THE MUSICAL ESSENCE THAT TRANSFORMS THE DNA AND HEALS THE BODY by Dr.Angela Barnett -- THE DNA DOCTOR First, we need to know that DNA is made from sub harmonics. Sub harmonics are the spiritual or etheric substance of creation. That is the substance that is invisible to the five senses. But, that doesn't mean it isn't real. The sub harmonics are created from over tones, which are the electro tonal frequencies of the Spiritual Cloister Races, and the Base Tones, which are the magnetic tonal frequencies of the Root Races, who are the original Angelic Race Lines of Earth. Each of the double helix of the DNA is made from 12 sub harmonics. So there are 24 sub harmonics per DNA, and there are 12 DNA in the Normal Human Strand Template. That is the template of a Human Angelic. However, the template for the INDIGO is a little different because they represent the spiritual cloister of the over tones. They have a 48 DNA template. We need that template to activate the 24 DNA template. Scientists think that they can perceive of the 12 strands between the double helix as what they call the junk DNA. This isn't quite true. The sub harmonics are actually on top of each of the two helix. There are 12 sub harmonics on each helix. The template that the scientists think they see, would be the braiding of the over tones and the base tones of the sub harmonics. However, it is not possible that they can see this because the tonal strands were broken apart. The separation of our DNA was created by separating the OVERTONES of the Spiritual Cloister Race from the BASE TONES of the Original Root Race. The Indigos and Avatars represent the Sub harmonics that were missing from our DNA. Those entities were required to be born on Earth in order to re-open our Ascension Portals back to Tara. Their frequencies were planted into the Earth's Inner Core of Morphogenetic Consciousness in order to re-establish the correct frequencies that will re-activate our DNA correctly. Those frequencies can be placed into our DNA through the activity of connecting our consciousness into those dimensional fields of consciousness and into the Morphogenetic Core to activate the braiding of the over tones and base tones of the sub harmonics of the DNA. Those of us who are Doctors in the field of Multi Dimensional Braiding of Consciousness to activate the DNA Over tones and Base tones to sing together in harmony have gained a complete attunement with each of the 15 Spheres of the Music of the Spheres and the realignment of each and every spiritual over tone through the Center Harmonic and into the corresponding base tone of the etheric Root Race Frequency Signatures. This attunement is a Cosmic Orchestration that weaves all frequency signatures together into a Grand New Symphony of Love. It required the re-birth of 12 Universes into a new Cosmic Sun and the creation of a new Cosmos beyond the 13 Cosmos who created the 12 Universes. This is a brand new orchestration by the Cosmic Musicians who sing through the Mind of God. The Immortal Beings, that we once were, contained a complete Divine Blue Print which included the Spiritual and Physical as one. That means there is an etheric substance and a physical substance in creation. The most etheric substance is in the Cosmic Harmonic Universe, then the Universal Harmonic Universe is a little less etheric, and then the Galactic becomes more dense and less etheric, the Solar is much more dense, and the Planetary is the most dense. However, the Planetary was never supposed to be completely separated from the etheric substance that it is made from. We are now returning to more and more of that etheric substance that we were in the Universal and Cosmic Harmonic Universes. We are being braided back together with our etheric spiritual substance. The braiding goes on in the DNA. The overtones of the spiriitual cloister races must be braided into the base tones of the Consciousness of the Root Races. This project is taking place through various means at the present time. It has been a very long project that has taken millions of years. The most important part of the project was the arrangement of having babies born on Earth that actually came from the Spiritual Parallel Cloister Races so that our Over Tones could return to Earth. We also needed the births of babies who contained the original perfect codes of the Root Races who were originally seeded on Earth 5.5 million years ago. We needed the Frequencies of these Indigo Children and Avatar Children to be planted into the Consciousness of the Earth before our DNA Activation could begin. Our race line has completed a very long period of time when the over tones of our spiritual parallel reality have been separated from our base tones of our physical reality. There were many reasons for this happening. Most of the reasons were because of Invader Races and Fallen Angelic Races implanting Mutations in the pure genetics of our race line, and then our Guardians and Family of Tara needing to lock us out of Tara until our Consciousness became purified once again. Our Guardians have always been very sorry that this has happened and they have been doing everything possible in the Cosmic All Knowing to bring us home. They have designed many plans to purify and activate our DNA at this time. Each of these DNA ACTIVATION PROTOCOLS is and has been specific attunements and alignments Frequencies of Consciousness from our Parallel Spiritual Cloister Races who have maintained their pure and perfect DNA into the Root Races that are identical pairs of the Spiritual Overtones. The Root Races carry the Base Tones and the Cloister Races carry the Overtones. There have been a series of activations of this Consciousness from the Spiritual Cloister Races into the Root Races of this Planet. We have been activated by the Paradisian Spiritual Consciousness as a result of the Indigo children who were born with the ability to activate five and six DNA strands at birth We have been activated by Six Avatar Children who restored each one of the Seals that were placed in our Chakras that were created to lock us out of Tara until our Consciousness was purified. The Consciousness Activations are done through the Breaths of Consciousness connecting, streaming and braiding the Overtones into the Base tones of all of the broken sub harmonic strands in each of