You are a Being of Love and your Light shines as Love moving out. You are ever meant to move outward inGiving of Love. The most powerful way that Love moves out in Givingis the movement between the two streams of consciousness of your Soul– you in the unity of you Twin Flames. You are created in theimage of the Mother-Father God. Awakening is simply remembering yourCreator and remembering your beloved Twin Flame – remembering thatyou are a Being of Love. You exploded from God, who is Love, at theMoment of Creation, so you can be nothing other than Love, too.
You are a vast Being, far bigger than the body that you wear. Only a small portion of your Soul walks thisEarth. It is the portion of your Soul that agreed to forget while onthis Earth. The only way to remember is to reconnect with the restof your Soul, which is comprised of two streams of consciousness –the one you express and the other the stream of consciousness of yourTwin Flame. You are the two who are One.
As you reconnect to your Soul, you will know a Love far greater than you may have realized could exist. Itis the Love of your Being; it is What You Are. And then when youreconnect to the energy stream of your Twin Flame, it will be amovement of Love that sings through your Being and into the world.It cannot be contained. People around you will feel it. Twin FlameLove is Divine Love moving outward and those people that it toucheswill be blessed by it. The energies of those people around TwinFlames are raised into higher frequencies of Love.
So you can see that the reunion of Twin Flames is an act of service to the world. It is transforming for youas well as the world. Nothing can remain the same in the presence ofTwin Flame Love. Anything within you vibrating lower than thefrequency of Love will become visible in this Light – this Love inMotion – and will be required to raise back to Love forreunification with the Soul – you and your Twin Flame's energy.And because you are connected to the Universe, you also bring thosesharing a similar frequency back into Love – the effect of being aHolographic Being.
I am MichelleMichael and we walk this Path of the Heart, the SoulMate/Twin Flame Path, in service to theworld. If you feel a pull in your heart after reading these words,you may also be called to walk this path. It is possible! What wasonce thought to be impossible is now possible. I share myexperiences to show how it can be possible for you, too.
But our Expanded Self has more than one "finger" in the world, so it could be that another of your parallel Selves is making the reunion, which would "bleed" over into your life. Who knows? :-) The whole thing just amazes me!
Thanks for passing along the wonderful message Heartweaver, it would be amazing to connect with the Twin Flame energy... I'm sure my time will come :)
Until then, I feel pretty amazing so I can't complain! :-D
~Love & Light~