My old life was over, just as i t was meant to be, and while I was now out of a job wi th no al ternative income, I fel t liberated. Working in the Soulless media had become a daily nightmare and now I was free. I
only survived these next few years financially because I l ived well below my income from television and
had enough money in the bank to see me and my family through - just. It was a time when trusting the flow of life was a major challenge wi th everything I had buil t now falling all around me and i t was about to get a
whole lot worse. My then wife Linda and my children were, of course, even more confused than I was. At least I had directly experienced the strange happenings; they knew only what I had told them. And here was
their husband and father, a well-known face on national television for eight years, suddenly out of a job, talking about weird events and ideas and soon to be publicly ridiculed on a scale rarely seen in all Bri tish
media history. The fact that they stood by me and did not once waver in their support no matter happened, was one of the key factors in my abili ty to survive what was about to unfold. So i t was wi th my television
agent, Paul Vaughan, who never ceased to support me even when i t would have been much easier for him to walk away.
My only desire was to fol low the rapidly changing course of my life. Strange i t all may have been, but there was a force wi thin me that knew this was the way I had to go. Through the latter months of 1990 I wrote my
first book about these events, Truth Vibrations. When i t went to the printers just before the Christmas of
1990,the sequence began that led to the explosion in my consciousness that changed almost everything I had ever thought or believed. I suddenly had a tremendous urge to go to Peru, al though I had no idea where
this came from. I knew nothing about Peru and had never even thought about the place until now. In this same period I kept seeing the word 'Peru' everywhere, on books, in newspapers and in travel agent windows. I met another psychic lady who said wi thout any prompting from me: "Have you ever thought
about visiting Peru?" She said I would be going there and "drinking of the ~Q1.y waters". This comment came back to me a few weeks later when I was drinking water from the Urubamba River, the 'holy river',
which flows through the Sacred Valley of Incas near Peru's ancient and formerly 'lost' ci ty of Machu Picchu. Everything I was doing since I had those first communications through the psychic was based purely on intui tion. I didn't know why I was going to Peru, for instance, only that ~had to for some reason. My head, 10
my 'logic', told me that I should not be spending money I could not afford to make such an expensive trip, but by now my head was no match for my 'heart ', from where our intuitive 'knowing' communicates
wi th us. I don't mean the physical heart, but the spiritual one that can be fel t in the centre of the chest. It is a vortex or "charka" (meaning 'wheel of light') that connects the 'physical ' level wi th our higher consciousness
beyond the five-senses. This is the true origin to why the physical heart is used today to symbolise love. It comes from a lost understanding of what the 'heart ' real ly means in this context. When you feel great love or
compassion notice how you feel i t in the centre of the chest - that 's the heart charka or vortex through which we also feel our intui tive 'knowing'. When someone is trying to make a decision we say: "What does your heart tell you?" or "Does i t feel right?" The heart chakra is our connection to our higher consciousness
beyond this 'world' while our 'head', our condi tioned mind, is caught in the trap of 'thinking' in accordance wi th the rules and regulations of the five-sense reali ty. Most people are imprisoned by their 'head', which is
indoctrinated to believe the official version of what is right and wrong, moral and immoral , sane and insane: the 'norms' of society. This is an expression of the Earth-bound consciousness, the 'lower' or 'five-sense'
mind, that is daily manipulated to accept a version of reali ty and possibili ty that sui ts the agenda of those in control . It is based on limi tation, rules and regulations and the "I can't", "you can't", mentali ty. It sees why something cannot be done or shouldn't be done and rarely why i t can or should. It is also frozen by fear and
this holds humani ty in a mental and emotional prison cell . The 'heart ', the intui tion, however, is our connection wi th the Infini te self beyond the five-senses. The 'heart' feels rather than thinks and i t has
'knowing' rather than second-hand 'knowledge' gleaned from the indoctrination machine. Most people have an inner 'war' going on between what they think and feel- what their head tells them to do and what they
intui tively feel to do. Almost every time the head is the winner. It is easier that way, or appears to be, in a society founded on the imposi tion of thought and belief. Once the 'norms' of society are decided and
imposed by the system through 'education', 'science', the media and so on, any rebels or freethinkers are
subjected to ridicule or condemnation (in my case both) for the crime of being different or challenging this ludicrously limi ted version of reali ty and possibility. This process is captured superbly by a Japanese
saying: "Don't be the nail that stands out above the rest because that's the first one to get hit."
Anyone who seriously follows their intui tive 'knowing' rather than their indoctrinated, fearful, head/mind is going to face the ridicule and condemnation of the psychological fascists. These are not only people in jackboots wi th silly moustaches; they are our parents, 'friends', colleagues at work, and, if you are ~the
public eye, 'journalists' and the public in general . Anyone, in fact, who makes i t difficul t or unpleasant to be
different. Most of the human race is so utterly indoctrinated by the external ly implanted 'norms' that bombard their mind from cradle to grave that they have no comprehension that their 'normal ' thinking their
own individual and collective prison. Such is their bewilderment they not only contribute minute by minute to the building of their prison, they defend i t ferociously from anyone who questions or challenges the
foundations and assumptions on which i t stands. It is what I term the "flat Earth mentali ty". When the norm was that the Earth was flat anyone who claimed i t was round was subjected to ridicule and condemnation,
even imprisonment and death. When the norm changed wi th the deluge of evidence to accept the Earth was a sphere, the roles immediately reversed and anyone who claimed i t was flat then got the treatment. Norms rule, OK? Set the norms and you control human perception and behaviour. This is why exposing norms for
the nonsense they are is so important.
Those who live life through their intui tion always attract the attention of the Thought Police because the head' and the 'heart', the lower 'mind' and the higher consciousness, view reali ty from a completely different
point of observation. I will get into this in detail later, but symbolically you could put i t like this: if the 'five-sense' mind was sai ling down a river i t could only see as far as the next bend. But the higher consciousness
communicating through the intui tion would see the whole' river from source to sea. It would know what was coming and the most effective course of action at any given point. It would know if there was bad
weather ahead and if i t was best to stop where you are until i t passes. It would know if you were heading for a massive waterfall or if there were bandi ts lurking downstream and i t could guide you to avoid them. None
of this is available to the five-sense mind because i t has such a limi ted vision and abili ty to see beyond i ts perceived 'norms'. "There is no evidence that there are waterfalls or rapids in this river", i t might say, "and until I see the proof we are going oooooh… aaaaaaahhhhh."n The five-sense mind disconnected from i ts
higher consciousness is engaged in a constant and furious battle wi th the intui tion because if i t surrendered i ts reali ty to the higher one it would lose i ts perceived power over events and behaviour. If someone on the
boat said their intui tion told them there were bandi ts around the comer, the lower minds of the others would
ask them for the 'proof'. They would be told not to be so stupid and to stop spoiling the trip. In the same way people have refused to get on aircraft that were to crash because they had a 'feeling' - intui tion from
their higher consciousness. Even if these people had told the other passengers what they fel t most would have sti ll got on the plane because their head would tell them the chances of crashing were miniscule and,
anyway, they needed to get to their destination to attend a business meeting or make a dinner date. Also, the great breakthroughs in understanding, including those in science, are invariably the resul t of an intui tion, a 11
'gut feeling', rather than the intellect working i t all out. The intui tive is the inspiration 'and the intellect
only confirms i t.