Inspiration, Grit and Synergy
by Sananda
Community Corner:
"Your Time to Shine"
Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Community Corner:
"All the Debt in the World Could Be Instantly Abolished"
Saul through John Smallman
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Edition #47 Subscription FREE or by Donation
Let us talk about something new, since we are now beginning our new lives together. You see, we are already taking our places in the new reality you have created on Earth, even while we are still here in higher dimensions. Your increased vibration, and the rising Light on the planet make it easier and easier for us to reach across the dimensions to touch your face, to send a trill down your spine to tell you we are here with you. The boundaries are dropping away; the clouds of dark energy that used to make it murky on your surface are being transmuted and dissolved by the Lightworkers on the Transmuting teams. We could not be more excited and delighted to see what progress you have made on your side of this Great Project.
You Are Clearing the Way
Do you remember the scenes in the movie Interstellar where the dust cloud became so thick no one could see through it? It has been like that on Earth, from our perspective. It also made it very difficult for our Galactic ships to come close to Earth. Our ships vibrate at a very high frequency, so it was normally too great a descent for them to come down into the lower 3rd dimension. It was dangerous for them, and it would have been dangerous to anyone on the ground who came too close to the great power source that surrounds even our small scout ships. Now the conditions are changing. Not only will we soon be assured by your world leaders that our ships will not be attacked, but the conditions are improving, in terms of the level of frequency on the surface.
The rising vibrations are a great blessing for us, the Mentors, who wish to come to your Earth to meet with you and open the dialogue about your intriguing history. It would have been far too difficult for us to make the transition to such a low vibration, but it would also have been too difficult for you to make your own Ascensions from such a low starting point.
Those of us who have raised ourselves into higher dimensions with our bodies have accomplished it under very different conditions. The energetic layer surrounding the Earth was less dangerous until about 60 years ago. Recently, no one has been able to raise their bodies through the swirling darkness of clashing energies of rage, hostility, revenge, depression and conflict, along with fairly dense levels of radioactivity and other interferences that can damage both body and soul. This is one of the reasons we have asked our beloved family on the ground to remain, even though they were at least as prepared as we were when we accomplished our ascensions.
As a side note, in case you were concerned for your loved ones who are transitioning in these days, I want to reassure you that these conditions are not a problem for those who are making their ascension by leaving the body. This was their contract and their plan, and all is well. The portals to higher dimensions are always open, and the legions of angels accompanying them is as joyful as ever. Not everyone needs or wants to raise their bodies, as they called my Resurrection during the Jesus lifetime. We will talk more in future messages about the current reasons for wanting to have the option to return to Earth without having to incarnate as an infant. It is a good topic for another discussion.
What the Matrix Really Is
For now, let us gaze upon our beautiful Earth, or as some call her, Gaia. Your beloved planet really has been the battleground between those who built and defended the Matrix - the illusion of darkness that has gripped the imaginations of humankind on Earth for more than 13 millennia - and the Lightworkers, or as we are sometimes called, the Warriors of the Light. Now we wish to de-militarize the language and the discussion about what we are doing. We are not going to "defeat" the dark ones. We are going to refuse to give energy to dark thoughts and ideas. This technique has the effect of "water on the witch," as Dorothy discovered in the Wizard of Oz.
Let me try to paint the picture for you of how we see the Matrix, the dark energies that support it, how it came to be, and how it will end.
You are familiar with the concept of a labyrinth. It is a constructed environment that is deliberately confusing, disorienting and nearly impossible to navigate unless you discover or are given the key to finding the way through it to the other side, which symbolizes freedom. Now let me introduce another parallel concept that I will borrow from Kathryn's psychology studies. There is a dynamic in families in which the parents may deliberately confuse, punish and belittle a child, making the child feel that there is no way he or she can ever please the parents, and their attitudes and feelings seem to change so unpredictably that he cannot "get his head around it." The child will also feel in great danger because he is powerless to change the outcome. This dynamic has been called "schizophrenogenic." Literally, crazy-making.
In the Matrix, the game is rigged. Only those who designed it know the key to navigating it successfully, and they only share this privileged information and all the supposedly enormous benefits that go with it with their very small inner circle. They may create games such as the labyrinth to tantalize their captives into thinking they can outsmart the designer or even outrun the pack of their fellows (as in the Hunger Games), but the rules are set: no one outside the ruling class, which remains completely hidden from view, will ever make the transition from slave or minion into the ruling class. Everything to the contrary is just trappings. Self-appointed Kings and Queens, moguls and pop stars may have their moment in the arena, but they do not hold the real power.
