The Light of Truth will free you from all entrapments of falsehoods and will restore perfect alignment within your four lower bodies and with your I Am Presence. When your body is in perfect alignment you will begin to vibrate at a much higher frequency so that you will repel anything of lesser vibrations. People of lesser vibration will simply move out of your life, and that is fine. You have not lost anything. New people with positive and higher vibrations will enter your life, bringing with them newer energies of love, wisdom, peace and true friendship. You have nothing to fear or worry about when you are encased in the Light of Truth. Your freedom is more precious than mere friendship of people who do not respect your spiritual values. Lift your vision to the highest goal for continued reunion with your higher Self. This way you will not be affected by the pettiness of the outside world.
God’s love and truth prevail in the entire cosmos and worlds upon worlds. There is no greater truth than God’s love for His love is unconditional in all its purity and perfection. The Light of unconditional love does not fluctuate as per the outside situations and external factors. It blazes pure and bright constantly and consumes all that is less than itself. It is a catalyst that transmutes all negativity into love itself. There is greater wisdom in living with unconditional love for all in the world, regardless of the negativity that they emit. Believe in yourself and allow love to take dominion over your heart and soul. Think and act in the light of love and peace always. The Light will save you from the dark energies that people emit. Call upon your Higher Self to intensify the Light of God’s love in your heart whenever your peace is threatened by the outside world. Live free, happy and bright always and forever.
Thanks Sky.