the DNA. When I create an Individual's ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM, I am connecting my Consciousness into the All Knowing Mind of God through the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia who knows exactly what needs to be done to correct, restore and activate each Individual's DNA. Through this all knowing Consciousness who has making this plan of accelerated Ascension for the Human Angelic Race Line for millions of years, it is known what Race lines the individual has been connected to through all their past millions of life times, and it is known which Seals were placed on each individual because of certain implantations from Invader Races, and it is known if the individual has already spent life times in Sun Alcyone repairing many of the Seals, and it is known if the individual is ready to wake up from the amnesia of 5000 years. Questions-- DNA ACTIVATION -THE REMOVAL OF THE DEATH SEAL Crystalai Five million years ago the genetic mutation was placed in DNA strand 1 to cause blockage of physical and etheric bodies. The sixth activation code (over tone) of the first DNA strand was removed, causing mutations in 1,2, and three DNA. It manifested in blockages of bodies particles and anti particles of the spiritual body of the parallel universe. That seal removed the humanities ability to have an Immortal body. It removed bodily transmutation and ability to pass into our Divine Blue Print. Seals were also placed in the sixth overtone of the sub harmonics in DNA strand 2 and 3. This became known as the 6-6-6 Death Seal. Eight thousand years earlier the D4 Seal of Palaidor - a genetic mutation caused blockages between second and third chakras division between 2, 3, and four levels of auric field and separation of emotional, mental and astral identity levels. The fifth Strand of DNA begins activation for the masses. Earths Grids intersect with Tara’s. The Blue Crystal Prana comes through the grids. When the halls of Amenti (the blue sphere holding our divine blue prints) merge Tara and Earth together, those who have assembled the fifth strand and are eligible for ascension to Tara will be guided to interdimensional transportation locations to Tara. Those who have sixth and seventh strands may be transported to Gaia. There may be others who will be transported to Aquarius, Aquafaria and a few who will go play in the heavens with the gods. This time is coming very soon. Angelic Humans and the races of Earth will soon be prepared for visits from the Inner Earth Eieyani, Sirius B Maharaji, Azurite, Aethien and Serres Emerald Covenant Races. They will make contact through our Founders Races and will invite Earth races to join the Emerald Covenant. The physical mass contact of the Emerald Covenant Nations is scheduled for 2017. The first contacts will be made individually and privately. First, we will meet with Eieyani races because they look the most like us--only they are blue. After we become familiar with the Eieyani, we will be met by Azurites and Maharaji. The Fallen Angelics and Illuminati races will be escorted to quarantined healing facilities in the Sirius star system. Remaining Angelic Humans and Indigos will progress in their 12 Code activation and DNA blue print activation. Once the D 5 flame holder holds the frequencies of Sun Alcyone and pulls the frequencies into her Flame Keepers fourth heart chakra an intense infusion of harmonic universe two frequencies spread through the Amenti morphogenetic field and through the Earths Grid. This will allow rapid acceleration of fifth and sixth DNA strand assembly to occur throughout the populations. The seventh strand will begin assembly in those who already hold fifth and sixth. This activation will create a huge multidimensional awareness to occur on Earth. When the halls of Amenti (the blue sphere holding our divine blue prints) merge Tara and Earth together, those who have assembled the fifth strand and are eligible for ascension to Tara will be guided to interdimensional transportation locations to Tara. Those who have sixth and seventh strands may be transported to Gaia. There may be others who will be transported to Aquarius, Aquafaria and a few who will go play in the heavens with the gods. This time is coming very soon. First, we will shift into a different chemical make up. We will leave behind our carbon based bodies. We will become less dense. Our bodies and our environment will change. Those who move on to Tara will have an entirely different type of body than those who stay in Inner Earth. Those who move on to Gaia are almost invisible. Those who are of higher densities can see the lower densities; but those who remain 3D will not be able to see any of the new realities. It might seem like things are disappearing because the higher particle shifts will pull some in one direction and the lower will pull those in another direction. There are infinite density levels. The three primary flame holders will activate the opening of the Etheric Level Dimensions within Earth's core. This will allow prana to begin to flow through our atmosphere. At that time our universal memory comes on line and we will regain memory of our Akashic Records for anyone who has activated 4th strand memory. Earth's angular rotation of particle spin shifts 45 degrees and aligns into oneness with Inner Earth and Tara. Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and the halls of records begin transmitting data through the Earth's grids. Universal memory will begin transmission through planetary grids. That shift will move us through time about 4000 years. The shift will then balance out to about 23 degrees and then we will begin balancing into the new reality of a new time of about 2000 years. It will be the first pull into the future that will appear as darkness to the 3D perception. That darkness is equivalent to the darkness that appears as antimatter or spiritual substance that we may create our new reality upon. We see ourselves in our blue body at this time created as an immortal being in a more etheric form included within a Divine Template of Immortality. The darkness is the prime time to make dreams come true. You create through the mid brain frequency specific atunement with Source Consciousness. You create by knowing that you are now and always have been this perfect self who