This, my dear Brothers and Sisters, has been the state of affairs on Earth. The physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual environment has been mind-boggling, life-threatening, and deliberately designed to leave the participants in the "game of LIfe" feeling as if they are swimming upstream, giving their best effort to just stay even, rather than prosper and find joy in their lives.
This gives just a hint of the intricate and diabolical master-plan that was designed and implemented long ago by the Anunnaki, and carried forward by Reptilian and then human minions. It was specifically meant to create a small, wealthy and powerful ruling class who would rule over slaves - either abominations created in a laboratory, or humans who had been so thoroughly debased and damaged that they no longer experienced themselves as human, a soul, or connected to God.
We knew this before we incarnated here, but we truly believed we could follow our hearts, and that would make it possible for us to remember once we were here that to break the code is to remain connected to Mother and Father, to raise ourselves up rather than compete for the scraps or covet the trappings of our Overlords. It has been a difficult challenge. We were blinded by the smoke and mirrors. Lifetime after lifetime, we struggled to remain true to our hearts. We knew when we planned these incarnations on Earth that we would face the darkness, and we knew it was tantalizing, hypnotic, and often overwhelming, given our limited consciousness behind the Veil.
The greatest dilemma of all became apparent early on. By incarnating on a planet where the selfish, cruel and murderous Overlords held all the cards, we would have to create a tremendous energetic shift in our own collective consciousness in order to flood the world with enough Light to illuminate the delusions, and free humankind from the psychological grip of the compounded lies and deceptions of the Matrix construct. It would require a sudden upshift, a shared revelation of great energetic power, like a great wave that could wash the world in Light and reveal the fragile false facade, the flimsy movie set world where humankind was walking without seeing, striving without fulfillment, and believing a web of lies that had been built, through clever propaganda and intricate weaving of fantasy and sensation, to create a "world" that is not real.
This is our great moment, NOW. With the help of Mother and Father God, we have created that great upshift. The plans for our freedom are more intricate and grand than any Matrix side-show. It has taken thousands of years of planning and gradual growth for us to put in place the solid and reliable structure that will support Life in the Light of God's great plan for our happiness. It is a simple and direct program of change that will raise all to higher levels of consciousness, little by little, hand in hand.
You see, once we reach critical mass, the tipping point, we can simply dismantle the systems and structures that kept the delusions alive in our minds. When enough enslaved humans awaken to see that they are the majority, and that their Overlords cannot maintain their power without the agreement of all who are "subjects," the old systems will crumble into dust. Revolutions have been won on Earth, only to have the rebels recreate the patterns of abuse they fought against in the first place, and so the underbelly of the Matix was unwittingly recreated, over and over. We must rise above those temptations this time. We are ready, and our numbers grow every day.
A rebellion like those of old is replaying now in the United States, where the populace is being asked to decide what level of arrogance, meanness and buffoonery they will tolerate before they finally glimpse the shoddy truth behind the mask of chest-thumping theatrical outrage: It is a tired replay of the rage, hatred, racism and petty superiority that feeds the delusions that feed the ego that believes the delusions. We have all been caught up in these sad "Incarnation Games." Where will we take it from here?
We Are a Heavenly Team, Above and Below
You will notice that I say "we," and I am speaking for the Company of Heaven when I include all of us who have overseen and monitored this Earth Project, for we have all played both parts - the incarnates and the spiritual guides who stayed in higher dimensions to hold on to our beloved ones as they braved the turmoil on Surface Earth. Neither role is easy, I can assure you, but being the one to incarnate requires real courage and grit. On the Spirit side of the Veil, we have the great advantage of being with Mother and Father God, steeped in their great Love, and we have the constant support and Love of our Brothers and Sisters of the Light.
For us there is no intrigue, no struggle, no physical pain, but that does not mean that our hearts are not breaking when we see our loved ones in pain. We feel our love, deep connection and loyalty just as you do, but with greater clarity because we have clear memories of our eons together, planning and working to achieve our shared goals.
Are you beginning to see the picture I am showing to you? You are the husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers we know and remember. We are working together on this, Dearly Beloved Ones. We have all shared the challenges and the delights of incarnating in a human body of Earth origins, and it is the most exquisitely delightful, and for many millennia, the most difficult of incarnations.
We honor you for your willingness to come during this time, to take the "night shift" at the most challenging and thrilling time in Earth's history. Now, the first rays of dawn are breaking. We are the family and friends who await you at the finish line of this historic marathon, and we are ready with the confetti and streamers, sparkling champagne showers and brass band serenades. All the Multiverse will celebrate your inspired sprint across the finish line. This is the unique human ability that is admired throughout the cosmos - the inner strength that inspires you to draw on more than your last reserves, to suddenly and brilliantly outdo yourself when you thought you were exhausted, to push through with joy and laughter in the moment when it really matters.
