My latest blog post can be read at this link, about seeing through 'the veil' around Earth, with photos taken just before the Blue Moon at the end of July:
Love and Light to all here. Namaste,
Hello Amparo, gratitude to you and all who work with the Violet Flame, it is needed - and in regards of the 'veil' in the article, since Violet Flame is a clearing/transmuting frequency, at both an individual and collective level, it is enormously helpful!
Yes, my Twin Flame is courageous... ;) If you feel into the roots of the word 'courage', it's related to French 'coeur', meaning 'heart' courage is indeed a key energy to bring through/enter the Heart Age... :) Along with a goodly dose of faith, trust, peace and mercy...:)
Much Love, Joanna.
Exactly, Kelly. :)
Love, Light and blessings to you,
Joanna. xx
Nice pictures, Joanna, and good advice. Without an awakened and connected heart, all else is just illusion... :-)