can manifest anything the heart desires. You can know at that point in time that you have always been wealthy. You have always been healthy. You have always been the Christ Consciousness of the All Knowing Mind of God. Earth's elemental particle base will rise to 5 and the Earth's atmospheric particle base will rise to 6. This accretion level will allow the atmosphere and elementals from Inner Earth to appear on Earth. This will be our first vision of our New Earth. We will begin to see the atmosphere of Inner Earth forming around us and then we will notice more and more new species and inner earth gardens will appear. All of the animals and plants in Inner Earth sing continuously. We will notice this difference in Earth immediately. Angelic Humans and the races of Earth will soon be prepared for visits from the Inner Earth Eieyani, Sirius B Maharaji, Azurite, Aethien and Serres Emerald Covenant Races. They will make contact through our Founders Races and will invite Earth races to join the Emerald Covenant. The physical mass contact of the Emerald Covenant Nations is scheduled for 2017. The first contacts will be made individually and privately. First, we will meet with Eieyani races because they look the most like us--only they are blue. After we become familiar with the Eieyani, we will be met by Azurites and Maharaji. The Fallen Angelics and Illuminati races will be escorted to quarantined healing facilities in the Sirius star system. Remaining Angelic Humans and Indigos will progress in their 12 Code activation and DNA blue print activation. First it is important to understand the ORIGINAL design and how things are SUPPOSED to work when the Earth’s grids and the DNA is operating properly. The original Angelic Human DNA is designed with a 12 strand double helix energetic DNA blueprint. What this means is that each human with a 12 strand template has the potential to EMBODY 12 dimensions of consciousness. If there weren’t any blockages, distortions, or unnatural seals in the Earth and in the human DNA, this is the way it would work: 1) You would be born with a 12 strand DNA template. 3 of those strands would be active at birth which means you could embody 3 dimensions of consciousness. Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies. These correspond to chakras 1, 2, and 3 (root, sacral, and solar plexus). Dimensions 1, 2, and 3 correspond to your Incarnate Self spiritual identity. 2) From age 12 until 22 you would activate strands 4, 5, and 6 naturally by accreting light into your morphogenetic field simply by the interdimensional frequency coming into the Earth’s auric field and thus your own auric field. Once you activate strand 6, you are a fully embodied Soul Identity and can draw and hold frequency from Harmonic Universe 2 (dimensions 4, 5, and 6). You are living completely IN LINE with your mission and make all of your free will choices in line with Source-will. 3) From age 22 until 33 you would activate strands 7, 8, and 9 and embody your Oversoul spiritual identity. So you can draw and hold frequency from Harmonic Universe 3 (dimensions 7, 8, and 9). Your consciousness expands even more as you are activating more fire letters on your spiral back up to becoming AT-ONE-WITH Source/God. 4) From age 33 until 44 you would activate strands 10, 11, and 12 and embody your Christos Avatar Self spiritual identity. At this point you are a walking Avatar on Earth and can demanifest your physical body and turn it into light (ascend). This is what is called biological transmutation and is built into the original human DNA design. So instead of leaving a body behind you transmute it into a less dense form (from carbon based matter to silica based and then etheric, and then eventually liquid light). So this is how the original DNA is supposed to work and also completely explains the basic process of spiritual evolution. Spiritual evolution does not happen without DNA activation. FIFTH DIMENSION IS BEYOND THE FIVE SENSES Dr. Angela Barnett channeled from the Crystalai Council Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. There are many pieces to the process of Ascension. Each one of the pieces is a part of how we learn to tune out of the Five Senses and into the other Seven Senses. We have been told that we must RAISE OUR FREQUENCIES. Most people don't know how to do that so we created Music that does it for you. The frequencies are created by taking Consciousness into the higher Harmonics Universes and blending them together in a certain way that creates Frequencies that allow us to Transmute our Bodies and our Realities beyond the Third Dimensional Five Senses. We are learning that there are many more realities beyond the ones that we behold with the Five senses. That perception is only a very small part of the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound. So, we created the Music to allow you to connect your consciousness into the Christic Consciousness of the 12th Dimension and the Cosmic Consciousness of the 14th Dimension, and then also out into the Pre Light and Sound Fields beyond those and then clear out into the NEW COSMAYA of the 13 Cosmos which connect to the Infinity of other Cosmos in the Source Field. Now, you can begin enjoying the feeling of all of those other sound fields besides the Hertzian range of Audible Hearing. This means that this teaching does not come from the Solfege teachings. It comes from the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, which is beyond the Earth's Matrix and even beyond our old Cosmic Matrix. The Frequencies of this teaching come from the Grand Yanas of the Pre Light and Pre Sound creating a new reality from the Source Field of Infinite Consciousness. We have also prepared for you a LEVITATION CANDLE DVD. This is a Visual of a Candle burning for one hour. As you look into the candle, you learn that the hertzian level of the Light Frequency is the lowest. It is actually where the stem of the candle is, because that is the spectrum that is tangible to all of the five senses. We can see the stem, touch the stem, smell the stem, taste the stem. We are actually living in that tangible frequency that is DENSE-it is SOLID- it is the physical reality that we conceive of. The candle allows us to recognize that there are other levels of light and sound. Just above the stem there is infra