You Are Synergy, and You Are Beautiful
With every small triumph, every step you take in joy and celebration, you are lifting yourself and all around you. You are Synergy, and you are beautiful. The more you focus your sweet life force on our shared Vision, the more it changes the energy in your environment, clearing away the storm of dark energies. The more you reach out to us, the wider and stronger our Rainbow Bridge grows. Every thought, every gesture, every feeling is now important. As the group consciousness rises and Mother and Father's Light sweeps across the surface, the more we are lifting the entire population.
Yes, there is a last-ditch backlash from the ones who would try to sustain the Matrix in all its hideous practices and sugar-coated temptations. We have worked with you for many months now to remind you of your penetrating intuition, your deeply loving hearts, and the fact that we are well on our way to making the monumental shift that will carry this train to glory, as the song goes. (By the way, the toe-tapping song "This Train Is Bound for Glory" is one of Mother's current favorite Earth songs. She laughs and emanates sparks of joy, and wants all of us to join in.)
There is no need to break the code or figure out the secret to the Matrix. The answer is so simple it is hiding in plain sight. It is Love, and that Love is Us. Our steadfast refusal to believe that darkness is real will carry the day. Our Vision is already forming before our eyes, with the hands-on assistance of millions of Lightworkers who have worked for years to create the new structures for NESARA, GESARA and all the accompanying triumphs of liberty, abundance and peace. Your bright energies are flowing together in a river of golden Light, joining with the Loving energies of Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven, as we match your every incremental rise. I raise you, as you raise me; you carry your brother, and your brother begins to smile and reaches out to carry a child. Together, we are the Ascension of Planet Earth.
This is the way we are doing it, and this is the way we will transcend every temporary bump in the road - together. Hallelujah, Brothers and Sisters, hallelujah.
I am your Sananda, in service to the Ascension of Planet Earth.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, January 19, 2016
"Your Time to Shine"
by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
7 Can, 17 Chen, 12 Manik January 19, 2016
Selamat Jalwa! All is well and wonderful with Gaia! Those who are designated to deliver your goodies are poised to complete this grand task! The delay, which overtook these valiant warriors, is over. The operation to take down the dark oligarchy is resuming. In addition, the process to install new governance is waiting in full anticipation for the deliveries to reach the previously agreed upon magic numbers. At that point, the pro-cabal governments are to fall and be swiftly followed by the new designated governments. These new rulers are to dissolve the legislature and the courts and begin a process that is to greatly alter how these bodies are presently constructed. New rules on elections and general guidelines for procedures are to be built into these public organizations. This is to allow these organs of governance to truly be made of conscious legislators and judges who willingly follow the honest dictates of Common Law. This is formally to signal that your freedom from the tyranny of the bankers and their many allies is now over.
Your part in this great adventure in learning is to support these changes and to welcome the great beginnings of your prosperity. It is as well to mean the start of new and freer banking and currency operations. You are to become wealthy and the master of a system that is to allow you to set up your healings and permit the various humanitarian projects that are to aid your fellows and change this realm's ecology efforts. Millions of species, which represent this realm's flora and fauna, are to be saved from oblivion. In addition, many species that were nearly ready to be decimated are to be saved. The vast amount of pollution is to be eliminated. The problem of waste that currently clogs your sewers and prevents you from obtaining the amount of drinking water needed can be easily corrected. You are to be able to employ technologies that are to transform your world. Moreover, you are to introduce methods that are to alter the unsafe nature of your transportation systems. You are entering a new and dynamic reality!
As you can see, you are on the verge of a vastly reformed reality. This realm is to adopt new governance and a much more transparent financial system. This process is to finally bring the recognition long denied by the West to China and the rest of the third world. These long underpaid nations are to be able to develop and construct water and sewage systems that were formerly thought too expensive to undertake. These humanitarian projects are to transform your world and permit all to enjoy the modern living systems long denied them. In this new realm, all humanity can contribute to the projects that can transform your water, land and air. You are to bring to Gaia a means to restore her to full health and allow all humanity to live in a most marvelous age. In this reformed environment all are to be prosperous, learned and able to equally participate in the new time. This is a time which is to bring you a whole host of ways to be a true land guardian of Mother Gaia! All of this is merely a prelude to our formal arrival.
