8108802276?profile=originalCosmic Sea ♥
The Multi-Dimensional New Earth Gets Form ♥

Beloved Family of Light, this time it gives us great joy to greet you again while you are in the direction of the first Equinox of 2012 move. Indeed, things shift and change on your Earth, and the first new energies of the New Wave of Light for 2012 are noticeable on the Aarde.Velen of you may feel you might be a little printed while you wait for the new wave of energy and you feel a bit down if you think about the events on the Earth at this time, especially in the Middle East. It seems like you're not closer to the ideals of peace and harmony you are seeking. Beloved, know that everything is in Divine Order and the Power of Creation, the energies of change going forward. The Earth is getting ready to reconnect with the 8th and 9th Dimensions of Light to connect and the Earth Keeper Councils and the Councils of Elders who are responsible for the New Earth will be, are now formed and created.

Yes, Beloved Family of Light, after 2012 and the Passage of Earth through the Portal of Light in December, the earth will be entrusted to the care of those of you who chose and were elected to the first New Earth Council Earth Keepers and the its Council of Elders. These beings will in the 8th and 9th dimension consecrated, where she Solar Councils and the Galactic Councils of Light together. Earth finally gets her place as "Star of Light", the evolutionary path is determined by the Divine Will and the Divine Creative Intelligence, and those who follow the Divine Will.

You may wonder how this is possible, given the current state of politics on Earth. We say simply that the New Multi-Dimensional Earth shape and the "old" energies of duality and conflict, little interest is manifested in the Future. The frequency of duality and conflict belongs to the old three-dimensional world and fades. The new five-dimensional Earth is based on flow and harmony, and shifting polarities into Oneness. Those in your Earth Society that advanced, try to bring unity in polarity through dialogue and discussion. This is the way of the New Earth and it will be the main form of political life are awakened to a fifth dimensional Earth.

But, more importantly, the real power to the future path of the Earth to determine further in the hands of the Earth Guardian Council and the Council of Elders. These are called and chosen in the Higher Dimensions, and they have access to the Solar and Galactic Councils. They are not "visible" to those in the fifth-dimensional society, but they are multi-dimensional and may Higher Consciousness and create and manifest according to the Divine Will, as he expressed in the Golden Rose Galaxy that now is.

The Earth takes her place, and you know when you send the invitation to higher forms of consciousness and Earth Leadership "hears". You become aware of your new connections you reborn Sun, which we now call "Solaris" call. The 8-dimensional Solaris uniting the Planetary Council of Boards of your Solar System and connects with the Star and Galactic Councils. Then you will connect to the 9-Dimensional Councils of the Golden Rose Galaxy, Rosa Dorada, the new name for your Golden Galaxy now being formed and was formerly known as the Milky Way.

With these structures in place, increasing the Earth in her new "job" as the Blue Star Planet, the first planet in the galaxy that the full multi-dimensional status achieved and managed by a Board of Guardians Earth and Elders. These are the higher level by their Soul Communities "chosen" for their wisdom, Commitment and Courage.

Indeed, Beloved, there is much excitement, while these new structures and the New Earth grids connected. We know many of you realize that the Beings of Light on the Earth would come down, but we say that you are the ones who will ascend to the Beings of Light in the Solar and Galactic Councils to meet and you replace him as part of the Golden Galaxy. And if you do this, you will still remain a part of the society of the Earth on the material level, willing to contribute and the New Earth that is born to enjoy. We celebrate that the Earth is no longer a "child" under the aegis of the Sirians, Pleiadians and the Arcturians is. Now the Earth is fully mature and self-Star Being that the energy of Solaris in the Golden Rose galaxy represents.

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

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