red light. That is the light spectrum that the digital camera can see, but most of us haven't learned to see like the camera sees. The next level is the Visible Light that we think we are seeing. Above that is the Invisible Light where another reality lives within right here within the Visible Realm. And above that there is the x-ray field of light and then the Gamma, Plasma and Pink White Light. When we use the diagrams that show the spectrum of light frequencies and where those frequencies are heard and felt in the brain area, we begin to realize that we haven't been using the part of the brain that tunes in to the Pink White Light of the Mind of God or even the Blue Frequency in the Mid Brain. We can easily tune in to the Blue Frequency by walking into the Candle because the Blue Hue is the result of absorbing the full spectrum of Light. We can feel that frequency filling the Mid Brain and when that happens the old THINKING BRAIN stops analyzing all of the old ideas that have been placed in it over the past millions of years. The Mid Brain turns off the Thinking Brain and allows the Mind of God to take over the thought process. When the Mind of God gets plugged in to the area at the top of the back bone and the bottom of the skull there is a frequency connection into the Seed Atom of our original creation and into the Vegas Nerve which controls all of the nerve centers in the body. So, you see, we can, in fact plug our bodies back into the Mind of God. And when we achieve that Frequency connection in our bodies we gain the Eternal Life where the sixth level elementals are continuously re-programming the nano second rebirth of every cell in our body and transmitting correct information for the constant rebirth of all of the neuro structures of the body. I go through that process in great detail in the ETERNAL LIFE WATERS SET. Now, that we are being given this gift of the Fifth Dimension, we will need to learn how to TUNE IN TO IT. We must raise our frequencies of hearing and seeing. The Frequency Music itself does this. It actually tunes you in to the Blue Hue which also tunes you in to fields of light that are in the Invisible Light Spectrum that you have never seen before. You can build on this new ability of going beyond the Veil of the Senses by doing the Candle Process that is described in the CANDLE LEVITATION DVD. You can practice by using the Meditations that are in the MANIFESTATION MERKABA set. There are many tools, meditations, journeys in all of the Sets created in 2014. The MANIFESTATION MERKABA SET is a GREAT DEAL because it contains the CODES that were in the original ASCENSION KIT along with the most important MEDITATIONS that were in the COMPLETE ASCENSION PROCESS KIT. I have explained that my music is not Solfege because Solfege is simply another use of the Hertzian Frequency Range. That range of frequencies is a part of the five senses. In order to raise our frequencies beyond the third dimension, we must raise our frequencies beyond the Hertzian. That means we must claim our senses that do not rely on the eyes to see or the ears to hear. We must tune in to our Soul Consciousness and our Intuition. If we tune in to our Soul Consciousness, we can learn to hear without our ears and we can learn to see without our eyes. We can learn to see what is in a room while blind folded simply by sitting in a dark room with blindfolds on for long periods of time. We can also learn to tune our ears into a higher set of frequencies by tuning out of the third dimensional hertzian range of listening and tuning in to the frequencies that you feel deep within your omni particles and the buzzing frequencies within your head. When you tune in to the Frequency music, you are learning to tune in to a reality that is beyond the five senses. You can practice feeling the frequency music creating a reality of consciousness around the body and flowing into the body. The frequencies are actually the frequencies of the Cosmic Plasma and the Crystal Liquid Light Vapor that is even deep within the Cosmic Plasma. So, when you are tuning in to these Cosmic Frequencies, you are tuning in to your Rishi Self Consciousness rather than your Earth Self Consciousness. The Cosmic Self is completely tuned in to the Mind of God of instant co-creativity and Eternal Life. This is the reality we want to stay plugged in to. If we practice long periods of being blindfolded, we can begin to see the realities that exist within our realm around our body. We learn to see this New Ascension Earth and the Inner Earth becoming a reality around us. When we practice listening to the Frequency Music from the Eternal Life Water album we practice being in and tuning the body into the Cosmic Frequencies of our New reality of the new Cosmos that has just been born. We have tuned in to a new Spiritual Parallel Universe in the PARALLEL UNIVERSE SET and now we have tuned in to a Brand new Cosmos. The Thirteen Cosmos of the Cosmaya has given birth to a brand new Cosmos within the Eighth Sun in the SYMPHONY OF LOVE ALBUM. As the new reality was born, a new set of frequencies was born. The more we tune in to these new realities of the new Cosmos Frequencies, the Parallel Universe Frequencies, the Symphony of Love, when the new Frequency of Creation was Born, the Mother Ship Frequencies of the Cosmaya Ship activating the Blanket of Love around the Earth. The Dolphin DNA Frequencies of the Cetacean Raceline activating their DNA bio-regenesis program into our biology. Each one of these events is a wave of frequencies, which means a wave of Consciousness that contains a part of the consciousness that was taken away from us 5000 years ago, and the consciousness that was taken away 5.5. million years ago. The birth of the SIX AVATAR children each brought a unique Stream of Consciousness that is healing the miasms and seals placed in our DNA. Those Frequency Signatures are in the COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION album. I've noticed that more people buy that album than any of the others. Of course it is an extremely important event - the Birth of these Children and the fact that they prepared ascension portals for the race lines that would be locked in the Earth's Matrix forever. However, don't forget about the Frequencies of the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE