The Holy Spirit is worshipped as the Divine Mother
Holy Spirit, Shakti, Divine Mother
Once upon a time I would have called the use of a male/female metaphor to refer to the Transcendental (the Holy Father) and the Material (the Divine Mother) merely conventional.
I’d have said that a patriarchal society had the Transcendental be called the Father, even though it was in no way male, and the Material be called the Mother, though it was in no way female, to serve its own purposes and agenda. (1)
But here we are, emerging from patrarchy, and the Being who plays the role of Creator, Preserver, Destroyer calls herself the Divine Mother. Why would she not have thrown off the metaphor?
It may be because it’s desired that the Divine Female emerge at this time and play a leading role in what follows. It may be that the feminine qualities like love and compassion are what are needed now, rather than what I think of as the masculine qualities of forcefulness and perseverance. (2)
When we call ourselves lightworkers, we’re identifying ourselves as servants of the Divine Mother. There’s no light in the level of reality that the Father is; there’s only voidness, stillness, silence, what we’d think of as enveloping blackness, nothingess.
The Father cannot be known by the mind or any of the senses. The Bible characterizes the Father as a wilderness and the Mother as the voice crying in it: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness.” The Mother has sound; the Father is silent. The Mother’s domain is lawful; the Father’s domain is beyond law. It’s “lawless”; hence a “wilderness.”
Light is an attribute of the Divine Mother, who alone has attributes. The Father has no attributes. Such a thing as attributes is associated with materiality, not with the transcendent.
I think of love as an attribute of the Divine Mother too. Of course the One is love, but Mother God uses love actively as the building block, magnet, glue, and solvent of the universe.
If the Father had any attributes, which he does not, I’d associate them with peace – stillness, silence, voidness.
Lightworkers and lightholders, even loveholders, work for the Divine Mother. I’m sorry. The Holy Father has shut himself away and is not receiving visitors today, only returning family members; especially prodigal sons and daughters.
In his presence i’d imagine that one maintains stillness and silence, until one is ready to leave and go back and serve the Mother’s Plan in the world again.
When it’s said that we angels live in the Transcendental, what I just described is exactly how it’s been for us. Once the chuckling dies down, consider please that we agreed to leave the Transcendental and return to this vale of tears and assist this world to return to peace and harmony again.
We do that as servants of the Mother’s Plan. She’s the builder of worlds and we’re at work with her again to build one that has never been seen before, one which people ascend to without needing to shed the body, a world that works for all its inhabitants. (3)
(1) It’s levels of reality that are being referred to, not persons: the Transcendental, beyond Creation (Father), and Creation itself (Mother). Even Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel has chosen to manifest as a female at this time, though she too is not a “female” (neither is Michael a “male”) and was a “male” when she appeared to humans earlier. The archangels are beyond gender. They, like angels, seraphim, etc., are transcendental.
(2) Others will have different views of the situation. I don’t consider there to be a right and a wrong way of seeing things; only different assumptions and interpretations.
(3) The Fifth-Dimensional space that receives us in physical bodies has not been in existence before now. This is a creation from nothing, which we’re assisting the Mother with.