The Mintakans And The Mintakan Solar System

Next up on the Galactic blogs we will get into the Amphibian groups in the Anchara Alliance starting first with the Mintakans. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Present Status And Location

Approximately 30 million years ago, Mintaka's amphibious inhabitants created a new civilization: it was a major Star-Nation in this sector of the galaxy. About 5 million years later, Mintaka was conquered by forces of the Draconian Empire and became allied with the dark League Of Orion. Finally, in the mid 90s, the Star-Nation Of Delta Orionis (Mintaka) was welcomed into the Galactic Federation Of Light. The star Delta Orionis is also known as Al Mintaka, which in Arabic means 'Belt'. Her inhabitants refer to Mintaka as 'Sha'Da'Lik' ('Great Holy Light'). She is the seventh-brightest star in Orion, and is located approximately 920 Light Years from our planet. In the winter skies of the Northern Hemisphere, the constellation of Orion resembles a distant cluster of larger-magnitude stars. Its familiar shape often acts as a pointer by which to locate other stars and star-groups at night. The constellation of Orion is positioned between those of Taurus and Canis Major, and just below that of Auriga. The easiest way to identify Mintaka is to locate the famous belt of Orion. One of the three stars is Mintaka: the other two are Al Nitak and Al Nilam. They are situated at the very center of the constellation. Mintaka is the bright blue star just to the right and at the top of Orion's Belt.


Mintaka Solar System

The six-planet Solar System of Mintaka is actually located on what our astronomers refer to as Mintaka-C. It is one of the companion stars encircling the prime star, Delta Orionis A. This system's innermost planet is one-eighth the size of our planet. Her slowly thinning atmosphere glows from the constant discharges of her sun, Sha'Bak'Lik (the 'Holy Life-Giver'). The next world nearly the same size as our planet, is enveloped in an atmosphere similar to our own, but slightly thinner. A hot, semi-arid planet, she contains three large continents whose shores are ringed by high, coastal mountain ranges. She is widely known for her broad interior deserts and immensely varied life forms. While the remaining three outer planets in the Sha'Bak'Lik Solar System are considered 'gas giants' in many ways resembling the large planets in our outer Solar System, they measure less than one-half the size of gas giants revolving in our Solar System, and have a much more rapid rotation.


Description Of Home Worlds

Mintaka's home world Bak'Jo'La, is the third planet from her sun. She has a diameter of nearly 9,000 and contains eight enormous continents and ten oceans. Her single-layer firmament supports an ecosystem famous for the unusual diversity of her amphibian, reptilian and other aquatic life forms. Bak'Jo'La's climate is semi-tropical and cooler only at her poles. Like all planets, Bak'Jo'La is hollow, encompassing an inner world whose population includes, even for this ecosystem, some very bizarre creatures. The 800 million inhabitants of the Delta Orionis-C Star-Nation live in special, large cities that are scattered throughout her interior. The highly oxygenated atmosphere of this huge water world is well known for her purple-blue tinge. Bak'Jo'La's skies teem with billions of bird-like amphibians. One of her continents is noted for vast swamps hung with red and orange mosses, and strange, bow-limbed trees whose large orange and red flowers fill the wet tracts with their rich fragrance. The next two landmasses are famous for their broad mountain ranges, dense, moist jungles, and immense inland seas. The smallest continent encloses an inland sea that flows through a narrow, marshy strait to the oceans. Because her drier climate reminds them of their original planets on Sigma and Eta Draco, the hybrid Dinosaurian/Reptilian population of Bak'Jo'La choose to locate its most sacred sites in the semi-arid interior of the continent of Guo'Fal'Pum ('Desert Land'). To honor their home worlds, the Mintakans celebrate rituals in a spacious desert temple situated near the small, sacred settlement that serves as their main inland capital.


The Original Nature Of Mintakan Society

Mintaka's home world is a wet, swampy amphibian world consisting of water, earth, and mud. The Mintakans are an amphibian species that co-exists harmoniously with Reptilian and Dinosaurian hybrids. Within their society, they see themselves as servants: beyond the boundaries of their own group, they assume the role of explorers, and are celebrated as such throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light. For them, explorations are conducted by probes of their subjects identity - that is, by creating and compiling psychological profiles. Highly skilled at mind manipulation, the Mintakans, over many years, have succeeded in making significant breakthroughs on behalf of the Alliance. The Mintakans were among the most prominent of the Ancharan groups to come here and ascertain how Alliance rulers could gain control over our Solar System. Although they clearly failed, their culture bears a closer, second look. Mintakan culture revered service above all else: it was their raison d'etre. With the Decree Of Anchara, the Anchara Alliance came to an abrupt end. The Mintakans' concept of fealty and their use of manipulation on behalf of the Alliance shifted, very suddenly, to service in the name of the Galactic Federation Of Light.