Our arrival, as noted in a number of previous reports is to bring you our special mentors. Before they come, a number of formal teaching sessions are needed by your Ascended Masters. These sessions are to permit you to learn about your true history in detail; to learn about your reasons for being here and how the Atlanteans suddenly plunged you into limited consciousness. You will learn as well how your various languages, cultures and religions were forged. The former role of the Anunnaki and their minions is to be exposed as well as how your transformation back to full consciousness is to happen. Once these many truths are fully absorbed, you are then prepared for what our mentors are to frankly tell you. All of this is to be somewhat shocking to you. The most vital point is to realize just how much you are connected to each other. Of key importance is to really Love each other. Become aware of each other in this new Loving way and be able to truly appreciate how you can together save Gaia and each other!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This is a most auspicious time for Gaia and for all humanity. The Anunnaki and their dark minions are finally being isolated. Long ago, when we began our special journey, humanity was firmly under the thumb of this evil oligarchy. At times, it seemed as though they were omnipotent. Under the guidance of Heaven, we persisted and slowly began to form secret societies to aid the Light and to start to bring humanity back to the Light. This prolonged operation began decades ago to succeed and to permit the Light to safely take down the dark cabal. Over a decade ago, our blessed helpers in Earth and in Heaven hit upon a methodology, which is succeeding as planned. The vital point here is therefore for you to remain positive and able to fully support these most noble efforts. Amazing things are truly ready to happen!
All of this is positive proof of the degree of honor, which Heaven is righteously composed of. The dark oligarchs were strongly bent on making you mere pawns in a method to permanently isolate you from your families in Spirit and in space. These possibilities are now thwarted. What we ask of you is to remain positively supportive of what our allies are working so diligently to achieve. A new financial system that fully supports a state of permanent prosperity is now practically in effect. There are a number of programs, which are quickly to forge new and enlightened governance. These operations are as well complete and ready to come online. These grand blessings are only the start of how this formerly dark reality is to change. Thus, dear Hearts, your time to shine is finally upon you. Be wise in your decisions and brilliant in your actions.
Remember who you really are. You are not one who blithely follows actions inculcated into you by the dark. You are really one who can see the distortions given by the dark to twist your beliefs to ways more friendlily to theirs. This time is one of full liberation from these dark ways and a turn in glee to the true belief embedded in the moral ways of the Light! This procedure is now happening as you turn from war and wayward discontent to a new way that emphasizes your connectedness to each other and to the Light. This growing truth is to enable you to join together and successfully steward the many types of Gaia's flora and fauna. We are proud of you and are most delighted to supervise each one of you. The future of this great realm is truly bright and filled with your sacred Light!
Today, we carried on with our report of what is happening worldwide. Be happy and know that great wealth and a much overdue time for your liberation from the dark is now underway. The Light is making it possible as well for your return to full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
More from Sheldan Nidle and PAO...
Including this month's webinar "CETACEANS": HERE
Community Corner
"All the Debt in the World Could Be Instantly Abolished"
Saul through John Smallman
Humanity's moment of awakening is very close. So much information has been revealed by alternate sources about corruption in high places that the mainstream media is having to take note and start at least acknowledging the fact that enormous changes are occurring on the international political front as well as reporting on some of the corruption in the international corporate world.
The world is an illusory place, nevertheless, human activities within it have been the cause of much pain and suffering over the eons as small but powerful cliques have done their utmost to control and use humanity at large for their various nefarious self-centered agendas, which they have always insisted are for the greater good of humanity. And for eons humanity has effectively been enslaved by these powerful and corrupt elites. Now, as their secretive real intentions are being revealed by whistle blowers all across the planet, and are being reported on alternate but honest Internet news sites, their power and influence is collapsing. The forces of corruption can only work when they are hidden from view. As they are revealed in all their knavery their power dissolves as those who supported them flee in disarray.
The times of depravation are finished as the nightmares they spawned dissolve in the Light that so many are now shining into the darkest of places. Every human is, at the deep and eternal center of their being, a being of Light, of Love, regardless of the mask or unreal front they present to the world by means of their human nature, their egoic nature, the personality they display to the illusory world in which they are engaged as players in an unfolding drama of separation.
That drama is just that, a drama, a spectacle of unreal events and relationships, whose sole purpose is to distract from Reality, your Oneness with our divine Creator. In the drama it seems that a few of you are powerful independent beings attempting destroy each other as you struggle to build an impregnable power base from which to rule that illusory world. And, as your history shows all too clearly, those power bases
always collapse under the burden of betrayal and dishonesty that is intended to support them.