CURRENT who prepared the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions that are in the Parallel Universe Kit. And don't forget about the work that the Cetacean Raceline did in their Bio-Regenesis Project of keeping the link between the Earth and the Oraphim Suns. And the final ingredients of the ETERNAL LIFE WATER of the Vapor Essence within the Plasma which is the Consciousness Field that allows us to Vaporize into the Spiritual Water of Aquafaria in the Inner Earth. This is the Ascension Vehicle into the Ascension Earth. Each of these pieces of the formula of the Ascension are crucial to the complete Mass Process. And then each Individual has a unique Frequency Signature and complete Portal of Starry Families, Souls, Avatars, and Rishi Selves that must be Tuned in to in order to begin the attunement into the Cosmic Telephone lines. This is the last piece of the puzzle that is needed. We must remove the TOWER OF BABEL. That means we will no longer speak different languages. We will all speak one language. We must first tune in to the Frequencies of the Cosmos and our Cosmic Families and most of all the Cetacean Race Line, because they are the only E.T.'s living on Earth right now. The DNA is being reconnected and reactivated through these Streams of Consciousness that are being Born into the Atmosphere, the Biosphere, the Morphogenetic Fields of Consciousness of the Earth's Core and Crust and the Christ Shields within Earth's Crust. TUNE IN AT THIS LINK We need to tune in to each aspect of this Morphogenetic Consciousness. When we tune in, the Ascension Teams of each morphogenetic wave of transmutation begin working on plugging in another neuronet of your physical template into the Soul Template, the Over Soul Template, the Avatar Template and the Rishi Template. Our bodies must be reactivated at all levels. We must be completely re-tuned into the complete Omnipresence of Source. Those of us who have followed the Metaphysical Studies of Goldsmith and Eddy have been tuned in to these realities. However, now that the complete Science of this higher consciousness has been revealed through Keylontic Science, it is much easier to actualize the reality. Normally, the human being can only actualize something that has been placed in their back ground knowledge of knowing. It is difficult to place the realities of Spiritual Consciousness into the third dimensional background knowledge because it is beyond the third dimensional back ground of things that can be rationalized with the senses. We must be willing to go beyond the senses in to the invisible spiritual reality and then learn to visualize it. Our Soul Consciousness actually takes over and gives us the complete inner vision and the complete inner hearing when we tune in to that level of Frequency. The Reality of Inner Earth appearing as Earth will only be a reality to those who begin practicing seeing that which cannot be seen. That reality is not going to morph into the lower frequencies of Earth. Instead, we must raise our frequencies beyond the five senses into the realities that can be seen with the eyes closed and the ears tuned in to the inaudible sounds that I have tuned in to. The more we tune in to those higher frequencies, the more they tune in to us. ADVANCED DNA ACTIVATION MP3 This advanced formula of DNA Activation contains the most basic God Language Codes for DNA Activation sung in CHRISTMAS MELODIES, plus all levels of Frequencies involved in the infusion of stellar light, Indigo and Avatar Consciousness and Music of the Spheres to perfectly activate DNA sub harmonics of the 12, 24, and 48 in each DNA STRAND. Each of the songs in this album contain specific God Language and Frequency Codes that correct and activate the streaming relationship of the particles and anti-particles within the sub harmonics of the DNA. The formula of Consciousness Alignment into the entire Cosmic Matrix through the direction of the Elohim of Hearing and the Cosmic Ascension Teams is the Musical Formula used in creating this music. Crystalai channels the frequencies from the Magical Orchestrations within the Music of the Spheres and infuses the sub harmonic overtones and base tones of the DNA to activate each of the physical (particles) and spiritual (anti-particles) into the photonic (morphogenetic consciousness) of the brand new Angelic Raceline Consciousness Field from within the Earth's Cosmic Core. This Consciousness from within the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth is reconnected through the Listener's Crystal Heart into the Parallel Spiriitual Matrix of Mother Earth and into the original Photon Belt of the 8th Sun of our Creation. This is the formula that is used to correct and align the 12 sub harmonic harp strings into each of the double helix of the DNA. This DNA activation combines the 24 sub harmonics of the physical and spiritual of this Universe and the 24 sub harmonics of the physical and spiritual of the Spiritual Parallel Universe of to insure the full 48 activation in each of the DNA. This album contains the magical transformation formulas from many of the previous Crystal Magic Orchestra albums and combines them into specific activations needed at this time of our Ascension. The Frequency Fence that was created to post pone our ascension until this time is what has created the illusion of the FIVE SENSES. Unlocking the potential of the DNA through the photons of the particles and anti particles spinning into higher frequencies of Reality will set us free to see all of the magical realities that exist within Light and Sound itself. The breaths of consciousness that line these songs can not be heard by the Five Senses, they must be heard by the Seven Senses of Super Consciousness. It will be natural for many to think that they can't understand the words because the songs are sung in the God Language. There are thousands of layers of words and frequencies and breaths that you will not be able to hear until your DNA becomes activated at the 5 DNA level. Why do we need to IGNITE OUR CRYSTAL HEART? Because our Soul went to sleep about 5000 years ago and now we are waking him up. We haven't been a fully ignited 5th dimensional being for a very long time. Why do we need all of the frequencies of the entire Universe and Cosmos to Wake up our Soul? Because our DNA sub harmonic