The Mother Ship and A Dream of the Future 1997

The Mother Ship and My Dream of the Future 1997

The dialog of the dream

How did your dream begin?

I and many others were in a barracks compound when we were told of ET activity. I found myself with some others walking along Seven Sisters Rd. (London), this I think representing the Pleiades to my conscious

mind. We were aware that we were heading into an encounter, and initially we wanted to find a place to

conceal ourselves. I distinctly felt I was being told to stay calm, it was as if our feelings radiated our presence for we were soon greeted by an ET.

What did the ET look like?

I was aware that its appearance wasn't an important focus of my attention, rather the message it relayed to

me through my senses.

How did the dream proceed?

We were taken to join other ET's, we were asked to help in communicating with other humans. We were shown scenes of crowds of humans in a state of panic, who were being hosed down by ET's. It was as if the actions of the ET's were mirroring the emotional haemorrhage of the panicking crowds. The torrents of water symbolising their emotional overflowing. Under these circumstances the ET's couldn't communicate. The being I communicated with telepathic impressed upon me that I and others where needed to be there to help threw the transitional period, for we would be there to help others understand and to help them to overcome their fears at this momentous time of the Earths vibrational shift.

What happened next?

The scene changed. I was driving with my family along a motorway, which was lined with streams of traffic. In the distance there was a burst of ultra violet light on the horizon. I was dazed for a few moments and then when my attention came back to the road ahead of me, I was shocked to see the cars that were in front had now turn around and were heading towards us. I begun reversing back only to realise that there would eventually be a series of multiple collisions. I reversed up on to the grass verge and parked up.

We left the car, climbed up the grass bank and sat down. The words that echoed over in my mind were "You have got to have a vision" Simultaneously I saw a picture in my mind of an ancient Egyptian boat which they used to symbolise the journey of the soul going through a worm hole and its transition from the 3rd to the 4th dimension and beyond. I was given the impression that our state of mind and the vision we hold during this transition determines the dimensional destination of one's journey.

Go here to the work of William Henry to discover more.

Go here to the work of William Henry to discover more.

I became aware again of being on the grass bank; rays of sparkling light were showering down upon the Earth and were being absorbed by everything they touched. I looked around we had been joined by many others. My six year old son and all the other children had become miniaturised and were in a dormant state within a glass cylinder cocoon held by either of their parents.

How were you feeling during this part of the dream?

The most important message I felt from this dream was the need to keep clam and the purpose of keeping hold of the vision.

The scene changed and I was standing in a canyon looking up at the narrow strip of visible sky above. I stood

in awe as an enormous mother ship began to pass overhead. I was so excited in awe of the sheer size and enormity of this craft majestically moving overhead; I remember spinning inside so excited and saying Ho my god, Ho my god several times, I loved every bit of it and every time I recall this dream the heirs on the back of

my neck stand up.

What thoughts do you have concerning the message of holding the vision?

I feel at this time the thoughts we hold will manifest the reality around us like a form of instant karma and if we can hold the frequency which is our belief in our self empowerment, atonement with the mother Earth and that we deserve to be part of a glorious future of where we all have the right to seek joy, abundance and love these can and will be part of our visions and our manifestations, the door or stargate that is the chariot that is going

to carry us into the new era and dimension of harmony, peace and love that is now upon us is your very own navigator, your mind and the intention you have is going to fold time and space and deposit you into the glorious

new beginning. I decided to share this with all as I believe that we are about to step threw that doorway and star gate that is our destiny.

Please note I ask all that read this to discern at all time from your own knowing
That can only come from the hart, as I think that all experiences to do with other
Beings coming from other places, dimensions are not necessarily what they
may appear to be, we need to look for that verification from within, be aware
That if you THINK something is real it is coming from your brain and that can

be influenced externally if you are not aware of that, there is a good chance it

just might not be what you think.

If you are feeling something and are in joy and loving from within your HART

then that is where no human or manmade projection cannot exist that is not in joy,

You are a divine being and can call upon the highest of vibrational energy beings

that are here to help us on our transitory journey into the next evolutionary step to

assist us in this great adventure.

If you have any thoughts on this or have you had your own dreams that you think just

might be relevent, please share so we can explore this.

Love and Blessings to all AtlanMu

If you have any thoughts on this or had any dreams that you think may be relevant,

please share

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