Love is eternal, anything that is not in total harmony and alignment with Love is illusory and cannot last. Humanity has at last collectively realized this, and as a direct result of this realization you are, collectively, choosing to engage with Love and by so doing changing the world. Peace to engage with your individual creative abilities and thus bring yourselves truly to life is what the vast majority want. They are tired of being enslaved by debt with the resultant need to work for someone else in order to earn a living to support their families and pay off those debts.
All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished, and if it was only a very small minority of shamefully wealthy ones would lose out - that is lose out as understood by the present global economic system - but only by an insignificant amount. They would remain very wealthy and would lack for nothing. All that they would actually lose would be their status as powerful, influential, and prestigious individuals to whom all others were encouraged to kowtow. The very aspects of their nature that they value most highly and which have always bred corruption and deceit leading consistently to conflict, war, and suffering for humanity at large.
There are now many bright, intelligent, and influential people in the world who know this, and who are using their skills to bring about worldwide debt forgiveness. People who realize that the only halcyon way forward for humanity is through harmonious and tenderhearted cooperation. Presently the possibility of such a major change to global economics is not widely discussed even in the alternate news media, but it will occur as part of humanity's ongoing awakening process.
The old order, which has for eons striven to contain and restrain humanity by enslaving it in debt, is collapsing. Its last dying efforts to hold on to power will not be successful. Its time is past. Signs of its imminent death are evident in the ongoing virulent international disagreementsabout resolving the presently overwhelming global problems apparently facing the world - of conflict, economic disparity, and poverty, and of dealing with the masses of refugees fleeing the areas where these inhumane and unacceptable living conditions prevail.
All these problems can and will be resolved because the will to do so has been collectively established. Humanity is extremely fatigued and is no longer prepared to put up with the degrading and inhuman ways in which a small minority of arrogant bullies has been treating the good, ordinary, and hard-working citizens of Planet Earth.
The New Age has arrived, and uplifting evidence of this is appearing in many places, as Light workers and Light bearers continue to hold the intent to be loving in every moment. When you hold this intent your individual energy fields expand enormously and the effect is felt worldwide. You
are changing the world simply by changing yourselves as you release grievances and engage with acceptance and forgiveness of one another through the Power of Love that is your eternal nature.
Your eternal nature is changeless because it is perfect, created perfect by God. Within the illusion you have all played games of power and betrayal, and the remnants of the attitudes you embraced while playing those games are now coming up for recognition and release. Many of you are finding this painful because you had buried aspects of yourselves that you despised deep within your subconscious, and these shadow aspects do not sit well with your loving intentions. It can indeed be shocking to find unexpected emotions of bitterness, hatred, and resentment coming to the surface of your awareness.
The illusion is an arena of duality - good versus evil - and so it seems that you all have a good side and a bad side. In fact, to play the game of separation, you just split yourselves into two and engaged with the self that was most appropriate for the part you were playing. However, neither of these sides are as they appear - complete and independent - they are each essential parts of the other, and for separation and the illusion to dissolve these two parts have to be reintegrated.
What you are doing, as you keep making and holding the intent to be loving in every moment, is allowing yourselves to see and acknowledge these two sides of your nature without judgment so that they may cease fighting each other and come together in perfect harmony making you One once more. Do not be alarmed by your feelings and emotions however strange, unsettling, or frightening they may seem. Just let them flow through your minds as you observe them without acting on them or engaging with them. They are unreal, although you can and have made them seem very real by identifying with them. They are not you. As you just watch them flow you can see this, and you will find great peace in not engaging or identifying with them. Instead you will once more see who you truly are, an unchangeable divine being at one with Source.
With so very much love, Saul.
More from John Smallman: HERE
Quote of the Day
by Lazaris
Art Credit: Gilbert Williams, Healing Friends
"Be alive in this moment; be conscious of your treasures. Be spontaneous with your joy and thankfulness. Show your gratitude. It's time to fall in love again.
-- Lazaris
More from Lazaris: HERE
From the Editor's Desk...
~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~
Live Radio Show "Channel Panel"
Featuring The Company of Heaven
Happy New Year Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
8:00 PM EST
Last Live Show:
"Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Ashtar, Sananda, Serapis Bey... & Mother God"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth
By Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
I am your brother,
Archangel Michael
Namaste All.
Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015
Photo Credit: Griffith Observatory
Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
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Featured Radio Show:
AA Michael's Etheric Retreat, with Sananda/Jesus: Becoming Your Higher Self
Sleeper Cell Removal:
Part 3 - Dark Cell Removal & The Pillar Portal of Peace with AA Michael
Please enjoy our YouTube channel.
Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.