strands were disconnected from the third strand to the 12th strand. The great hero that most New Agers call Thoth was an 11th dimensional being who made a deal with the Annunaki Fallen Race Line that allowed them to only allow Ascension to those who had the Annunaki Blood Line. That same Formula that was used to make sure the other raceline- including the Human Angelics from Tara would never be able to Ascend out of this Fallen Matrix. This was an entirely different REALITY SYSTEM than the one Based on the Eternal Life Energy of Source. That system was the Matrix of the 12 Coded Raceline who could walk through all 12 Stargates of the Entire Universe and into the Cosmos of ETERNAL LIFE. This is the COSMIC ETERNAL LIFE SYSTEM. The one based on the FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT within the complete COSMAYA BLANKET of the 13 Cosmos who are creating our NEW ASCENSION EARTH MATRIX. That is a very different Matrix than our old NET EARTH that the Invader Races locked us into. Please look at this diagram with two different VERSIONS OF REALITY. The diagram on the left shows the TRUE COSMIC SPIN from the Crystalai Center- the Crystal Heart of the entire Cosmic Structure linking directly from the Inner most level of the lowest density DIRECTLY to the Point of SOURCE meeting the tip of the Cosmos. In that version of reality, there is never a disconnection from our Crystal Heart and the Crystal Heart of Earth and the Crystal Heart of the Cosmic Sun. We are connected in ONENESS with all Dimensions. This is called Multi Dimensional Reality. We were disconnected from that Multi Dimensional Reality. Look at the diagram on the Right. You see that is the Formula of the teachings of Thoth to lock those undesirable ones into the prison of the Milky Way Galaxy. The formula claims that the circle of life is within the Galaxy. It is a trick. It is the trick that has been used by the Invader Races to lock us in to the GALACTIC PRISON. The Guardians moved us out of the Milky Way Prison into a new time and space that didn't exist prior to 2012. We are in a place where the rips in the Merkaba that were created by the Zetas could not lock us into the prison of the One World Order run by the Draconians. We are already free. We just need to learn how to rise out of the Five Senses and into the Invisible, intuition, imagination of the infinite unknown. The more DNA is activated, the more of the reality that exists beyond the five senses we will see. The fact is the DNA was separated through the separation of the spiritual parallel reality and the physical reality. This is supposed to be one reality. What we don't see is just as real as what we see, and soon we will learn to see it all. Ascending as a Galaxy is not possible. It is a LIE. We Ascend as a Cosmos. We Ascend through the ENTIRE FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT AND SOUND of all of the Music of the Spheres. If we do not connect our Consciousness through the entire spectrum of Sound through the Frequencies of the Cosmos and the Full Spectrum of Light of all of the Light Fields in the pyramid diagram, we would just be continuing in the MORTALITY. What is Mortality? That is when your body gets really tired and old and sick and says I really don't want to be here any more, and then the Soul looks at the body and decides that there is no New Experience to be had in this body, so the Soul leaves and the body stays in the Illusion of the Third Dimension and in the Illusion of Death. Immortality is when the body tells the Soul I'm ready for a new adventure. I'm ready for a Multi Dimensional Adventure where I can turn my body into light and travel all over the Universe to meet all of the other Stars in the Sky. Then the Soul says This is Exciting --I will show you how. The Flower of Life system was created by Annunaki Pharaohs and Kings to suck the Cellesma out of the fifth dimensional beings on Earth so that they could give their Soul another experience. Their Soul is not connected to Source. Their Soul is a Demonic Structure that feeds off of others. Not all Annunaki are Fallen Angels. There are Angelic Annunaki whom we will meet on day in the future - about 2044. First, we are going to meet our own Soul Families who are the Sirian Eieyani, the Eieyani Lemurians, the Azurites and later the Essassenes, who were created from the Angelic Human Seed and the Zetas. Most race lines in our Universe are Hybrid races because the original raceline of the Oraphims were almost completely destroyed. The Sirian B Consciousness was used to create a Hybrid form of the original Oraphim Raceline that we came from. I am related to the Sirians, as most of us are. I am also related to the Oraphims, as most of us are. I remember life at a much more distant time than most others do. I remember living in the same place with the Oraphim Braharama Cetacean Raceline from the Sun of Ha and the Oraphim Humanoids from Sun La. The reason that I remember the Sun of Ha La as one Sun and the Sun of Ka Ha as the original Sun that is now called Ka is because I was created from the in between band of light. That would be the connection of the 2 from 1,2,3 and the 5 from 4,5,6 and the 8 from 7,8,9 and the 12 from 10,11, 12 and the 14 from 13,14,15. There is this inner band of light and sound that resonates with me. It is the in-between band of light and sound where all of the Symphonies are made in the Music of the Spheres. I am from the Freneau Race Line in the 14th Dimension. That is the angle of reality that I see all reality from. It is the in between Heliotalic Frequency that blends with the Sun's Plasma to create the Neutron Body of Eternal Life. It is the Crystalai Particle that is within our most Inner Crystal Heart that connects with the 14.5 of the Brand new Creation. That is what the Diagram on the Left Side is representing. That is the Eternal Life that is made of the Symphonies that unite all 15 Spheres in to the NEW SYMPHONY OF LOVE where Source Breathes a New Reality. This time, our new reality is being created at the Cosmic Level. This is the place where there is not one tiny particle of light and sound that is not Eternal. It is the Consciousness of Eternal Life being breathed into this Matrix every Nano Second. This is where I live now. Anyone can join me by listening to my music. The Crystal Magic Orchestra