The Changing Nature Of Mintakan Society

Initially, following the passage of the Treaty Of Anchara, Mintakan society was in a state of total disarray, utterly uncertain what to do next. However, after having observed the people of Eta Draconis and studied the decrees, the Mintakans decided that they would best serve the Eta Draconians by spreading the new concept of Galactic Society throughout the former Anchara Alliance, and helping the Galactic Federation Of Light to unite the whole of Creation in peace. The culture of Mintaka is, primarily, one of service. Its elites, who saw fulfillment of their superiors' wishes to be their life's work, were mere servants. But the Mintakans changed. For the first time they began to allow different amphibian species who shared their culture to join together and become creative. And, by developing psychological profiles of them, the Mintakans learned how their society and their people function. No longer does Mintakan society consist of mere endless knots of servants. Now, as a result of the Decrees of Anchara, they are developing clans and discovering cooperative work techniques that will change the direction and nature of their culture. For us, the most important part of this introduction to the peoples of the former Anchara Alliance lies in realizing the speed at which present events are transforming a very dark society into Beings who will be an integral part of the Light.


Physical Description Of The Mintakans

For the most part, the Mintakans are an amphibian majority that coexists with a minority of Reptilian and Dinosaurian hybrids. In many ways, they resemble our planets frogs and toads, but there are significant differences. They are bipeds. Their skin, which is smooth and hairless, is typically iridescent, in colors ranging from bright red, orange, and green to yellow and brown. Mintakan eyes, unlike those of our planets amphibians, protrude only slightly. They are large, bright red, orange, or greenish yellow in color and extend around the sides of the head. The nose, consisting of two narrow slits, sits above extremely thin lips. The open mouth is very large and frog-like. The ears are two small, round circles on either side of the head. Whereas the large head appears disproportionate to the rest of the body, the short neck seems almost non-existent. The body, arms and legs are very muscular. Each limb has four long, thin webbed digits, and the toes end in small claws. Mintakan males are slightly shorter than females and stand between 7 and 8 feet in height. Females vary from between 7.5 and 8.5 feet tall. The species is also characterized by a series of three narrow, interconnected ridges that extend the length of the back and end on top of the head. Mintakans are noted for their highly specialized expertise in psychology and mind manipulation. They have amassed an immense body of scientific knowledge and retain vast libraries of inner wisdom that date back more than 15 million years. They need four to six hours of sleep per day. The Mintakan language, although extremely melodic, is also deeply guttural.


Ships Of Mintaka

Mintakan ships are almost mushroom-like and can be identified by their large, rounded, pyramid-like domes. They measure from 45 to 80 feet in diameter. Motherships are massive, with an approximate diameter of between 100 and 1,000 miles. The larger ones are extremely self-sufficient and usually keep only to deep space.






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  • Oh in case you didn't see my thank you on your comment wall thanks for your answers Drekx. When you get the chance thank Taljda as well. She was the one who checked my light quotient for the tours a few years back before I earned the necessary light quotient to be able to take part in them so I know her. She also had some contacts with Billy Meier a while back. She's actually from where I was in ancient past lives or near there so maybe she and I knew each other in the very distant past. Now that would be cool :)
  • The planet Druan lies in the NOL system, which belongs to a galaxy whose size is about 1.7 times larger than our Kashira galaxy and that NOL galaxy is located 3.10 million light-years away from the Solaris system and a more advanced peoples than many in our galaxy, with forms averaging "arahat athersata" status, which is almost formless in it's formation....and a status expressed by the entire population of that planet...

    Data provided by Taljda...(pronounced "Tal-yee-da.")
  • Welcome back bro. Good to see you back :) Oh I left you a comment on your comment wall about the Druans. I was curious if you had any info on them? We talked a tiny bit about them a while back since they were the ones who were seen during the Hudson Valley sightings, but I never asked you what we know about them examples being where they are from, the names of their home worlds, what their civilization is like, etc.
  • Returned back to the "real world" today friend, thanks to Master Rakoczi.....Good work in my absence I see....Well done...;-)
    Some vibes to have fun with.....
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