Dear Ones, we want you to know that the entire Angelic Realm is supporting you on your journey. It takes very advanced souls to incarnate into your Earthly dimension and to experience the expansion of the Universe from your vantage point. When you incarnate into this human body, you are in an environment that causes you to ask for an improvement. The moment you are not enjoying an experience, you are naturally desiring the opposite or improvement of it. We here in the higher dimensions are holding the energies for the new version of your experience to be created and to make its way to you. All your experiences are of such a high value to the expansion of the Universe. You most likely don't remember that this is the main reason you came forth into this embodiment. You wanted to experience this side of creation and expansion. You also knew that the new and improved version of your experience is instantly created and that it is then making its way to you. (Even though you might have forgotten this part when you came here...) Furthermore, you wanted to experience the increase of your ability to allow for this new version to come into your experience. In other words, every time you are shifting more into a state of allowing of your new and improved reality to come into your experience, we are celebrating your victory and achievement of creation. You wanted to experience the joyful process of allowing and most of all, recognize that you are not separated from Source/Creator and that you are in fact the expression and extension of Creator. You are the Creator. Slowly, you are beginning to remember all the reasons for coming here into your embodiment... Then, you are able to be more easy on what you would term negative experiences, which provides you with the opportunity to ask for an improvement. You'll know more and more that this is part of the creative process and that it only takes a short time to then, move on to the allowing part of your improved reality. We have the utmost respect and reverence for you to play your role in the expansion of the Universe. Know that we are here to help you to remember that you are the creator of your reality and experience. |
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones. Welcome Home. We are walking beside you, every step of the way. Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always. I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth. ~~~~~ Thank you, Archangel Michael! |