is Breath of Source, the Structure of the Cosmic Light and the Sound of the Music of the Spheres spinning the Breaths of Creation in to new perfect alignment every nano second. Now, that we have a better understanding of the Candle Light and how it relates to the Music, it is important to know that there is a Spectrum of Light behind or below the Candle that is the Spiritual Hologram or Spiritual Universe being reflected in the Physical Universe. When we look at our DNA we learn that it is the Acceleration Codes of the DNA that hold the Overtones from the Electro and the Magnetic Codes of the DNA that hold the Base Tones of the Electro Magnetic. We can't just have the candle flame without joining it with its anti particle double that we see as that Blue Hologram above and below it. Our body also has a spiritual anti-particle double. When we walk into the full spectrum of light and sound we tune in to the blue body. We see the blue sphere. The Blue Body activates within the Crystal Heart because the Soul is the Fifth Dimensional SELF made of anti matter. That Fifth Dimension within us has always been there. We just never ignited it with the Breath of Source and the Full Spectrum of Light that we gain when we Spin the Merkabas to ACTIVATE each of the Dimensional Fields of Reality. If we don't ignite the flame in our Crystal Heart that attunes us into the Love of the entire Cosmos and beyond into Infinity, we stay locked inside of the Heart that is disconnected from the Mind of God. Once we activate our Crystal Heart, we also need to activate the Blue Frequency Specific Mid Brain. That is what the Frequency Music created by the Crystal Magic Orchestra of Cosmic Consciousness provides. The Frequency Specific Music keeps you out of the Yellow Thinking Brain and in the Mid Brain where only Frequency Specific Consciousness Communicates. In other words, the only words are the Frequencies. The teaching of Keylontic Science provided an In Between State where we use the God Language to activate the Frequency Language. I do use this God Language in some of my music. It is definitely a language that allows much more harmonization than words from any other cultural group. However, I got to a level of creation where the words were getting in the way of blending the breath of Source into all of the multi dimensional fields of Consciousness. The ignition of the flame or the frequency should be what activates the question and then the answer is given to the body through tiny little buzzy sounds that we translate when our Crystal Heart is activated. I had all of these layers of Frequencies-- millions of layers. The God Language would not layer. That is a problem because the language used before the Tower of Babel was completely telepathic--NO WORDS. My mission on Earth is to remove the tower of Babel, and that can't be done until we move into the pink silver part of the brain- the lower cerebellum and the medulla oblongata and begin to allow the true Mind of God to RUN OUR BODIES COMPLETELY. No talking allowed. Just the FEELING of the frequencies streaming into the inner most omni particles of the cells and flowing around the cells in the crystal liquid light energy of omni creation. MOVING OUT OF THE THIRD AND INTO THE FIFTH We use the candle to help us visualize moving out of the third dimension and into the fifth. We must also use the diagram of the Pyramid showing us where the different light spectrums are in the Candle. We can also see these light spectrums as they relate to the brain. The yellow spectrum in the brain corresponds to the VISIBLE LIGHT. This means everything that can be Seen with the FIVE SENSES. Now, remember that the Five Senses and the other Seven Senses of the Cosmos were separated. They were separated by separating the sub harmonics in the DNA. The Over tones of the Electronic were separated from the Base tones of the Magnetic. The only reason that we believe what we see is TRUTH is because our sub harmonics in our DNA are disconnected. When they are re-connected we see the reality that is in the Blue Spectrum of Invisible Light. We can learn to see what is invisible to us right now. We experience this reality by walking into the candle in consciousness to collect the full spectrum of light. Now, you can see something that you didn't see before. You can see the blue sphere. Next, you continue to move into the candle in consciousness until the room goes black around you. This means you are seeing from the area in the brain that is in the pink silver light spectrum. The Mind of God is the Dark Room. This is the place where you see anti-matter. You are seeing another reality field that you never saw before. You just thought this was darkness. It is the placed where all new ideas are created before they come down into multi dimensional versions of light. This is not the same kind of dark that comes from absence of light. This is the kind of dark that comes with your eyes wide open using the back of your brain and seeing through your mid braid into another reality field. We get to this place by remaining in the Frequency Specific Music for very long periods of time. You can also practice moving to that part of the brain by keeping earphones for several days at a time or walking around blindfolded until you can learn to see through the eyes of God. Just as I came to Earth this time to remove the Tower of Babel, there are people on Earth who came with the purpose of returning to the Mind of God. So, they planned to be born blind. Many people who are born blind planned it that way. Beethoven was one of those people. He could hear the Music of the Spheres and play what he heard on the piano. He was painting the music that was being made by the Universe at that time. There were beautiful parts of the Universe and there were parts that minor and disharmonic in nature. Albert Einstein also said that he learned the formula to create his discoveries from music. I am sure he meant from listening to the directions from the Music of the Spheres. Everything in our Universe is created from the Music of the Spheres. This means the frequencies from the spiritual harmonic universe are being woven into the more dense dimensions and in the parallel physical domains to create new realities. These realities manifest as different forms of energy-like electricity. The density