart. Heaven is no-where outside of you, it is in the Mind and Heart of One. You never left Heaven and Heaven never left you!
When you heal your mind and align your mind with the True mind, the mind of the divine, the ONE Mind that is also the ONE heart, you are consciously igniting the Diamond Core God Cell within.
The veil begins to come down and you KNOW that “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.”
You are Spirit. You are not consciousness seeking to perpetuate hollucinations of a false ego. That which you seek and long for in your Heart, is a return to Home. “Home is where the Heart Is.” It is the True PEACE of God that you long for. When you align and return your mind to God/.Source/Creator, you cease your illusory perception of being a separated piece and you return to being Atonement with the True Peace of God.
When the mind is healed and it is in alignment with the Eternal Mind of One, the Son of God that you are, The Christ returns within you. When we are truly ready to return to Him, via the Christ Light Body, we can close our eyes and remove our presence from “this place” within the blink of the Eye. Within the “blink of the eye”, you can enrapture yourself. This is what is the termed the “rapture” and the ”second coming of Christ”. When the Cosmic Christ returns within, The Way is shown… you can withdraw from this false perception of “being here or there” and return your full awareness, right back to Heaven where you never really left! (You just believed you did).
This is what immortality is. In Truth, there is no “death”, nor do you have to experience it as you have believed it to be. You do not have to “die.” When we decide to withdraw our presence here, that’s it. You return within a “Blink of an Eye” via the Christed Light Body.
Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Tsebayoth
Love to ONE and ALL,
Love & Light to you that you ARE Sam xx