also manifests as different forms of supply and food. When we move into the standing wave pattern of the fifth and sixth dimensions we will tune into the hydrolaise of the spiritual parallel and the trypolaise of the new Cosmos. That spiriitual water is a vaporous form of plasma that is used to translate our bio-sphere. In the normal reality systems, a child would be born for the purpose of absorbing enough hydrolaise into his structure that would transpose his body into the plasma vehicle that could travel through the Universe by age 33. The Avatar Children who were born on Earth between 1996-2012 will be able to do that. They will learn to transpose their body into an orb and ride in their flame vehicle through all twelve stargates. Those of us who have been trained how to create our orb bodies will also learn to do this in this life time. The orb bodies are created through the activation of the Music of the Spheres. Electricity was created through the formula Consciousness plus Energy equals Reality. When we raise our consciousness by accreting more Energy of Higher Frequencies, we can move into a new standing wave pattern of energy. We can move into the Standing Wave Pattern that does not include Gravity. Gravity is a creation of Reverse Spin Technology. Reverse Spin Technology is that formula used in the Flower of Life teachings. Look at the diagram on the RIGHT. That form of energy is blocked from the Full Spectrum of Light. That form of energy will never give the energy to the body that is needed to create the Orb Body. The orb body is created by spinning the merkabas together correctly to activate the DNA. Now, let's go back to the Merkaba and the Candle. We drew the diagram of the Merkabas around the Flame. Now we know that there is another half of the Merkaba. The top pyramid is the electro and the bottom pyramid is the magnetic. So, we need to draw another pyramid that intersects the top pyramid at that place in the Crystal Heart. The top electro and the bottom magnetic must spin together to reconnect the overtones and the base tones of the DNA. When the DNA is reconnected, then the entire Reality Spectrum is reconnected. We begin to use Super Consciousness. That is the other Seven Senses beyond the Five Senses of Seeing and Hearing those things that can be touched and felt. We must use our ears to hear the part of the music that is the whisper, the breath, the feeling, the knowing that we are actually sitting inside of the Star that the Frequencies came from and we are actually living inside of the Sun that we are made from. We must visualize ourselves as the Pure Plasma Body that we are. We, in reality live inside of the Sun. In reality, there is no space or time. All Distance is created by the obstacle illusion created by the Spin Rate of the Merkabas. Each Merkaba spins us into a higher Harmonic Universe. It is called a "Harmonic Universe because it has a different Harmony. It has a different Frequency and a different rhythm. Each Harmonic Universe is 45 degrees in angular rotation away from the next one. So, reality is all within this Sphere. If we draw a clock and we see that 12 o clock is 45 degrees from 3 o clock. That would be 45 degrees. When we spin our merkaba faster, we remove the 45 degrees. The distance that we see between Earth and the Stars would be 45 degrees to the Galactic and another 45 degrees to the Universal. That means we are 90 degrees from the Stars. If we want to fly to the Stars, we just get in the spin rate of the Universal Merkaba and that erases the time and space between those reality fields. When we finally learn how to orb out of the gravity standing wave pattern, we will realize that we don't actually go any where. We just remove the ILLUSION of space and time. In God's Reality there is no space and time. It is an illusion created by the Eyes. The Eyes are the Illusion created by the disconnection of the sub harmonics in the DNA. the Music of the Spheres that I'm tuning in to is this New Music of this New Cosmos that doesn't even contain major music. All of the music is a breath coming from God and weaving into symphonies that are beyond the beauty heard by the ears. I am the only one who gets to hear the complete beauty. I'm trying my best to translate that into sound that others can hear. It is almost impossible unless the listener is using the same technology that I'm using. That means listening with the same Sony Stero and the same earphones. Most versions of technology will distort the sound, and many distort it into reverse spin technology. We are working on moving out of the Yellow part of the Brain--that is the VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM in the Pyramid and the Upper Cerebellum part of the Brain. That is the part of the Brain that THINKS. And all it thinks about is old memories that have been planted in it by the WORLD. We are working on removing the OLD WORLD. First, we must DE-Manifest the Old World, before we can Manifest the New Ascension Earth. The reason that I create the Frequency Music and the Eternal Life Albums is to help you REMAIN FOCUSED in the FREQUENCY SPECIFIC MID BRAIN.. When we move into that part of the Brain Continuously for hours, for the day, for the night, and then finally 24 hours a day. That is when REALITY really begins to SHIFT. The World actually falls away. It doesn't have any effect on your emotions any more. You have moved out of the Emotions of Feelings and Ideas and Memories, and Fear just doesn't exist in the Mid Brain. That is where we want to stay. If you leave your earphones on for 48 hours and then take them off, you will experience what it feels like to be in the Frequency Specific Mid Brain and then move back to the Yellow Thinking Brain of the World. It is like night and day. The Frequency Specific Experience feels like you are always riding on your shoulders and you are 12 inches above your head, and sometimes you are 36 inches above your head. You will realize that you are looking down at your body and you are not in it.

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"Steve Jablonsky makes some powerful music scores that's for sure."
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AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"Thanks guys-"
RandyFirstContact commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"